
Starts with watercolors, ends with food – Video of the day

Edgar Artis’s images are fresh, fun, and probably more for the internet....

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Beer producers are satisfied with the turnover in the first half of the year

The beer producers are satisfied with the turnover of the first half of the year, although the sales in July were slightly more restrained – MTI quoted the statement of...

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Gala dinner and Gundel award ceremony again – you too can take part in the celebration of the horeca industry

The Károly Gundel awards will be presented at the gala: the 2020 awards are awarded to Dr. László Csizmadia (posthumous) and Attila Molnár, the 2021 awards for Gyula Berkes and...

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Outdoor advertising, 2022 – Video of the day

One weekend in August, a 3D advertising event for the Subway restaurant chain took place on the wall(?) of London’s Westfield Stratford City shopping center, where those lucky passers-by who...

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You can also vote for the winner of this year’s Gundel Award

In memory of the work of the restaurateur and gastronomy writer Károly Gundel, the Hungarian Hospitality Industry Association – with the cooperation of several partner organizations – announces a call...

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This is how the street person in Seoul lives! – Video of the day

Looking at the preparation of such appetizing dishes from so many unknown (or just unrecognized) ingredients (and also pay attention to how well the camera moves!) we really hope that...

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Eat yourself to be more muscular! – Picture of the day

Eating makes you thinner, we could say, and this time we don’t mean eating so-called negative calorie foods: the Dumbbell sports equipment company welded the fork and knife onto one-kilogram...

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Belvárosi Sörfesztivál begins with the support of SPAR Hungary

The 6th Downtown Beer Festival begins today, and SPAR Hungary has been its main sponsor since this year. The domestic chain has been helping small domestic businesses, including small-scale breweries,...

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Nébih opened a street exhibition

A street exhibition of works on the topic of food waste opened on August 30, 2022. II. the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) in its district headquarters. The thought-provoking...

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A huge spa closing wave may start in autumn

Hajdúszoboszló and Hévíz are not escaping either – claims the president of the Hungarian Bathing Association, Zoltán Kántás. He explained in detail the components of the impending tragedy to Infostart’s...

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Weird speech, but there is sense in it – Video of the day

OK, it might seem a bit corny to quote Hamlet here, but something very similar came to mind when we saw the pub game in our movie today. Immature, unpredictable...

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Take it and advertise it – Picture of the day

The bottle holders shown in today’s pictures are creative and witty, although we would like to test whether they obey Murphy’s laws before using them. If they work, they can...

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MVI condemns unfair business attitude

In a statement, the Hungarian Hospitality Industry Association distances itself from what happened in the Hajós utca bar and any method of stealing from tourists, and calls on the competent...

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Get to know first-hand the results of the sectoral project aimed at stimulating atypical employment!

VIMOSZ, MVI and Edutus University are holding a conference on the labor market situation of accommodation services and hospitality. The organizers are expecting as many interested representatives of the profession...

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The banks have announced how long the remaining amount on the SZÉP cards can be used

The issuing banks revealed how long the owners can use the amount on the SZÉP cards, and they also answered where employees can spend their fringe benefits. K&H wrote that...

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Shops and restaurants in Rome are protesting against rising energy prices by displaying utility bills

Electricity and gas bills are displayed in the shop windows of Rome’s shops and restaurants at the request of trade and consumer protection organizations, which want to protest the skyrocketing...

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Let’s find out if it’s still possible to go on cheap holidays in Hungary

Tourism does not have easy years: it has barely overcome the closures due to the coronavirus epidemic, and the new challenge, the energy crisis, is already here. The big question...

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The sun is cooking – Video of the day

There are 4 million solar “garden” ovens in operation in the world: they are energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Just a little good feeling for someone to see our film...

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Symmetrical breakfasts – Picture of the day

We like symmetry and we don’t like to eat alone. This is somehow the case with Michael Zee, who took a photo of a beautifully successful breakfast he prepared for...

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No more physical guest book

The Hungarian parliament has voted yes on abolishing paper guest books in hotels and other places of accommodation as of 1 January 2023. This means that accommodation providers will have...

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Mandatory deposit return scheme

From 1 July 2023 a mandatory deposit return scheme for glass and plastic bottles and aluminium cans will be introduced in Hungary. László Kovács, president of the Guild of Hungarian...

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Green packaging

Indepack Kft. has asked more than 10,000 hospitality partners about their packaging use, in the form of a questionnaire survey. It was revealed that the proportion of biodegradable/compostable packaging continues...

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At home, in Hungary

Hello Hungary is a new tourism website, which is a culinary guide, an online tourism magazine and an event calendar at the same time – reported welovebudapest.hu. Visitors can read...

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Soon, you won’t be able to pay with this SZÉP card anywhere

For eleven years now, since the summer of 2011, the Széchenyi Pihenő card, commonly known as the SZÉP card, has been a part of our lives. This form of fringe...

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The hamburger of Hungary is coming up!

On a late summer, early fall day, groups of friends and families who like hamburgers, quality meat, and outdoor grilling can take part in a real social experience and outdoor...

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The restaurant and foreign guests – Picture of the day

Phil’s Fish Market, a sea urchin restaurant in Moss Landing, California, is not only known for its gastronomy: the media has made a lot of attention to their “custom” of...

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This is also why Johnnie Walker got a square bottle – Video of the day

Everyone knows the Japanese diced melon, especially if you have seen our previous videos. The reason why we brought up the topic again is the packaging. What is the optimal...

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Hotel prices are falling in Western Europe?

Taking inflation into account, the prices of most European hotels are cheaper than in 2019, the VIMOSZ newsletter cited the analysis published on the Mabrian travel information platform. – The...

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The income of McDonald’s in Hungary increased enormously

The sales revenue of the Progress Restaurant chain, which operates McDonald’s restaurants in Hungary, was HUF 32.25 billion in the first six months of the year, which is an annual...

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Conference on the labor market situation of accommodation services and hospitality

The conference of VIMOSZ, MVI and Edutus University deals with the results of the sectoral project aimed at encouraging atypical employment, to which the organizers welcome everyone involved....

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