
37871.png From Greece to Germany: consumers changed their spending to save money

According to a Nielsen survey, in the 3rd quarter of 2013 eight out of ten Hungarians changed their spending habits to save money. The average of 31 European countries in...

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Ipsos: “…time seems to stand still”

Ipsos’ continuous survey carried out in 24 countries shows that the people's economy mood remained unchanged to the previous year. 37 percent of the respondents consider their country’s results as...

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The MVM launched a unique application for the energy conscious domestic businesses

“Energy efficiency is becoming a competitive issue” – Németh Lászlóné, Minister for National Development and the patronage of MVM’s application told. The MVM Partner Zrt., which is the subsidiary of...

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NGM would bound the support of online cash register to a deadline

The National Economy Ministry (NGM) proposes that the deadline for state aid to the exchange of the cash register to be 31 January 2014. The Ministry in its communication sent...

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The unusual warmth has not damaged the orchards yet

The unusually warm weather in December and January has not been damaged the orchards yet, the buds are having a rest – Mártonffy Béla, president of the Hungarian Fruit and...

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VM: more then a hundred winning applicants are promoting Hungarikums

More then a hundred winning applicants are promoting Hungarikums and the national values – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) told on Tuesday. The Ministry of Rural Development, announced an...

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End of masculine internet in Hungary?

The “male dominance” that was experienced in the previous years almost completely disappeared from the online world. In Hungary, the internet habits of men and women broadly consistent with the...

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FruitVeB: the changing of the thermal water regulation will reduce the burdens

The FruitVeB welcomes the amendments of the regulation governing the use of thermal water. The FruitVeb, considered the regulation amendment, particularly important in the point of view of the vegetable...

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Meat market can be whitened as the result of the VAT cut

Professional participants of the meat sector are urging the continuitation of the VAT cut, after the VAT on living and carcassed pigs decreased from 27 to 5 percent, from 1...

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Support can also be claimed for the exchange of the cash registers this year

According to the the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) the support can be claimed on the 1411 formula. The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) in its rommunication recalls...

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The lower income groups spend more on tobacco products

More than 60 percent of the smokers in Budapest are satisfied with the number and the location of the tobacco shops, while 55 percent of the people living in villages...

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The government is non-orthodox in the cash register case

The government delays the deadline of the cash register replacement. The original deadline would have been 31 December 2013, but as Varga Mihály, Minister of National Economy told at a...

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Eurozone’s investor sentiment is on its multi-annual peak

Eurozone’s investor sentiment is on its thirty-three-month peak – the Berlin-based Sentix Economic Research Institute announced on Monday. The sentiment index is compiled on the basis of intwerviews with nearly...

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The amount of declared food chain management fees has increased

The amount of declared food chain management fees has increased in 2013 by 3-4 percent – the Napi Gazdaság wrote on the basis of the communication of the National Food...

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The National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre operates from 1 January

The National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre (NAIK) has started its operations on 1 January, 2014. The Gödöllő-based center was established with the coordination of the operations of thirteen research...

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Recent Chinese food scandal: puddle water in lamb meat

Puddle water was injected to lamb meat in Canton province South China to increase the weight of the product to gain higher price – the Chinese Central Television, the CCTV...

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Chestnut jam from the Mecsekalja

Chestnut jam is available again in the Mecsekalja since 2009. Perhaps the hardest to cook home cooked jam is made of chestnuts from Zengővárkony. The first chestnut jam, made of...

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A butter shortage isn’t unlikely

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI)’s market report reveals that according to KSH data there were 2.892 million pigs (776,000 at individual farms and 2.116 million at economic...

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Frankfurter consumption increases by one-third at year-end

The hit product of New Year's Eve continues to be frankfurters. In December, more than half of all households are buying one-third more of it, a total of 80 dekagrammes...

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Only 10 percent of Hungarians drink wine daily

Today, only 10 percent of Hungarians consider themselves as regular daily wine consumers, while 10 years ago this figure was 19.1 percent – the recent survey of Varga Winery shows....

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Bisnode: the bill payment discipline of the companies improved in 2013

Bill payment discipline improved in 2013 among the Hungarian companies. Currently they pay 62 percent of their bills on time, while a year earlier the rate was only 56 percent...

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Cash registers – NGM: the official price of data transfer is lower than the market price

The official price of data transfer announced on the online cash registers is lower than the market price – the Ministry of National Economy (MNE) told MTI on Thursday. According...

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According to the Hungarian entrepreneurs, the way out is collaboration

The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ), the Üzleti Klinika (Business Clinic) and the Nagykermarketing (Wholesale Marketing) carried out a survey in November 2013, with the involvement of 6300...

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Trips organized to product presentations is notifiable from January

The dealer is required to report trips organized with the aim of product distributions from January – the government decree was published on Monday in the Magyar Közlöny (Hungarian Official...

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Pintér István: the consumer protection authority performed well last year

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) was able to carry out all of the necessary checks in all sectors this year – Pintér István, the Director of the National Consumer...

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The NAV checks postal packages containing tobacco products

According to the communication of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV), the finance officers of NAV have seized more than one and a half tons of untaxed tobacco products...

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Paper product sales speed up in the holiday season

Despite the protracted recession the household hygiene paper products market stagnates and value sales are growing a bit. Réka Nagy, marketing manager with SCA Hygiene Products Kft. told Trade magazin...

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Vámos György: increase occured in trade this year

According to Vámos György, 2013 brought a turnaround in trade. A smaller expansion started in the industry, but the Secretary-General of the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) does not expect a...

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OKSZ: retail sales in December may expand by 2 percent

Retail sales in December may expand with a greater extent, than it was predicted in the previous forecast. It may expand by up to 2 percent, compared to the previous...

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Four hundred tons of Hortobágyi fish were sold in December

The Hortobágyi Halgazdaság Zrt. sold four hundred tons of fish in December – Lupsán Róbert CEO informed MTI. Traditionally, most of the fish is sold in December. Domestic consumers purchase...

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