News and articles

Carrefour Brazil Introduces Blockchain Technology For Citrus Fruits

Carrefour Brazil has introduced blockchain technology to track a new range of citrus fruits under the Sabor & Qualidade label in São Paulo. The QR Code on the packaging will...

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New private label skin care products from Auchan

Auchan Retail has launched new skincare products under its Cosmia brand. A study has found that 54 percent of French women are a bit afraid of the formulae of cosmetic products. Cosmia offers natural...

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Heineken To Roll Out Pure Piraña In Europe

Heineken has announced plans to introduce Pure Piraña hard seltzer in the European market this year. The brand will be available in Austria, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain, with other...

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Carrefour Polska To Sell Imperfect Produce To Combat Food Waste

Carrefour Polska has announced that customers will be able to purchase imperfect carrots and apples at reduced prices at specially marked stands at all its hyper- and supermarkets in the country. The...

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Two sides of the same coin

We live and shop differently, and we eat different food than before the pandemic. When it comes to eating, the buzzwords are still health, sustainability, naturalness and plant-based food. Meat...

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FAO aims to provide livelihood assistance to nearly 49 million people in 2021

As the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict and climate-related crises drive acute levels of hunger higher, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is seeking $1.1 billion in 2021...

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Garnier granted Leaping Bunny cruelty-free certification by Cruelty Free International

Cruelty Free International – the leading organisation working to end animal testing – has granted cosmetic giant Garnier the Leaping Bunny certification.   This means that Garnier is now finally...

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The update of the Hungarian Advertising Code has started

After six years, the time has come to update the Hungarian Code of Advertising Ethics. In accordance with tradition, the team of MRSZ and ÖRT still form the codification working...

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The MNB expects five percent economic growth

We can be optimistic about the recovery of the economy – this was also highlighted by last year’s gross domestic product (GDP) data – economic growth is expected to average...

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The real fast begins now

Since the pandemic, food prices have risen: last summer saw record price increases, but since then annual inflation has been steadily slowing down. Why might a customer still feel like...

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AM: sheep meat consumption should be increased

In order to provide consumers with more thorough information, increase consumption and support Hungarian processors, the country of origin must be marked on the board of sheep and goat meat...

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Continuous improvements can make food supplies even more secure

Livestock farms can develop in the coming years from hundreds of billions of forints – Minister of Agriculture Nagy István announced in a video uploaded to his community page. The...

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We will be the country of one hundred thousand collection points and toilet paper vendors

The “if the other can open it, then why not me” mentality is getting more and more general in the shopkeeper world. We just looked at it, and at random,...

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Last year, the Food Chain Security Agency paid special attention to the fight against fraud and the black economy.

Last year, the fight against fraud, counterfeiting and the black economy was given special emphasis at the National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih), the authority emphasized in its assessment of...

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More than 7 tons of waste collected from the Tisza will be recycled

Thanks to the joint work of the Ministry of Water and the PET Cup, a total of 22 tons of waste has been extracted and processed in the Upper Tisza...

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New vocational qualifications have been launched

The National Training Register (OKJ) was replaced by the Register of Professions with only 174 basic professions. Basic professions can only be learned through school-based training, so the question arises...

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Whole Foods packaged coffee

The specialty grocer owned by Amazon has seen sales rise as more consumers have turned to making their favorite caffeinated drinks at home. GroceryDive shelved “On Special” a little less...

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Investors invests in environmentally conscious startups

According to a 2020 survey by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), we throw out an average of 65 kg of food per person in Hungary every year, more...

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In Germany, consumer prices rose on an annual basis in February

In Germany, consumer price inflation accelerated on an annual basis, but slowed down on a monthly basis in February. The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said on Friday that consumer...

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Even in the crisis, Hungarian stores are sticking to their customers

Even in the year of the pandemic crisis, the companies that performed best in customer service were recognized. In the fundamentally changing market, ClientFirst Consulting has tested more than 2,500...

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NAK: domestic melon production is undergoing a transformation

After last year’s unfavorable weather, many smaller producers of melons will stop production, so the production area of watermelons in Hungary is expected to decrease by another 5 percent this...

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Vajda-Papír: the demand for hygienic paper products has jumped significantly

Demand for hygienic paper products has jumped significantly. In hypermarkets 50-100 percent more hygienic paper products were consumed in the week since the announcement of restrictions, compared to the previous...

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Rising food prices are inevitable

Rising feed prices will inevitably lead to higher prices for meat, milk, eggs, and meat and milk-based processed foods – the president of the Meat Association told InfoRadio. The drastic...

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Traffic of web stores is jumping due to store closures

Last year’s 38-40 percent growth this year may be repeated on a higher base in e-commerce – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The two-week store lock acts as a catalyst for web...

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Hungary’s newest INTERSPAR store in Kaposvár has been completed

Hungary’s 35th INTERSPAR hypermarket awaits those living in Somogy County with a modern and attractive exterior and interior. In addition to the installation of environmentally friendly technologies – wooden roof...

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Useful tips from Tesco: pay attention to these when ordering online

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, much of our daily lives have moved into the online space. Because we are more at home, it is also more convenient and...

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Kids can discover new domestic attractions: the Where Are You, Kajla sticker collection album series continues in SPAR

Two years ago, the store chain joined the Hungarian Tourism Agency’s “Where are you, Kajla?” initiative, in which the children could get acquainted with the sights of our country in...

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Font Sándor: agriculture is one of the most important sectors in all countries

Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in all countries, so both EU member states and applicants for EU membership must pay special attention to agricultural issues – the...

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EU survey More than 6 million lost their jobs in the first wave of the epidemic

The first wave of the coronavirus pandemic has led to the loss of more than 6 million jobs in the European Union, and temporary workers and young women have been...

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There will be Easter and there will be ham too

Production continued The swine flu and COVID-19 had a big effect on the meat industry last year: the price of live pig dropped considerably, which put pig farmers in a...

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