News and articles

New digital bills for paparless shipping

A new digital platform for domestic carriers and logistics operators will soon be launched, allowing for paperless shipping. An important milestone of this is the establishment of e-CMR Europe Kft....

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Posters made of modern graphics show the iconic cities of the north and south shores of Lake Balaton

When it comes to Lake Balaton, there are many people who are dragged by their hearts only to the south or even to the north shore, even though it is...

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The 600th SPAR store in Hungary has opened

The company’s expansion continues, with its 600th store expected to open in July. The new store was opened in the Bács-Kiskun County Iron Fountain as part of the SPAR Partner...

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66 percent more companies are advertising jobs now than this time last year

This year, strong consolidation has started in the labour market, which is heading towards a pre-pandemic situation in 2019. In the first quarter, the expected recovery was already outlined, the...

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Pápai Hús Kft. developed from two billion forints.

The Pápai Hús Kft. bought packaging and processing equipments for two billion forints. The new machines enable the production of forty percent more ham and smoked goods, and thirty percent...

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According to the packaging industry, 15,000 tons of plastic per year must be replaced in Hungary with a more environmentally friendly product

15,000 tons of disposable plastic per year – food containers, beverage glasses, bags – must be replaced with other, more environmentally friendly products in Hungary based on the government decree...

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Hungarian agricultural diplomacy has turned in a new direction

The strategy of Hungarian agricultural diplomacy has been fundamentally renewed this year: the focus has been on the strong development of the agricultural economy, said Dávid Bencsik, the ministry’s deputy...

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According to a survey, the innovation performance of Hungarian companies is weaker than average

K & H’s newly launched innovation index performed below average for the first time, closing at 31 points in the first half of this year, the financial institution informed MTI...

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Nébih: it has become easier to start food businesses

It has become much easier to start a business in the field of food distribution, hospitality and catering, which has so far required a separate permit, for which notification is...

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The first Hungarian melon is ripe, the season has started

The sale of Hungarian melons started, in the following weeks hungarian producers will harvest about 150-160 thousand tons of watermelons and 12.5 thousand tons of melons. As was said at...

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(HU) GKI: A román gazdaság hasít

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Less and less plastic even before the ban

We were able to use 15 000 tonnes of single-use plastics (e.g. food boxes, drink cups, bags) each year, the placing on the market of which was banned by the...

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(HU) Növényvédelem kacsákkal? Thaiföldön így csinálják! VIDEÓ

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AM: active Hungarian participation for sustainable food

Hungary is a multifaceted participant in world food projects and is committed to achieving sustainability goals, Bencsik Dávid, Deputy State Secretary for International Relations at the Ministry of Agriculture said...

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Jammertal Wine Estate’s red wine became a World champion

A Hungarian red wine has been an unprecedented success so far. One of the world’s most prestigious wine competitions, the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2021, was held in Luxembourg this...

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The Eger wine region has a new image

The Eger wine region has a new image that refers to traditions, but also to the future. The new logo depicting a winged bull and the image based on it...

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98 percent of winter barley was harvested in Zala County

Almost 98 percent of the winter barley was harvested in Zala County, and the harvest of winter wheat and seed peas began in the fields, the county president of the...

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Due to the devastating Brazilian drought, coffee could become more expensive this year

Coffee has become more expensive in the recent period, only this has not been experienced by consumers yet: the most severe drought of the past 100 years hit Brazil this...

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The EU has adopted the recovery plans for 12 EU member states

The Council of EU Economic and Finance Ministers (Ecofin) adopted the 12 Member States’ national recovery plans on Tuesday. The main aim of which is to finance recovery from the...

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Protracted contracting may also stand in the way of growth for companies

The protracted contracting process is downgrading companies’ growth prospects, according to joint research by EY and Harvard Law School Center involving 1,000 legal experts. A contract that is late or...

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The Generali Foundation for Safety help the heroes of the epidemic with a unique program

The coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly left a mark on our daily lives, social relationships, school and office work, but it has mostly upset our spiritual balance. However, healthcare workers have...

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(HU) A pandémia sem törte le az informatikusok magas fizetését

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A new challenge for companies: cash paid for ransomware attacks have jumped dramatically

The amount of ransoms paid globally for ransomware attacks rose to an unprecedented $20 billion last year. In addition to the large ones, small and medium-sized enterprises are on the...

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REWE Introduces ‘Better Half’ Meat Products With 50% Vegetables

Germany’s REWE Group has introduced classic meat items made of 50% vegetables under the brand name ‘Better Half’. The retailer claims that the meat and vegetable range is a first among grocers...

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Schwarz Group Expands Sustainability Strategy

The Schwarz Group, which includes Lidl and Kaufland, is expanding its use of recycled materials in packaging. Kaufland has also increased the proportion of climate-neutral packaging. The Schwarz Group is...

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Danone Enters the Returnable Glass Business

Amid its corporate restructuring, the French Danone Group is breaking new ground in the water business: the Volvic brand is launching Naturwald Quelle, a regional mineral water in returnable glass...

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The national hail mitigation system worked well

The soil-generated national hail mitigation system has operated nationwide, however, despite being state-of-the-art technology, it cannot provide effective protection against supercells. According to preliminary data, hail reports have been received...

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Pond fish production increased last year

Last year, the fish production of Hungarian pond farms increased, reaching 21,353 tons, 4 percent more than in the previous year, according to the sectoral summary of the Institute of...

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Budapest Bank’s agricultural economic index rose to a record level

Hungarian farmers have a positive view of the future. Budapest Bank’s latest agricultural economic index was 16 points, the highest value in the last 6 years, an increase of 20...

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