Fragrances tuned to moods
The breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives, many people started working from home, people meet others much less often and they don’t frequent gyms. Consequently, deodorant sales reduced considerably in 2020.

Gabriella Farkas-Pogács
senior brand manager
Henkel Magyarország
Gabriella Farkas-Pogács, senior brand manager of Henkel Magyarország Kft. told our magazine that the most popular format is still sprays, followed by roll-on and stick deos. Henkel’s Fa brand offers a large selection of products. For many years the most successful of these has been the Divine moments deo spray among women, while men have liked Fa Men Sport deodorant the most.
This year will also bring new products for both women and men. In the summer of 2021 the deodorant portfolio is going to be updated completely. The product formula will also change, making Fa deodorants more effective. What is more, less plastic will be used in production. //
Deodorant sales dropped in 2020

Guest author:
Fruzsina Dászkál
senior analyst
In January-December 2020 deodorant sales stayed below HUF 20 billion, having decreased by 7 percent in comparison with 2019. Volume sales fell even more, by 10 percent. Hungarian consumers purchased 27.5 million deodorant products last year. Drugstores realised more than half of deodorant value sales. In value 97 percent of deodorants sold were manufacturer brands. Value sales of branded products were down 7 percent and private label deo sales fell 11 percent. //
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