Magazine: Last year’s best promotions rewarded again
On 29 April Trade magazin organised the ‘Most successful promotion of the year’ contest’s award ceremony and conference day for the 13th time this year. FMCG promotion campaigns entered the contest in 6 categories and the jury of 11 experts also awarded 4 special prizes.

Máté Molnár
marketing manager
Trade magazin
Almost 200 participants registered for the online event, the host of which was Máté Molnár, Trade magazin’s marketing manager.
Online presence and education

Zsuzsanna Hermann
Trade magazin
Zsuzsanna Hermann, Trade magazin’s managing director and editor-in-chief welcomed participants and talked about how consumer attitudes changed during the 13-year history of the competition. She told that today consumers welcome promotions, from which they expect both education and entertainment. They like instant gifts, coupons, small prizes for which there are great chance of winning and also bigger prizes if they can choose which one they would like to win. Online campaigns are increasingly accepted.

Gábor Tolnai
Kantar Hoffmann
head of division
Kantar-Hoffmann’s head of division Gábor Tolnai shared the competition’s related qualitative survey results with participants. He spoke about the twofold attitude of shoppers and the reasons behind it. You can read what he said in a separate article in the present issue of Trade magazin.
Screvo – A new generation of prize games

Péter Tóth
Péter Tóth, co-owner of Screvo introduced a new type of digital promotion system, which was launched on the day of the conference with 6 activities. First he analysed why the average prize game can’t work well – the reasons include a registration process that is too long, the lack of instant feedback and interaction, plus that there is no experience factor.
Screvo offers a smart solution to these problems: they replace brand by brand registration with a single registration that works automatically with all the different brands. Screvo has developed a digital scratchcard game that also makes it possible to get to know shoppers.
Since 95 percent of those who play don’t win, the company has shifted the focus to these consumers: instead of telling them they didn’t win, Screvo gives them a positive product or brand experience, for which the company has even developed a game and a micro-achievement system. In this system Screvo can also analyse much more shopper data than it is possible with classic promotional microsites.
Digital promotional leaflet campaigns

Tímea Orbán
managing director
Offerista Group
Tímea Orbán, managing director of Offerista Group spoke about the new generation of digital promotional leaflets: the Discover platform. This perfectly complements the print version of leaflets. Changes can be made flexibly in this format. Searching is simpler and content can be easily combined with banners or videos. Thanks to the new features, the level of product engagement has increased by 47 percent and reading time has become longer. In order to reach more consumers, Discover cooperates with 8 other websites.
Legal problems and solutions

