
The Chef’s Street

A new centre of Hungary’s culinary life is forming at the Downtown Market in Hold Street in Budapest. The Chef’s Street is true to Hungary’s traditions of the absurd: market...

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185 pieces of bacon in 5 minutes – Video of the day

Smithfield and I partnered up to help kick off the 2015 Racing season in a big way, by destroying any and all previous Bacon Eating Records in a 5 Minute...

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Candies of the world – Video of the day

They are found in Japan, they are found in Chile, in Canada and in Mauritana, in Russia and in India… Sophisticated and simple, for children and for adults, in moments...

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Magazine: Most important tasks in 2015

Having the representation expenses tax revoked, possibly in cooperation with other organisations. Developing the level of education. Recommendations in connection with the master’s exam: let’s not make passing the master’s...

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One of the world's most famous restaurants will reborn for three nights

One of the world’s most famous restaurant the elBulli will reborn in March, but only for three nights. The special dinner will be prepared by nine world-renowned chefs, who have...

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The song of the whiskey-addict – Video of the day

Nick Offerman is a man's man. He likes working with wood, he likes wearing plaid and he especially likes drinking whisky. Thus, the fine people at Diageo, the makers of...

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The Hungarian National Tourist Office has unveiled its new marketing strategy

The Hungarian National Tourist Office has presented its three-year (2015-2017) tourism marketing strategy on the first day of the Travel Expo, at the official conference of UNWTO. The primary task...

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Several seasonal, seafood-centered tasting menus – Video of the day

Los Angeles, a city of casual culinary delights, isn't rife with fine dining. But one of the best respected haute dining pillars is chef Michael Cimarusti's Providence, which has been...

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The National Restaurant Week offers premium menus this year

The guests of the 8th National Restaurant Week can meet with premium menus, offered by high-end restaurants, working with the highest quality, premium ingredients. The National Restaurant Week will be...

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The former Vörösmarty cinema to be turned into a Special café

The Municipal Assembly decided on Wednesday that a special coffee house and a cultural center will be created in the building of the former Vörösmarty cinema. The coffe house will...

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Starting the year

The MVI held a presidency meeting on 7 January, while the body of representatives met on 14 January. It was decided that this year the gala dinner will take place...

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Drops of health – Being overweight

All tea comes from one plant Camellia Sinensis if it doesn't come from that plant it is not tea (herbs come from a variety of plants). Over time, the plant...

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An ultra-orthodox pub was opened in Jerusalem

Jerusalem's nightlife is spreading to the ultra-Orthodox sector: A new bar called “Kretshme” (a public house in Yiddish), located within the allies of the haredi Geula neighborhood, offers visitors meat...

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What do you sell with 100 maids – Video of the day

100 Japanese maids challenge a frying pan relay to deliver a fresh and hot breakfast to their master!! The frying pans they use are called“FlavorStone”, which is known for the...

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KSH: the pick-up in domestic demand pulled the tourism of the Lake Balaton last year

Last year, 1 million 445 thousand guests spent 4 million 887 thousand guests nights at commercial accommodations near the Lake Balaton. Last year 38,500 more people visited the commercial accommodations...

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Foods That Fight Inflammation

Inflammation is like salt. A pinch is a good thing, but get a tad too much and it ruins everything. Acute inflammation, your body’s response to a cut or pathogens...

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The Gluttonous Thursday action attracted one and a half million guests in ten years

In the past ten years nearly one and a half million people visited the participating restaurants in the past ten years nationwide, since the Gluttonous Thursday action started – Lipcsey...

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Tourism increased in Nyíregyháza

Last year the tourism in Nyíregyháza increased above the national average, by 7.2 percent – Parillák Gabriella, press officer of the mayor's office told MTI. She told that according to...

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The confectionery industry body elected a professional president

The Hungarian Confectioner Industry Board elected new officials recent days. The professional president became Horváth Ferenc confectioner, while the co-chairman became Selmeczi László, managing director of the industry body –...

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Most of the foreign visitors were Russian in Héviz last year

Compared to the previous year, the Russian guests dominated in Héviz in 2014, where a total of almost 1.1 million overnight stays were registered last year – the mayor of...

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Smellapplication for smartphone – Video of the day

We've already brought you the news of the possibility of a future in which cameras can capture scents and now we're highlighting this funky invention from Japan posted over on...

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Drops of health – Nuts

Eating nuts as part of a healthy diet can be good for your heart. Nuts, which contain unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients, are a great snack food, too. They're...

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Both the losses and revenues of Danubius rose last year

The Danubius group increased its sales and the hotel chain’s occupancy indicator also improved last on a year on year comparision, but due to unrealized changes in exchange rates, the...

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Health drops – Grapes

The 2014-15 call for Letters of Intent has ended. Each fall, Letters of Intent are solicited from the research community. These are reviewed and finalists are invited to submit full...

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Only the dish is foreign to the environment – Video of the day

A woodsy, seafood-laden tasting menu from San Francisco's Atelier Crenn. This episode of 60 Second Tasting Menu is sponsored by Acura ILX....

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Healthdrops – Blueberries

The prevalence of dementia is increasing with expansion of the older adult population. In the absence of effective therapy, preventive approaches are essential to address this public health problem. Blueberries...

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The Hungarian insurance poster (1900-1990)

MKVM launches its exhibition on the Hungarian insurance poster, from 1900 to 1990. The musum not only exhibits its own collection, but that of private collectors, too....

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