
The Food Bank moves to its own warehouse

The Hungarian Food Bank Association, that is celebrating its eight birthday moves to its own warehouse base, thanks to the donation of the Heynderickx couple. The warehouse, located in the...

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Tequila booklet: interesting facts on the national drink of the Mexicans

Salt, lemon, shot – and sometimes orange, cinnamon shot. This process is followed by most people when they drink tequila. Many people consume it in the form of various cocktails,...

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Paprika Festival in Szeged

You can learn everything about peppers on 5 October in Szeged-Alsóvároson. The festival presents the past and present of paprika, the countless ways of using and its special types. The...

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Magazine: Herbal tea is the most popular natural medicine

Acdcording to GfK Hungária’s Health Economy Monitor 2012 study, Hungarians spent more money on presereving their health last year. 15 percent of the country’s population uses alteranative or natural medicines...

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The professional background of bottle deposit

The amount of illegally dumped waste in Hungary reaches an estimated 100 tons per year, while about 10 thousand tons of garbage is flowing accross the country through the river...

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Csabai and Gyulai Sausage are the top national values

The Békés County Depository Commission decided that the Csabai Sausage, Gyulai Sausage and the Castle of Gyula are top national values, these values are proposed to be Hungaricums in Békés...

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92 percent have tried out organic food products in’s survey

If there is a word that we hear more and more: bio. However, according to the research of we know little about what can really be considered as bio....

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Outstanding choirs will take part at the European Wine Song Festival

Choirs representing the highest quality will perform at the European Wine Song Festival between 27 and 28 September in several wine cellars of the Villány wine region and in Pécs....

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The European Commission would open the EU’s wine market for Moldova

The European Commission suggests to open the EU market as soon as possible for the imports wines from Moldova. \”The full opening of EU markets for Moldovan wines at the...

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Two hundred types of food prepared of cabbage in Demecser at the weekend

Nearly a hundred cooking teams will prepare more than two hundred special cabbage foods, including stuffed, toros and Székely cabbages on Saturday and Sunday at the 9th Cabbage Days in...

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Mangalitsas and bald neck hens are bred at the Transylvanian estate of Prince Charles

Traditional Transylvanian animals, mangalitsas and bald neck hens are bred at Prince Charles\'s Transylvanian estate – Kálnoky Tibor, responible for the Transylvanian affairs of Prince Charles told MTI. Kálnoky Tibor...

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Rotten fruits in Chinese juices?

A business daily accused China\'s large domestic soft drinks manufacturers of using rotten and unripe fruits- the authorities have launched investigations in the case. In Anhui Province, the operations of...

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KSH: 1.2 percent growth in retail sales in July

July – compared to the previous month's decline – the volume of retail sales increased again, and according to the calendar adjusted data exceeded last year’s datas by 1.2 percent...

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NFH: Part of the frying sausages are too oily and wet

During the inspections of the consumer protection authority, all tested sausages fulfilled the the protein, fat and water content value requirements of the food book, while 25 percent of frying...

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Hungarian food products at the the Polish agricultural show

Hungarian foods will debut at the POLAGRA agricultural exhibition in Poznan. At the event’s opening ceremony Kardeván Endre Minister of State Ministry of Rural Development (VM) responsible for Food Chain...

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The Kapos menti Gastro Cultural Festival promotes Rákóczi cottage cheese

In addition to the promotion of the Rákóczi cottage cheese, Rákóczi János master chef will also be commemorated on 27 and 28 September at the Kapos menti Gastro Cultural Festival...

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Adopt a pálinka plum tree in the Buda Castle

The Békési Pálinkaház launches an unconventional initiative at the Buda Castle Pálinka and Sausage Festival opening on 3 October. At the stall anyone can adopt the a plum tree, and...

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Bread has become cheaper in Romania but prices declined by only the half of the preferential VAT rate

According to the Romanian Competition Council the price of bread fell by about 6 percent, with the introduction of the reduced VAT, but it could be 12 percent less expensive...

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The Serbian customers consider the supply and the proximity of the business more important than the price of products

The price is only the third most important factor in Serbia. The wide range of products and the proximity of the business is considered to be much more important –...

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The 6th Sustainability Day is coming

Idén hatodik alkalommal kerül megrendezésre az esemény A Magyar Telekom idén is párbeszédet kezdeményez fenntarthatóság témában: 2013-ban már hatodik alkalommal kerül megrendezésre a Fenntarthatósági Nap elnevezésű konferencia.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nA rendezvény a többi...

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Delay may cost one million HUF

The NAV gave a reprieve to the retailers until the end of September, to order their online cash registers fom licensed distributors. Those who will not meet the deadline will...

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OMÉK: The Minister believes that schwine strategy will be effective

The implementation of the schwine strategy adopted in the summer has begun, some elements are already in operation. The joint efforts for the development of the pig sector will be...

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National school fruit scheme starts with Lazytown

The National School Fruit Scheme starts in September this year. 75 percent of the Hungarian schools are participating in the EU-funded program. The school fruit scheme, started 5 years ago,...

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The COPA elected a Hungarian Vice-President

Kis Miklós Zsolt the General president of the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) was elected as the Vice-President of the most influential European-level representation of the interests of individual...

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Hungarian pálinka festival held for the first time in America

Hungarian pálinka festival was held for the first time in the United States, in Linden, New Jersey. At the event, more than five hundred people participated. The income of the...

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Mini-breweries are becoming more and more popular in the Czech Republic

The demand for mini-breweries is increasing in the Czech Republic as well as their popularity. “In mid-September 189 mini breweries were operating in the Czech Republic and this number will...

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Bread can be bought on credit in Serbia

In Serbia , more and more retail chains allow the customers to pay the bill not immediately, but just a year later, ie bread and milk can be bought on...

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The forecast of GKI for 2013-2014

The Hungarian economy wobbles on a recessionary trajectory. Only 1.3 per cent economic growth can be expected in 2014, after a rate of 0.3 per cent in 2013, and the...

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Borvirág Wineclub – With Bacchus… and music!

The wine-tasting event's goal is to deepen the wine culture of women and to make the purchase decision easier, which often seems difficult. Further information about previous programmes can be...

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KSH: wheat crop increased by 28 percent

This year, 5,143 million tons of wheat was grown, 28.2 percent more than in 2012. The volume of yield is surpassing the average of the previous five years by 17.4...

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