Dr. Zsófia Bitai
CLM Bitai & Partners
Law Firm
Lawyer Dr Zsófia Bitai from CLM Bitai&Partners Law Firm pointed it out in her presentation that promotional and CSR type activities also qualify as advertising, therefore they are governed by advertising law. The law wants to protect shoppers from being misled, especially sensitive consumer groups such as children, sick people or the elderly.
In her presentation Ms Bitai talked in detail about the information that must be indicated on promotional tools and about the problems that might arise from wording messages badly. She brought examples to illustrate the contradiction between the concepts of ‘guaranteed prize’ and ‘while stocks last’. Participants also heard from her about the fines to be paid if they break the rules – these can be a percentage of net sales revenue during the promotional period or of the advertising campaign’s cost.//
Online/digital category GOLD MEDAL:
Auchan Magyarország Kft. – ‘Support the heroes’ loyalty point donation programme’
Auchan Magyarország started this donation campaign to raise awareness of the heroic work done by the National Ambulance Service during the pandemic, and to say thank you for their efforts.
Auchan donated 10 million loyalty points for the good cause and asked Loyalty Card holder customers to give some of their own loyalty points to the National Ambulance Service. Shoppers could do this online, with just a few clicks. Auchan also gave help to the ambulance service in using the points.
Online/digital category, SILVER MEDAL:
Auchan Magyarország Kft. – Win a new Toyota Yaris with your digital coupons – prize game
Auchan organised a prize game for loyalty card holders with a new Toyota Yaris as the main prize.
In February 2020 Auchan launched its digital coupons, which shoppers could simply activate online. With these coupons the retailer could make personalised offers to customers. Participation was very easy, as loyalty card holders didn’t have to provide personal data once again, all they had to was to register. However, shoppers without an Auchan loyalty card weren’t excluded from participating either.
Food category GOLD MEDAL:
HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. and Tricky Communications Kft. creative agency – Discover Hungarian Products promotion
Discover Hungarian Products was a prize game organised in two stages. There was a 12-week campaign in the spring of 2020 with 6 brands and nearly 130 products participating (Abonett, Bábolna Bio, Europe Gastro, Gyermelyi, Hajnal Húskombinát, Sofidel Hungary), and a 21-week promotion from August 2020 with 8 brands and almost 230 products (CERES, Detki Keksz, Gyulahús, Hajnal Húskombinát, Savencia F&D, Sofidel Hungary, Szerencsi Bonbon, U és U).
Shoppers liked the scratchcards and the exciting dynamic website.
Food category TMC SPECIAL AWARD:
Eisberg Hungary Kft. – We created Hungary’s Salad together!
Hungarian salad lovers had the chance to create Hungary’s Salad together, on the ingredients of which they could cast their votes on Eisberg Hungary’s Facebook page week after week. The campaign was a perfect opportunity to find out which vegetables shoppers like the most.
Hungary’s Salad also got the domestically processed product trademark, because Eisberg Hungary Kft. wanted to call consumer attention to Hungarian employers and workers.
POS Services Kft. és Nissin Foods Kft. – Nissin Foodtruck Roadshow
Nissin Foods Kft. and POS Services Kft. started travelling around the country in a special design food truck. The objective was to promote Nissin Cup Noodles and Soba products.
Customers who bought 2 products got sunglasses or a gym bag, those who purchased 5 went home with a drink bottle and the buyers of 20 products walked away with a winter jacket. Since consumers didn’t taste but buy the noodles, there was a longer contact time and product benefits could be communicated more efficiently.
PICK Szeged Zrt. – Auchan Professions Week
The Auchan PROFESSIONS WEEK campaign rolled out in 24 Auchan stores and the flagship product was PICK Winter Salami, plus all PICK salami and sausage products.
Two kinds of installations, BASIC (18 stores) and PREMIUM (6 stores) were built for the period between 14 September and 31 October. PICK Winter Salami’s iconic packaging was featured everywhere and raised shopper attention. The special displaying of PICK products offered consumers a unique shopping experience.
Food category BRONZE MEDAL:
Nestlé Hungária Kft. and Sole-Mizo Zrt. – Win a cow!
In 2020 ‘Win a cow!’ was organised for the second time, courtesy of Mizo and Nestlé cereals. The main prize wasn’t a real cow, but milk and breakfast cereals enough for an average family for a year.
Five times a day gift parcels were also drawn. With the campaign the goal was to strengthen the brands and to bring together the milk and cereal categories.
Food category BRONZE MEDAL:
FrieslandCampina Hungária Zrt. – Win 5 million forints!
FrieslandCampina Hungária Zrt. organised yet another exciting prize game in 2020. Participants had to upload the codes inside Pöttyös product packagings to enter a prize draw, where they could win premium Pöttyös gifts.
