Tag "WHO"

Processed meats: healthy or should they be avoided?

Cold cuts are extremely popular among Hungarians, offering a quick and easy solution for making sandwiches and other meals. However, more and more experts are drawing attention to the fact...

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International coalition calls for ban on aspartame

The European Commission and EU member states are under increasing pressure after an international coalition launched a petition calling for a ban on aspartame. The initiative is backed by organisations...

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The United States is leaving the World Health Organization

The United States is withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO), Donald Trump, the newly inaugurated 47th President of the United States, announced. Trump justified his decision by saying that...

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The Hidegkút Key House in Mátra, renovated with government support, was handed over

As part of the Téry Ödön National Tourist House development program, the Hidegkúti Key House in Mátra, renovated with government support, was handed over on Thursday. Máriusz Révész, the State...

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Food Packaging Should Have Labels On Front About Health Impact, Says WHO

Packaged food and drinks should have easy-to-read nutritional information on the front of the products to help consumers make healthier choices, according to the first-ever World Health Organisation draft guidelines...

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Soy milk is three times better than cow’s milk for cardiometabolic health

People who replace cow’s milk with soy milk can do a lot for their health, as the latter can reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and inflammation in the body – even...

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An important change is coming, companies should prepare now – the EU regulation on digital accessibility will enter into force in 2025

While the majority of companies are burning with the fever of artificial intelligence-based developments, the concept of digital equal opportunities continues to be pushed into the background, even though nearly...

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National survey: this is why Hungarians would quit their jobs

In the latest research by Profession.hu, the well-being of the adult population was examined across the country, focusing specifically on well-being at work and related employee expectations and motivations. According...

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A significant number of American baby foods do not meet WHO recommendations

According to a recent study, a significant number of baby foods sold in the United States do not meet the nutritional guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO). The research,...

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Promotional Budget Cuts Could Impact EU Fruit And Vegetable Consumption: Freshfel Europe

The European Commission’s plan to redirect funds allotted for the agricultural promotion policy could harm the competitiveness of EU fruit and vegetables and slow down the progress achieved in promoting...

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Lifestyle changes and complications were also discussed at the 32nd Congress of the Hungarian Diabetes Association

Type 2 diabetes and obesity can cause cardiovascular and kidney diseases, and even cancer. It is essential to change your lifestyle and perform screening tests, because the risk of developing...

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We don’t eat enough vegetables and fruits

Based on the latest data provided by Freshfel Europe, Hungary is at the bottom of the middle range of the European Union’s fresh market fruit and vegetable consumption ranking. During the...

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Ultra-processed foods linked to 32 harmful health effects in BMJ report

Consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) has been linked with the development of 32 adverse human health outcomes, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal. The umbrella review...

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Októbertől csökken a francia kenyerek és pékáruk sótartalma

Az Egészségügyi Világszervezet (WHO) ajánlására Franciaországban csökkentik a pékáruk sótartalmát, ami a Magyarországra szállított import termékeket is érinti. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/11. lapszámában olvasható. A WHO szerint egy...

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SPAR Austria Bans Aspartame From Private-Label Brands

SPAR Austria has announced that it has banned aspartame from its private-label dairy brands, and is nearing the total phase-out of the artificial sweetener from its entire store brand range....

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The use of aspartame is not from the devil, the sweetener can be consumed in moderation

With a healthy, balanced diet, the presence of aspartame in food and soft drinks should not cause problems. The modification of the risk classification of the sweetener caused a great storm...

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Tourist developments along the Rába coast were inaugurated in Körmend

It is hoped that the number of water hikers on the Rába will increase, thanks to the new tourism developments, since the goal is to get as many of the...

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Coca-Cola, PepsiCo sales likely to withstand WHO aspartame cancer ruling

The World Health Organization’s announcement last week that aspartame is “possibly carcinogenic” is unlikely to meaningfully impact sales at Coca-Cola and PepsiCo or cause the beverage companies to suddenly abandon...

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The WHO has decided – aspartame can cause cancer

The Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)...

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Safety also comes first in the food industry

Health protection, food safety, and fair food trade have long been central issues, said Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for food industry and trade...

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WHO recommendation goes against non-sugar sweeteners

The World Health Organization on May 15 released a new guideline that recommends against the use of non-sugar sweeteners to control body weight or reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases....

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Nutritious vegetable dish recipes for a spring weight loss diet

According to a survey by DélKerTÉSZ, 34% of Hungarians only eat vegetables 2-3 times a week, and 31% have fruit on 2-3 occasions per week. Perhaps they don’t know that...

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Lidl has set new goals to promote conscious nutrition

Lidl has adopted an international package of measures to promote conscious nutrition, which includes the development of both the product range and communication. The aim of the supermarket chain is...

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Top 10 Healthiest Countries In Europe

A recent health study carried out by Snuff Store rated each European country on a number of different health factors, including life expectancy and obesity rates. Each country was given...

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ALDI overtaked LIDL in being the UK§s cheapest supermarket in June

Aldi has been named as the nations cheapest supermarket in the month of June, beating rival Lidl for the first time in seven months and saving customers over £25. According to the...

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Up to 828 million people are suffering from starvation according to FAO

Between 702 and 828 million people in the world faced hunger in 2021. This is about 180 million more people since the beginning of the 2030 Agenda, with much of...

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Magazine: Food for Future – the last moments

Expo 2020 in Dubai actually opened only in 2021 and its main topic was sustainability. One of the programmes was a 2-day conference and expo, titled Food for Future. Visitors...

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Magazine: Dark clouds are gathering

After the breakout of the pandemic numerous environmental protection experts thought that the lockdown might be a turning point in reducing consumption and protecting the environment. Today we can see...

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(HU) Nemzetközi szinten is elindult az Európai Friss Csapat program

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The Nutri-score story: Everything you need to know about front-of-pack nutrition labels

It was 20 years ago that the first nutrition information graphic designs appeared on food products in Europe – on the side of the packaging where most people can’t avoid...

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