Tag "zöldség"

FruitVeB: The volume of folded vegetables grew by 15 percent

The yield of folded vegetables has increased significantly, by 15 percent in recent years, while the size of the folding area has declined – Ledó Ferenc, President of the Hungarian...

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Five super-autumn fruits and vegetables that can be combined with turkey

The cooler autumn has come as well, so we want cooked foods more, but we do not want to ruin our spring-summer diet. The dietary-recommended low fat and protein-rich turkey...

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We spend 330 billion forints annually on vegetables and fruits

Domestic households purchase 165 kilogrammes of vegetables and 89 kilogrammes fruits a year, worth over 330 billion forints. <img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-935303″ src=”https://trademagazin.hu/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Budapesti-Nagybani-Piac.jpg” alt=”” width=”720″ height=”479″ /> Half of this...

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The Bonduelle factory in Békéscsaba can have a good year this year

The Bonduelle factory in Békéscsaba, which produces frozen and canned vegetables can close a great year this year. It is expected that 52-54 thousand tons of sweet corn will be...

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K&H: it is time to modernize fruit plantations

The changes in the price of agricultural products for cereals and animal products did not surprise, but there is a very serious change in fruit and vegetables, which draws attention...

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Two million tons of vegetable production is expected

This year’s vegetable production is expected to be two million tonnes, which is 5-10 percent more than last year. Dessert corn can break records – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The volume of...

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The Syngenta’s Ócsa vegetables are sown from India to Brazil

Syngenta’s predecessor, the Sandoz Seeds, inaugurated the company’s Oceans Vegetable Research Institute on 2.5 acres thirty years ago, in 1987, where professionals now work on nearly ten times larger area...

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5 school friendly turkey sandwiches for creative parents

Careful parents prepare hundreds of sandwiches for their children each year. In addition to easy preparation, health awareness is an increasingly important aspect. We have gathered simple and fun ideas...

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The domestic fruit and vegetable processing industry can expect a dynamic growth

The fourth largest branch of domestic food production is fruit and vegetable processing and preservation. The dynamic growth of the sector is in the hands of companies like Agrosprint, a...

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Milk’s price climbed back

In April 2017 agricultural production prices increased by 4.1 percent from the level of April 2016 – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). This rise was the result of the...

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FruitVeB: 1.8 million tons of vegetables can be harvested this year

This year, 1.8 million tons of vegetables are expected to be harvested in the country, about 100,000 tons more than last year – the chairman of the FruitVeB told MTI...

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What’s on your plate in the summer: trends from the Budapest Wholesale Market

With the launch of the summer season, the largest domestic market, the Budapest Wholesale Market shared interesting and useful tips. It is no question that we can get a lot...

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Exciting names make vegetables more attractive

The thrilling name makes vegetables more attractive: if they give them an interesting fantasy names like “sizzling beans”, or “dynamite beetroot” or “citrus-brown twisted carrots”, at the canteen a lot...

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NAK wants us to eat more mushrooms

In June the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) organised a promotion campaign for retailers (Auchan, CBA, LIDL, METR O, SPAR, TESCO) and mushroom growers. Hungarian mushroom consumption is very low, 1-1.5kg...

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Product Board: a 20 percent crop loss in vegetables is expected

A 20 percent crop loss can be expected for vegetables due to the damages caused by the weather – according to the FruitVeB Hungarian Vegetable Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Product...

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FruitVeB: average fruit and vegetable harvests last year

The output of the fruit and vegetable sector in 2016 is provisionally estimated at 280 billion HUF, 5-7 percent more than in the previous year – the Hungarian Fruit and...

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Vitamins: natural or synthetic?

By the end of January, the body’s vitamin storages are quite empty, even if we pay attention to healthy nutrition all winter and to the right amount of fruit and...

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FruitVeB: cabbage acreage has grown, prices decreased

The cabbage acreage in Hungary increased by approximately 7-8 percent compared to last year – the president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation and Product Board (FruitVeB) told...

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Domestic products are more popular even if they are more expensive sometimes

Despite the news of crop losses shortage in the orchards and vegetable gardens, the supply of imported vegetables significantly reduced on the 27th week at the Budapest Wholesale Market. In...

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Seven tonnes of vegetables with uncertain origin was found by the NAV

More than seven tons of vegetables with uncertain origin was found in a Romanian van by the NAV. According to the statement of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV)...

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Russia has eased the embargo on agricultural products intended for children’s consumption

The Russian government has decided to ease the food embargo introduced against Western countries and allow the import of poultry meat, beef and vegetables used for baby food. Importers will...

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More and more farmers are growing asparagus

Domestic asparagus growers may expect smaller revenues this year, because due to the cool weather the season starts very slow. In some areas, 20-30 percent less was harvested from the...

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The vegetables were less affected by the April frost damages

The summarization of the damages is not yet complete in the orchards however, field vegetables were less damaged by the late frost in April – the President of the Hungarian...

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Several tons of unmarked vegetables were found in a Romanian truck

Several tons of unmarked vegetables and fruits were found by the finance guards near Nagylak in a Romanian truck – the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) informed MTI on...

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Nébih: illegal pickles producers was found in Vecsés

A small producer inVecsés produced pickles without a license among extremely poor sanitary conditions. The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) seized about 38 tons of products...

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The fruit and vegetable sector is waiting for the VAT reduction

Many market players think that about 60 billion HUF falls out of the budget annually because of VAT frauds – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. The Vice President of the interbranch...

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Hungarian presence continued to expand at the world's largest fruit and vegetable trade show

In addition to the Hungarian national stand, this year the Hungarian sour cherry producers, tomatoes, pepper and horse-radish producers have a separate booth at the fruit and vegetable sector’s largest...

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The Food Avalanche Program awaits the applications of active communities

The Food Avalanche Program of the Hungarian Food Bank Association and the Syngenta Food Programme expects the applications of local governments, educational institutions and non-governmental organizations until 18 February. The...

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EU fruit and vegetable applications to come

In the next few months several EU fruit and vegetable applications to will be released that can increase the productivity of the agriculture sector further – Tresó István, Agricultural Development...

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Half million tonnes less fruits and vegetables grown this year than in 2014

This year, the farmers harvested about 2.5 million tons of vegetables and fruits, about 500 tons less than the record harvest in 2014. The yield loss was mainly due to...

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