News and articles

Ipsos: consumers pay for the extra costs packaged in the promise of sustainability and freshness

Ipsos asked consumers in 26 countries, about the situations when they would pay more for food products because of  the uniqueness of packaging. The two main reasons, are: 55 percent...

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Last year was the year of growth, this year will be the year of consolidation at Auchan

Last year the turnover of Auchan Magyarország Kft. increased by 10 percent thanks to the join of the 7 new stores, in spite of the market trends in national retail....

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The opposition parties urge the reduction of VAT on basic food products

The reduction of VAT on basic food products was urged at the opposition parties’ coordination meeting on Monday. The Socialists informed MTI about the coordination meeting of the MSZP, the...

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Local currencies: catalysts for local economies

The Soproni kékfrank is in circulation since May 2010, while the Balatoni korona was launched last year. Their financial coverage can also bears interest – said Varga István, the chairman...

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Recent food-adulteration scandal in Germany

After the horse meat scandal, another food safety scandal raises waves in Germany. According to Monday's press reports, millions of eggs, produced in large plants were sold as organic eggs....

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Foreign luxury firms restrain their expansion in China

Several large international luxury companies will restrain their expansion in China this year, especially due to the slowdown in sales and because of the central government’s offensive campaigns against luxury...

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No horse meat derivatives were found at the Hungarian IKEA

No horse meat derivatives were found in food products sold in the IKEA in Hungary – IKEA Magyarország told MTI on Monday. In Hungary, two tests were performed: both the...

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GKI: Only consumers’ pessimism eased in February

The GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects failed to reach its last year’s peak in February. Following a four month long continuous improvement it was already close to...

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The Ministry of Rural Development proposes a VAT reduction

The Ministry of Rural Development submits its VAT cut proposal in mid-March – the Magyar Hírlap informs. The burden would be reduced in case of several products, but they does...

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Czerván: the sales of agriculture increased last year

Agricultural production value increased last year. On the basis of the preliminary datas it was amounted to 2,229 billion HUF, compared to the 2,168 billion HUF of the previous year...

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88 percent of the Hungarians consider the economic situation of the country as critical

The percentage of those has increased who believe that Hungary is in an economic crisis, and will not recover from it in the forthcoming twelve months. 85 percent of them...

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Consumer protection: less problems at webshops

According to the experiences of the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH), the number of webshops without any consumer protection problems are increasing: the objection rate has improved from 85 to...

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KSH: the gross average wage in 2012 was 223 thousand HUF

The average gross earnings of full-time employees was 223 thousand HUF in 2012. On national level gross wages were 4.6 percent higher than in the previous year. The average net...

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The G'Roby expects an at least 10 percent increase in turnover this year

The G'Roby supermarket network expects an at least 10 percent increase in turnover this year, after the seven percent increase of 2012. The company increased its online turnover to 1.4...

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Count Kálnoky: not Romania, but Western Europe is guilty in the horse meat scandal

The Transylvanian Count Kálnoky Tibor believes that Romania is unjustly attacked de to the European horse meat scandal, the sinners are France and Western Europe – The Daily Telegraph writes....

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Coffees and spirits will debut this weekend in Budapest

World-famous coffees, drink specialties, tastings, demonstrations, and even a national championship await the professionals and fans at the two-day KávéBár Bazár (Coffee Bar Bazaar) event this weekend in the capital....

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A new Nike store opened in the Árkád shopping center

Nike celebrated the opening of the new store with its business partners and with great athletes in the Árkád shopping center. At the event such prominent athletes and celebrities participated...

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That's the way NAV handles penalties

Alongside news about the project interviews with experts and businesses can also be read. The website’s editor in chief Mónika Szabó told that those working in the sector can ask...

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Waiting for a technical solution

News website, launched on 14 January, gives read- ers updated and reliable information about the establishing of online connection between cash registers and the National Tax and Cus- toms...

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Nébih: no alfatoxin in milk has been found

In order to eliminate alfatoxin efficiently, the Nationl Foodchain Safety Authority (Nébih) is taking a closer look at domestic corps and raw milk. So far, no alfatoxin in these prpducts...

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The tax exemption on pálinka brewing is under examination by the European Union’s Court of Justice

The Government assures Hungarians those rights that citizens of other EU countries are also entitled to. The European Commission disputes the regulation providing tax-free status for distilling home-made pálinka; in...

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The HITA creates a qualified database of suppliers

The National Foreign Trade Office (HITA) creates a qualified database of suppliers, first in the country. The database will be created by own development – Kokas Tamás, the deputy head...

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The Association of local currencies has been formed

The Association of local currencies has been formed – Varga István president of the association told MTI on Wednesday in Budapest. He told  that the association was established by the...

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CBA’s webstore is now in service, online Tesco is about to start

A growing number of food retail chains are launching online shopping services in Hungary: the CBA launched its new webshop on Tuesday, Tesco will launch its online shopping service the...

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The GKI examined the breaking points of the Hungarian economy

The latest publication of the GKI Economic Research Co. examined the breaking points of the Hungarian economy. The publication was presented to the press on Wednesday. The Esélyek (Opportunities) analysis...

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Lidl Magyarország expects increasing sales this year

The Lidl Magyarország Bt. calculates with increasing sales in its business year ending at the end of March 2013. The company opened its 26th store in Budapest on Thursday. It...

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Record with the Mese keksz biscuit

The first Szeged Plaza Chocolate Feast was organized on 16 February 2013. At the event Hungary’s quality handmade chocolate manufactories awaited the visitors with chocolate specialties, sweets and truffles. In...

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The Ball of Hungarian Flavors will be held at the Royal Palace of Gödöllő

The visitors of the 1st Ball of Hungarian Flavors can taste trout caviar from Szilvásvárad, confited water buffalo neck and gray calf beef fillet on 2 March at the Royal...

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Katus Attila received recipes in exchange for training plans

Katus Attila lifestyle expert and six-time World and double European champion in aerobics spent an unusual morning at a school in Budapest. Nearly 200 children in an informal, playful mood...

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Horsemeat scandal – Problems in Austria, too

Controllers from the food inspection authorities found horsemeat in sausages such as “Kärntner Hauswürstl” and “Lavanttaler Bauernwurst” after they received an anonymous hint, said health advisor Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) yesterday...

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