Tag "tudomány"

There is already lab meat that is just like the real thing

South Korean researchers have developed a pioneering method for the production of artificial meat, which tastes close to meat of animal origin. According to a CNN report, the technology developed...

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Science is rewritten by AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) appeared in Hungarian healthcare in the last decade. Despite the fact that patients and professionals still sometimes fear its use, its use is growing exponentially. We can...

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The Geo Terroir research group was established to help the development of domestic agriculture, food industry and tourism

The Geo Terroir research group, which helps the development of domestic agriculture, food industry and tourism, was established at the University of Szeged with the cooperation of specialists from several...

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SZTE researchers have developed a procedure for measuring and predicting drought

Researchers of the Department of Geoinformatics, Natural and Environmental Geography of the University of Szeged (SZTE) have developed a nationally used procedure for measuring and forecasting drought – the public...

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Fish-free seafood made from fungi and seaweed: scientists and Michelin-starred chef to develop product good enough for fine dining

A team of scientist from the Technical University of Denmark is collaborating with Diego Prado, head of research at Copenhagen’s two Michelin-starred restaurant Alchemist, to develop sustainable alt seafood through...

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Satellite-based development is underway to mitigate drought damage

The consortium formed by Combit Számítástechnikai Zrt., the University of Óbuda and the Széchenyi István University won 756.55 million HUF in European Union support for the development of a satellite...

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The epidemic has made us more confident in science

According to a comprehensive international survey, the proportion of people sceptical about science has decreased significantly in the past year, with 88% of people considered pro-vaccination. However, Europeans are less...

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Short messages on menus lead more people to choose plant-based food

Simple, short messages on restaurant menus make guests choose a plant-based dish over meat twice as often, according to new research. Climate scientists are paying increasing attention to the production,...

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Biomarkers of powdery mildew infection in wheat have been identified by ATK researchers

The first reliable biomarkers of powdery mildew infection in wheat were identified by the research group of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH) Agricultural Science Research Center (ATK). In their...

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Based on the results of Hungarian researchers, mushroom growing can be made safe

In accordance with food safety regulations, the cultivation of edible mushrooms can be mycotoxin-free thanks to the results of a research and development project implemented from the professional leadership of...

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A genetic mechanism can protect a person from excessive coffee consumption

A protective genetic mechanism can protect a person from excessive coffee consumption, researchers at the University of South Australia have found that coffee consumption patterns reveal a state of heart...

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Genetic engineering against swine flu

Genetic engineering technologies could help prevent the spread of swine flu in pig farms and also reduce the risk of epidemics, British researchers say. According to scientists at the Roslin...

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New fertilizer in Israel could be the solution of the future

An Israeli company would produce an odorless, safely stored and usable fertilizer from animal feces – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The procedure, developed by Paulee CleanTec, was originally intended to get rid...

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New developments can help plant growers combat climate change

Swedish scientists would monitor the sugar levels of plants in real time. Researchers at Linköping University have developed biosensors that can measure sugar levels in real time in plant tissues....

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The robot dog is visiting Hungary

Alza.hu is the first to bring the development of Boston Dynamics, Spot, the robot dog, to Hungary. Alza’s commitment to innovation, robotics, cybernetics and artificial intelligence has been unshakable since...

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A new method can speed up the identification of crop defects caused by fungal infections

Due to the growing importance of food safety and increasingly stringent consumer expectations, increasingly modern technological procedures are also helping to control food quality. Double-spore mushroom samples showing symptoms of...

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Researchers at Szent István University are working to filter out counterfeit tomato concentrates

There have been a number of reports in the press and that in-store tomato products have been “conjured up” by some producers through food counterfeiting to make them more appealing...

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A self-disinfecting face mask was developed by American researchers in sunlight

Researchers at the University of California have developed a special cotton face mask that can kill 99.999 percent of the bacteria and viruses on it in one hour when exposed...

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Americans develop automated farms

A newly established scientific institute is looking for the answer to the question of how automated the agriculture of the future can be. The AIFARMS Institute will primarily study the...

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Where robots pick tomatoes

The pandemic catalyzed the use of robots and artificial intelligence. Digitization has been introduced in sectors where it was unimaginable – magyarmezogazdasag.hu wrote. Source: magyarmezogazdasag.hu A Boston startup, Root AI,...

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Animal feed from Pakistani locusts

Pakistan has been plagued by an increasingly severe locust invasion for years. This year’s “season” has already begun and may last until mid-September – origo wrote. Scientists are working hard...

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Natural caffeine has a longer lasting effect than its artificial version

Natural caffeine has a longer-lasting and more even effect on the thought process and mood than artificial caffeine, researchers at Clarkson University have found. The authors of a study published...

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Plants also eat plastic

According to a recent research, plastic waste not only pollutes the waters of the seas and oceans, but as it turned out, in addition to animals, plants are also able...

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Coronavirus and food are what science says

20 percent of food-borne infections are caused by viruses. Coronaviruses mainly cause respiratory diseases, but do they spread through food? What is the experience so far and what can we...

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From laboratory to market, a Hungarian invention that opens a new dimension in purification

There is a Hungarian company that, thanks to its innovative technology, is able to decontaminate food, improve the quality of whiskey, and offers cost-effective and unique cleaning procedures in countless...

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Misconceptions about plant-based nutrition

Can deficiency diseases be caused by a vegan or vegetarian meal and it is difficult to get the nutrients you need? Or have we already done enough for sustainability by...

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There is no evidence to suggest that the virus would infect through food

There is no evidence to suggest that the virus would infect through food, the Chinese Epidemiological Center said on Friday after severely infected marine animals and cod were found in...

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Pollen was transported with soap bubbles to the fruit trees by Japanese scientists

A Japanese research team has managed to fertilize pear trees with pollen transported on the surface of soap bubbles, the BBC news portal reported. Due to the global decline in...

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Plants with genetically encoded autoluminescence

Autoluminescent plants engineered to express a bacterial bioluminescence gene cluster in plastids have not been widely adopted because of low light output. We engineered tobacco plants with a fungal bioluminescence...

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The packaging should tell you if the food can be consumed

Due to the expiration date on the packages, we do not always know whether the packaged food is still edible – origo wrote. Meals can often last for days or...

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