Market News

The new SME strategy will soon be presented to the government

The new SME development strategy for 2019-2030 is ready and will soon be presented to the government – György László, Minister of State of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology...

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Consumer prices in the OECD countries accelerated in July

In particular, the rise in food prices accelerated the rate of increase in consumer prices in the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in July....

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Inflation remained depressed in the euro area in August

Inflation remained depressed in the euro area in August, which is likely to further strenghten market expectations that the Governing Council of the European Central Bank will loosen its monetary...

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Sarajevsko is going to China

The brewery in Sarajevo, the capital of the Balkan state, has officially announced it has begun shipping its most popular product, Sarajevsko beer, to China – origo wrote, after Asia...

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Analysts: economic growth will slow down in the second half of the year

Economic growth will slow in the second half of the year, but may still be close to 4.5 percent throughout the year – analysts told MTI commented on Friday’s detailed...

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KSH: services and investments contributed the most to the GDP growth in the second quarter

Gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 4.9 percent in the second quarter compared to the same period of last year, up 1.1 percent from the previous quarter, according to the...

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Online cash registers were introduced five years ago

The first step in the fight against the black economy was to make the use of the online cash register mandatory from 1c September, 2014 – Izer Norbert Secretary of...

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Analysts: wages increased significantly in June

Wages increased significantly in June. The growth is mostly influenced by the continued strong demand for labor, analysts say. The Central Statistics Office announced on Friday that in June gross...

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Közel 2 milliárd forintot ad az EU a magyar iskolagyümölcs-, zöldség- és tejprogramokra

Magyarországon az iskolagyümölcs- és iskolazöldség-programot 3,73 millió euróval (1230 millió Ft), az iskolatejprogramot pedig 1,95 millió euróval (645 millió Ft) támogatja az Európai Unió, ami a 28 EU-tagállam viszonylatában a...

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MLBKT: The Purchasing Manager Index rose in August

The seasonally adjusted Purchasing Manager Index (BMI) was 52.6 points in August, up from 51.2 in July, the Hungarian Logistics Purchasing and Inventory Company (MLBKT) announced on Monday. The rise...

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Vegan fashion in the UK

Clothes and accessories that are free of skin and all other animal ingredients are sold in the UK stores of Marks & Spencer, Zara and New Look – origo wrote...

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Increasing global and EU demand in the dairy market

There is a growing demand on the dairy market world-wide and in the European Union – the Director-General of the Agricultural Research Institute told on Tuesday, in Velence at the...

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GKI: How long can excessive economic growth last?

According to April-May data, the growth rate of the Hungarian economy started to slow down in the second quarter compared to the record high dynamism of the first quarter. However,...

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KSH: earnings continued to rise

In June, average gross earnings were 364,800 HUF, 10.6 percent higher than the year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) told MTI on Friday. According to the data of...

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Nagy István: strategic goal is to establish a domestic soybean processing plant

A domestic processing plant would serve the domestic preservation of the soy produced in Hungary and the whitening of the sector, therefore its establishment is a strategic goal – Nagy...

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Due to the start of school, the stores expect heavy traffic

Supermarkets are expecting heavy traffic this weekend; most families go shopping for school after August 20, and weekends through mid-September are particularly busy – department store chains told MTI. Auchan...

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According to a survey, 77 percent of Hungarian workers believe that their jobs are secure

77 percent of Hungarian workers believe their job position will be secure for at least five years, while 82 percent believe the company they will be operating within five years’...

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Foreign trade of services generated 2.3 billion euros in the second quarter

Exports of services in euros grew by 1.4 percent and imports by 1.8 percent in the second quarter of this year compared to the same quarter of last year. Assets...

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Oracle: One-third of the consumers are immediately distracted by a brand because of a bad experience

More than a third of consumers will immediately lose track of a brand when it comes to bad experiences – according to Oracle’s new survey. According to the survey, 88...

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Retail sales decreased in Germany

Retail sales in Germany fell more than expected, and at the strongest pace of this year, in July compared to the previous month – as another sign that Europe’s largest...

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Consumer spending in the United States rose sharply in July

Consumer spending in the United States rose sharply in July, which may ease the fears of a recession in the financial markets, but consumption growth is unlikely to be sustained...

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A Brexit test is being held for freighters on the French-British border

“Brexit test” on freight vehicles takes place in the northern French port city of Calais on the French-British border – French budget minister Gérald Darmanin announced on Friday. The two-month...

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Shoppers like mobile messaging apps

According to a recent study conducted by Kenshoo in the UK and France, 51 percent of messaging app users thinks reading messages is faster than verbal communication. 48 percent of...

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World food prices slide marginally in July

Global food commodity prices saw a slight decline in July, led by lower prices for some cereals, dairy and sugar, more than offsetting firmer prices for meat and oils. The...

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Generation Z has two faces

A study conducted by IBM and the National Retail Federation (NRF) found that the so-called Generation Z – consumers born in the 1990s and early 2000s – will consist of...

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Nielsen: gluten-free life for 80 billion a year

Gluten-free foods accounted for 4 percent of the total value-added domestic retail trade turnover between July 2018 and June 2019, which amounts to nearly 80 billion HUF. Among other things,...

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Nagy István: agriculture will be able to produce more safely and competitively next year

The expanding agriculture budget will allow safer and more competitive production in 2019, the agriculture minister said at a press conference in Budapest on Thursday. Nagy István stressed that from...

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The turnover of the packaging industry increased

The packaging industry had a turnover of about 630 billion HUF in the Hungarian market last year, an increase of nearly 9 percent, compared to the base year of 2017...

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The Catch it! mobile application encourages fish consumption

The Ministry Agriculture has introduced the “Catch it!” campaign, a mobile application that users can download for free – the Agricultural Marketing Center told MTI. Downloaders of the app can...

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Investments increased by 18.8 percent in the second quarter

In the second quarter, the dynamic expansion of national investments continued throughout the year. The volume of developments was 18.8 percent above last year’s level of 16.2 percent – the...

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