
Less companies were founded with much less capital

This year until the end of November, a total of 29,224 firms have started to operate in Hungary, almost two thousand less than in the first eleven months of last...

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More than 240 tons of food products were donated in the scope of the Giving is a joy! action

More than 240 tons of food products were gathered in the Giving is a joy! charitative initative of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service. According to the communication of the organization,...

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Growing demand for branded products in the praline market

Half of Hungarian households purchased some kind of praline in January-September 2013. The number of buyers has been rather stable in the last few years. In the first nine months...

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Six major department store chains can change to online cash registers

The Hungarian chains have achived great steps to meet the requirements of the terms of the wiring of the online cash registers. The approval process of further six online cash...

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The turnover of nonprescription products related to the digestive system grew by five percent

The retail sales of nonprescription products related to the digestive system (gastroenterology), between November 2012 and October 2013 increased by 12 billion HUF, which is five percent increase, compared with...

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Agricultural statistics to be renewed

From January, a modern unified agricultural statistical online information system replaces the former paper-based one. The new system works in coordination with the Piaci Árinformációs Rendszerrel (PÁIR) Market Price Information...

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Half of the consumed fish is imported

The per capita fish consumption in Hungary has reached 4 kilogrammes. Half of this amount comes from imports – Kardeván Endre, Chief Veterinarian, Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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EU slap to the Hungarian VAT Act

The European Court of Justice told on Thursday in its judgment, that the Hungarian VAT act, regulating the conditions of the tax exemption of the export sales is contrary to...

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Most Hungarian brands are successful by chance

Hungarian brand owners are often proud of their positions in various rankings, but in many cases the excellent performance isn’t the result of conscious brand building. Few Hungarian firms start...

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GKI-Erste economic sentiment index at its decade peak

In December the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects continued its spectacular rise, after doing similarly almost constantly throughout the year. According to the empirical survey conducted by...

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The business confidence of the Hungarian entrepreneurs has increased towards the international and domestic economy

Hungarian CEOs are more optimistic than the international and regional average. Domestic companies are evaluating the international and Hungarian economic situation more and more positively. They place a great emphasis...

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VM: frozen sea fish to be to be controlled nationwide

Fazekas Sándor Minister for Rural Development ordered the controls of frozen sea fish across the country – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) told MTI. The inspectors will check the...

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The tobacco retail concession tender has been published

The public concession tender has been published over the tobacco selling entitlement in 992 settlements – the ND Nonprofit Zrt. announced. The deadline for the submission of the applications is...

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The Dairy Product Board has not changed its basic price projections

The presidency of the Dairy Product Board has not changed its basic price projections. The projection for the annual average price for the basic price is still 99 forints per...

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Lou Lou

Lou Lou, which closed in 2009 and used to be the restaurant most likely to earn Hungary’s first Michelin star. Owner Károly Rudits recruited the former sous chef of Costes...

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Shops will close in early 2014 only as a last resort

It is not expected, that shops will be closed at the beginning of the year, due to lack of online cash registers. Vágújhelyi Ferenc, IT vice president of NAV told...

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The energy-conscious companies’ savings can be spent on invest

For the third of the Hungarian economy participants energy awareness is not an integral part of the in the corporate culture – the survey of MVM Partner Zrt. shows. According...

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We know it is counterfeited but we buy it

The latest survey of reveals that in the wardobes of men the ratio of branded products is higher than in the wardrobes of women. The latest survey of

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Research on the most popular domestic games

The Formatex has carried out its Family Playing Great research, which presents the most popular playing habits and most popular game types of the domestic families. The survey aims to...

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Santa Claus brought the gifts this year by truck

The Santa Claus Factory has opened its doors on 6 December 6. Donations are expected under the Christmas fund-raising campaign until 22 December. In the distribution of the donations the...

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The growth rate of luxury spendings declined in China

The growth rate of luxury spendings declined to such depths, have not seen for more than a decade in China, because the wealthy Chinese are increasingly buying luxury goods abroad...

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Hungary performing better than EU average in many areas

Central Europe has been successfully renewed and has a competitive economy, making it is a good destination for foreign investors, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in a lecture held at...

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GfK: Hungarians consume more meat during the end of the year

According to the datas of GfK Hungária’s Household Panel, the Hungarian households consume 10 percent of the annual total sales of the fast moving consumer goods, such as fresh meat...

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So far, 5,706 cash registers have been connected to NAV

So far, 5,706 cash registers have been connected to NAV from the expected 205 thousand – the NAV told Origo. The deadline for larger shops, petrol stations, pharmacies is approaching,...

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Varga Árpád: there is no solution to eliminate the VAT frauds

“It is not realistic that a change occurs in the VAT system not only in Hungary, but nor anywhere in EU as well. It should be noted that the VAT...

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K&H Bank: Christmas shopping with one touch

According to the statistics of the K&H Bank, the amount of credit card purchases and cash withdrawals grow by about 10 percent in December, compared to the previous month, the...

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ZEW’s sentiment indicator for the Eurozone improved significantly in December

ZEW’s sentiment index, reflecting economic outlooks improved significantly in December, high above the market expectations – the Mannheim-based ZEW (Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung) Economic Research Institute announced on Tuesday. In...

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Hand hygiene during the holiday season

The holidays are approaching and everyone is in aChristmas fever. The streets are full as well as the Christmas markets and shops. However, not only people are swarming everywhere, but...

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Seven thousand people were given food packages in the scope of the Food Avalanche initative

More than 15 tons of persistent food products were distributed in the past weeks in the scope of the Food Avalanche program of the Hungarian Food Bank Association and Syngenta....

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Join us for a Bayern Gastrotour

Coninvest Kft. and MVI is organizing a Bayern Gastrotour to get to know the specialities of the region. Entrance: 420 euros+VAT A detailed program can be downloaded here. Get more...

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