
The Hungarian champagne won a gold medal

Out of 479 items from 19 countries, the Hungaria Rosé Extra Dry champagne won a gold medal at the Effervescents du Monde world competition in the Burgundy wine region –...

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Companies may be suspected of antitrust infringements even if they do not communicate with each other

Companies may be suspected of antitrust infringements even if they do not communicate with each other – was said at an online event organized by the Hungarian-French Chamber of Commerce...

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The largest sustainability event in Central Europe will be held in Budapest next year

The largest sustainability event in Central Europe will be held in Budapest next year, starting on November 29, at Hungexpo. Joó István, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign...

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AM: the winner of the Eco-label – eco-friendly product competition has announced

The “Eco-label – eco-friendly product” high school competition ended with great success, the organizers also awarded three special prizes – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI. According to their...

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This is the only way to get the Hungarian food industry back on its feet

The need to renew Hungarian agriculture and the food industry is not a question. However, there are several ideas as to what are the biggest weaknesses in the sector and...

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ProWein 2021 will not take place on account of the COVID-19 Pandemic

ProWein 2021 – the world’s leading and most relevant trade fair for wines and spirits – will not be held as planned from 19 to 23 March on account of...

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Interpack and components 2021 cancelled, too

Uncertainty among companies due to high infection numbers proved too great. In agreement with its partners in associations and the industry, and with the trade fair advisory committee, Messe Düsseldorf...

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Webshop launch before the year-end shopping fever

The dynamically growing e-commerce plays a major role as a result of the pandemic. The already dynamic growth may intensify in the coming weeks as a result of the government...

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Megvannak a Hungexpo-kiállítások új időpontja!

Hungexpo Zrt. Hereby informs its exhibitors and visitors that the dates of the exhibitions planned for the beginning of next year will change due to the measures related to the...

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Lovely Jobs Awards 2020 announced

For the fourth time, has announced the Lovely Jobs Award to find the most attractive jobs in Hungary. Since, in addition to SMEs, large companies have been able to...

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Everything you need to know about the new agricultural tax law

It is expected that from 2021, the changes in legislation that will radically transform the domestic agricultural tax system may enter into force. The new regulations cover both primary producers...

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Christmas fairs to be cancelled

As one browses the government decrees on the partial closure of the country, published an hour and a half before the entry into force, the details that have not been...

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The One Drop Health Festival begins today

On the occasion of the upcoming World Diabetes Day, the One Drop Attention Foundation, established by Erős Antónia, is organizing a unique series of online events from today to November...

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The Kadarka Törköly has become the best pálinka in Hungary

Matured kadarka pomace pálinka won the title of the Best Pálinka in the Country in 2020, produced by the Brill Pálinka House in Tolna County. The results of the National...

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A drop of HealthFest program series for the upcoming World Diabetes Day

On the occasion of the upcoming World Diabetes Day, on November 9-15, the One Drop Attention Foundation organizes a series of events. In addition to the online programs, The One...

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Why don’t we respect food?

The fight against food waste is not primarily a question of money, but of awareness, and one of the most important elements is the cooperation of state, civil and corporate...

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St. Martin’s Day New Wine Festival and Goose Feast await visitors to the Open-Air Museum throughout the weekend

St. Martin’s Day New Wine Festival and Goose Feast are waiting for visitors in the Open-Air Museum all weekend, including Martin’s Day folk customs, handicrafts, themed wine tasting, autumn delicacies...

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Europe and Central Asia discuss solutions to promote sustainable agri-food systems

The 32nd Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe started today as FAO Members from Europe and Central Asia will discuss several challenges facing the region on food and...

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Franc & Franc in 2020 to be postponed

The Villány Wine Region Mountain Council and the Tenkes Wine Region Development Ltd. decided in the current pandemic situation, keeping in mind the safety of the guests, to postpone both...

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International Conference on Misleading Advertisings

On 6 November 2020, for the eighth time, an English-language conference will be organized by the Pázmány Péter Catholic University JÁK Competition Law Research Center to present current issues of...

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Cooperation with the East is a common interest

Matolcsy György, central bank president praised the policy of opening up to the East and emphasized the common interest in deepening Eastern cooperation at the online conference entitled Budapest Eurasia...

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(HU) Trade Marketing Klub „hibrid” klubülés – online vagy személyes részvétellel

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Advertising Self-Regulation Grand Prixto Koltay András

The award, founded by the Self-Regulatory Advertising Board, was received for the first time by Megyer Örs, the former president of ÖRT for twenty years. This year, Koltay András received...

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It was exactly a month ago that we opened the doors of this year’s Business Days conference

… and we were waiting for our guests for the Trade Festival. We are very much prepared every year, but better than anything this year. We are very worried and...

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Muesli is immune to the economic effects of a coronavirus pandemic

Although the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic has led to declining sales in several confectionery product categories, muesli, which has consistently shown the fastest growth with biscuits in the...

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How to make a big bang for an innovation?

Many people think that the key to truly successful innovation is the big, world-saving idea. However, according to Dr. Mérő László, this is by no means the case: success depends...

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(HU) Október 16. a Dalszerzők Napja – szerzők nélkül háttérzene sem lenne

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FRUIT LOGISTICA with new date and adapted concept

The FRUIT LOGISTICA SPECIAL EDITION will be held from 18 to 20 May 2021. FRUIT LOGISTICA will be held in a special form in 2021 and will be postponed until...

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Riesling October: Grand Tasting with eighty producer wines

Approximately 150 items from more than 80 wineries can be tasted at the Italian Riesling October Grand Tasting on October 17 at the Corinthia Hotel in Budapest. One of the...

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The 2020 Sustainable Future Awards were presented

“Accelerating change requires innovative collaboration between business, government, science and education,” Mark Zwinkels pointed out at a BCSDH virtual business lunch. The focus of the event’s professional program was on...

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