At the end of the 12-week campaign period the HUF 5 million main prize was drawn. The promotion sought to increase buying frequency and brand loyalty. More shoppers registered during the campaign than ever before.
Drink category GOLD MEDAL:
Monster Energy – Halo Gaming Consumer Promotion
The very popular campaign was a cooperation between game series Halo and Monster Energy, promoting the launch of the new game called Infinite.
By uploading the codes on limited edition products, shoppers received guaranteed gifts in their XBOX Live account.
Participating retailers included Auchan, Tesco, SPAR, Coop, CBA, Lidl, MediaMarkt and others. //
Heinemann Testvérek Kft. Jim Beam 225 years – Tankcsapda CSR campaign
Jim Beam’s CSR campaign aimed at helping consumers who found themselves in a difficult situation because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The brand teamed up with popular rock band Tankcsapda to create limited edition products for the good cause: 225 Tankcsapda Jim Beam in gift box products were sold for HUF 10,000 each, collecting HUF 2,250,000 for the Aid Fund of the city of Debrecen.
On 14 May Jim Bean and Tankcsapda organised a Quiz Night for fans to announce the charity campaign.
Drink category BRONZE MEDAL:
Heinemann Testvérek Kft. – Jim Beam 225 years– My Label campaign
Jim Beam celebrated its 225th anniversary in March 2020 with the My Label Jim Beam campaign: shoppers had the opportunity to prepare personalised labels with name and photo at
All they needed for this was a promotional code from Jim Beam products or from the Heinemann online shop after making a purchase.
The company posted the special labels to shoppers free of charge. Jim Beam’s campaign proved to be very popular with consumers. //
HoReCa category GOLD MEDAL:
Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. and Coca-Cola Szolgáltató Kft. – Open Like Never Before
In 2020 restaurants suffered a drastic sales loss because of the pandemic.
From Coca-Cola’s hospitality partners more than 8,200 didn’t order a single bottle of soft drink during the 2-month lockdown. With the Open Like Never Before nationwide campaign the company wanted to bring guests and bars/restaurants together again. On 19 June 2020 at nearly 300 locations almost 100,000 free bottles of soft drinks were waiting for guests.
In early July Coca-Cola prepared personalised ads (posters, online ads, etc.) for more than 430 restaurant partners. //
Retail category GOLD MEDAL:
Laboratory Ideas Kft. and Auchan Magyarország Kft. – Auchan Júlia CSR campaign
Before Christmas 2020 Auchan joined forces with customers to support the 2nd Paediatric Clinic of Semmelweis University. Shoppers who bought Júlia, the plush beaver donated HUF 500 to the clinic.
The main element of the campaign was a 30-second television commercial made by Laboratory Group, the narrator of which was popular actor and director Norbert Alföldi.
40,000 plush beavers were sold and HUF 24 million was collected, so the clinic could buy a modern ultrasound machine. //
Retail category SILVER MEDAL:
SPAR Magyarország Kft. – Eco-friendly. Practical.
Sustainability is very important in SPAR’s business strategy. All of the products that participated in this campaign have a sustainability aspect: Re-Generation products are made of recycled PET bottles, while the material Koziol products are made of can be 100-percent melted and reused.
Shoppers who collected 20 loyalty points could purchase one of these trendy and practical products with a 63-71 percent discount.
Non-food category GOLD MEDAL:
Wonderduck Agency Zrt. – HomeBag 4U
Wonderduck’s promotion put together 5-8 products or product samples in a HomeBag branded paper bag. The bags were taken to the homes of consumers by ‘hostess couriers’.
The target group were AB status urban dwellers living in apartment houses. With 20,000 bags the campaign reached more than 60,000 people.
In the bags a message was waiting for consumers with a QR code, which they had to scan for a Google Forms survey with 3 questions per product. Based on the answers new HomeBag 4U gift parcels can be compiled. //
Non-food category SILVER MEDAL:
MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. and KNK PR&Média Kommunikációs Ügynökség Kft.: Buy Hungarian! Protect domestic products!
After the coronavirus pandemic had reached Hungary in March 2020, Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. and KNK PR&Média Ügynökség Kft. launched the ‘Buy Hungarian! Protect domestic products!’ campaign to make consumers realise: they can save thousands of jobs by buying Hungarian-made products.
The campaign started in social media and with press releases. Retailers also backed the initiative that united more than 100 product manufacturers, individual and retail chains. Appearances in the media represented a value of HUF 200 million and the movement built a lasting community for supporting domestic products.
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