Tag "vetőmag"

Domestic seed breeders: a stable position despite the challenges

The position of Hungarian seed breeders remains strong, even in the midst of climatic challenges. Domestically produced vegetable varieties have to face serious challenges, not only with a slight increase in...

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The test results of the sharp-strong pepper seeds are not spicy

Specialists of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) examined the seeds of hot peppers in the latest test of the Supermenta program. The product test ended with a satisfactory...

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Crop security can only be achieved with suitable seeds

In view of the planting season, the authority checked seed samples in the past period. About the action dr. Márton Nobilis, the Secretary of State responsible for food industry and...

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Shady Girl cone flower, MATE’s new official variety

As a result of several years of research and breeding work, the variety candidate Rudbeckia hirta of the Ornamental Cultivation and Green Area Management Research Group of the MATE Institute...

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Digitization contributes to increasing the competitiveness of the food industry

Technological development and the rise of IT tools can revolutionize the food industry, creating opportunities in the field of transparency, efficiency and safety, said Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the...

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The offer of the domestic garden seed market exceeds 1,000 varieties

Work in the hobby gardens traditionally starts after Easter. About 20 million of the small garden seeds in colorful bags are sold during the season, according to the data of...

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Seed Association: the value of seeds purchased for small gardens is close to HUF 5 billion

Work in the hobby gardens starts after Easter; according to estimates, the market players sell 20 million small garden seeds in colorful bags each year, worth about HUF 5 billion,...

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ÖKO seed database information

Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council permits the use of seed and potato tubers from non-organic farming in organic farming, if the producers are unable...

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Our country supports Chad’s agriculture with seeds

It would help Chad’s agriculture and stability with an agricultural consulting program, a model farm, and higher education collaborations – declared Minister István Nagy, who held talks with Minister of...

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Quality seed is the basis of successful crop production

Quality seed – quality crop. The National Chamber of Agriculture and the Inter-Trade Association and Product Council of the Seed Association draw attention to the importance of using metal-sealed seeds....

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Farmers can sow high-quality spring wheat seeds

Sufficient amounts of high-quality spring corn seed are available to farmers, according to the data of the Seed Association Trade Union and Product Council (VSZT). The organization is spring barley, spring...

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The price of corn seed rose by 30 percent

Maize was grown on 28,327 hectares in 2022, which showed a 10 percent decrease in area compared to the previous period. 93,718 tons of metal were locked using 335 types....

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AGROmashEXPO and Agricultural Machinery Show will be held again in January

The catch-up of our agriculture to the European Union is significant. While our productivity reached 41 percent of the EU value in 2010, this ratio increased to 67 percent by 2021....

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István Nagy: the basis of successful agricultural production is quality seed

Without seeds, there is no food production, the domestic seed sector is a sector of national strategic importance, stressed István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, at the 30-year anniversary event of...

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The average price of fertilizers decreased by almost 30 percent

Among the materials used directly in agricultural production, only the average price of fertilizers decreased by nearly 30 percent. In the first three quarters of 2023, the price of plant protection...

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It’s not worth saving on the metal-sealed seed!

The actors of the domestic seed sector expect a decrease in the use of metal-sealed seeds. The reason behind this is the deterioration of farmers’ liquidity situation, however, the National Chamber...

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MATE supports the development of agriculture in the Republic of Chad

The Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) supports the development of agriculture in the Republic of Chad as part of the cooperation agreement concluded by Hungary and Chad. The...

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Seed production is a production alternative in the shadow of the Ukrainian grain market

Due to the presence of Ukrainian crops on the European market, Hungarian farmers should also establish themselves on several legs, in which seed production can be a viable alternative for...

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Kazakh-Hungarian agricultural relations must be further strengthened

There are further opportunities for cooperation in the field of seed breeding and apple growing between Kazakhstan and Hungary, which we would like to strengthen, István Nagy announced in Astana,...

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Bread of Magyars – The wheat collected by the Hungarian farmers of Transcarpathia was merged in Nagydobrony

Almost 160 tons of wheat collected by Hungarian farmers in Transcarpathia in the Magyarok Kenyere-15 million grains of wheat program were merged on Saturday in Nagydobrony, Ungvár district. István Jakab,...

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The autumn corn sowing season is about to begin

The fungal diseases that appeared after the cool, rainy spring caused significant problems for the fall corn seeds as well. According to the Interprofessional Organization and Product Council of the Seed...

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K&H Green Seeds – phacelia and fodder radish for a more sustainable agriculture

K&H wishes to contribute to biological diversity and the sustainability of crop farming with a new initiative: with every agricultural machinery lease contract signed, they give customers a 25kg bag...

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Useful information about the electronic Farming logbook that helps producers provide data

Farmers with a total area of more than 10 hectares are already well aware that since January 1, they have to keep up-to-date the insecticide treatments carried out in field...

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NAK: Transcarpathian Hungarian farmers received a seed donation

Transcarpathian Hungarian farmers received 500 bags of seeds donated by Hungarian producers and agricultural companies, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) told MTI on Wednesday. The donation was made...

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When buying plants online, you need your passport!

Distance selling of plants intended for planting is only permitted with a plant passport, which proves that cultivation and production took place in compliance with plant health requirements. In addition...

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Good news about non-ÖKO seeds and tubers

Regulation 889/2008/EC of the Commission of the European Union permits the use of seed and potato tubers from non-organic farming in organic farming, if the producers cannot obtain propagating material...

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Sándor Farkas: the recognition of Hungarian agriculture has never been as good as it is now

The recognition of Hungarian agriculture has perhaps never been as good as it is now – the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture stated on Thursday in Nagymágocs....

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Rules for preserving the productivity of our soils in the KAP

In the new EU support period between 2023 and 2027, the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) offers Hungarian farmers a variety of options and choices – stated the State Secretary of...

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The delegated right to sample and inspect the seed can then be requested

On May 31, 2019, based on the amendment to the Decree on the production and placing on the market of seeds of field plant species, the possibility of sampling, field...

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In the future, Nébih will carry out experiments with organic seeds at an eco-certified station

This fall, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih)’s Fertőd Variety Testing Station obtained the ecological certification. The development made it possible for the authority to carry out experiments set...

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