Tag "szüret"

Harvest on the steep hillside – Video of the day

Wow, that’s figuratively steep! Harvest somewhere in Germany…...

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Wine harvest at Auchan: if it’s October, it’s a wine fair

Auchan’s wine and champagne selection also competes with specialty stores. 150 Hungarian wineries are represented in approx. With 1,000 types of wine and 200 types of champagne, including many new...

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Hungarian winemakers are pessimists

Despite the weather challenges, the grape growers managed to harvest more grapes from the vines, but the average yield is still low. Due to the energy crisis, the price of...

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The quality of the wine grapes harvested so far in the Villány wine region is excellent

The harvest of typical blue grape varieties harvested so far in the Villány wine region, where the harvest until the end of October is currently in full swing, is average...

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An above-average grape harvest is expected in Mecsekalja

The bunches are full, the berries are larger than average, the yield is above average in the vineyard of the Viticulture and Wine Research Institute of the University of Pécs...

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Pineapple Dance – Video of the Day

The pineapple harvesting team seen in today’s video looks very familiar and routine – watching them is an experience like the harvesters swinging their scythes at once in old movies....

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FruitVeb: abundant rainfall was good for apple orchards

Although it is still impossible to estimate this year’s crop prospects, the abundant autumn-winter rainfall has definitely benefited the apple orchards, FruitVeB, the Hungarian Vegetable and Fruit Trade Organization and...

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Mango harvest on land, water, air – Video of the day

It is a creative (and eye-catching) adaptation to the local agricultural conditions, and from here, in the Carpathian Basin, it is a miracle of its own that a green-skinned mango...

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The 2022 vintage promises a good vintage for the makers of traditional champagnes

Despite the extremely hot summer weather, the makers of traditional champagnes both abroad and here can count on a good vintage. Seeing the outstanding quality of the grape harvest in...

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The plum season is in full swing: despite the spring frost and the summer drought, the harvest is close to average

The European Fresh Team – the educational program of the National Chamber of Agriculture promoting the consumption of vegetables and fruits – and its athlete ambassador, Attila Valter, got to...

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The wine market is more price sensitive than ever

The Budavar wine festival will open soon, and there are more and more similar events across the country, for example the Sopron Harvest Days will start soon. How do wine...

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Picking of the typical blue grape varieties of the Villány wine region has begun

The harvest of typical blue grape varieties has begun and is expected to end in the second half of October in the Villány wine region, where the quantity of the...

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Heatwaves Force Early Spanish Wine Harvests, Nighttime Picking

Forced to start harvesting a few weeks earlier in the season due to brutal summer temperatures and drought influenced by climate change, some Spanish vineyards such as this family business outside Madrid...

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According to AM, the significantly higher grape prices than last year are justified

The estimates for the low grape harvest and the grape price forecasts awaiting the approval of the wine regions justify significantly higher grape prices than last year during this year’s...

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The grapes went well with the table in many ways

The year 2022 is a serious challenge for agriculture due to the drought. However, domestic grape growers also reported positive effects. This year’s heat waves and the decreasing amount of...

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The House of Traditions organizes a vintage themed day

A gastronomic lecture with a tasting, a round table discussion, a handicraft session, an interactive children’s program and a dance house await those interested on the Harvest Day of the...

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Ministry of Agriculture: comprehensive harvest mustard control for the protection of wine growers

<div class = “lead_custom”> During the grape harvest, the authorities will carry out inspections at the wineries again, as in previous years. The basic goal of this is to develop...

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Ministry of Agriculture: grape growers deserve a fair purchase price

The government is actively helping to make this year’s harvest a success, yet some grape-buying wineries offer an unworthy and market-unreasonably low price for grapes. Unfair purchasing companies with grape...

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Varga Winery started harvesting with Csabagyöngye this year as well

The harvest in Hungary started this year with the earliest ripening grape variety, Csabagyöngye, the yield is average, the quality is outstanding – said the commercial director of the co-owner...

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(HU) Szüreti szezonnyitó

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Vintage Panorama: there is an opportunity for an excellent vintage

Compared to last year, harvest began later in each wine region. In the case of the varieties affected by drought and spring frost, a 15-20 percent yield loss is expected...

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Mountain villages: there will be less wine this year, but can be an excellent vintage

This year, the harvest began in all wine regions later than last year, with 15-20 percent yield loss expected for varieties affected by drought and spring fros – Légli Otto,...

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Grape harvest: excellent vintage in medium quantities

Although this year’s harvest is still very early and the amount of grapes harvested so far is only medium, it is already clear that the quality is very good –...

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The typical blue grape varieties of the Villány wine region will soon be harvested

In the last days of August, some farmers can start harvesting the typical blue grape varieties of the area in the Villány wine region – the secretary of the mountain...

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Hilltop is waiting for the harvest with an exceptionally good harvest and more presses

The Hilltop wine estate in Neszmély expects one of the best quality crops of the last decade this year. According to the Hungarian winery, the seemingly hectic weather of this...

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Harvest has begun

With the harvesting of the earliest ripening grape variety, Csabagyöngye, the harvest began in Hungary on Saturday – the co-owner-manager of Varga Pincészet Kft. said in Ordacsehi, Somogy county. Varga...

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Much less than expected grapes were produced this year in Hungary and in several countries of Europe

The experts were mistaken, the crisis of overproduction of grapes did not take place. Less than expected grapes were produced in Hungary and in other European countries, so the export...

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The grapes had a different idea

This time the experts were wrong: The grape harvest had been smaller in both Hungary and other European markets, so no oversupply occurred – in spite of the spring forecasts....

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High quality grapes are expected in the Szekszárd wine region

They expect high-quality grapes in the Szekszárd wine region, where the harvest of white grapes is nearing its end, and the yield of some vineyards exceeds last year’s quantity. The...

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The Harvest Days of Szekszárd have begun

The Harvest Days of Szekszárd have begun, with Varga Judit, Minister of Justice, inaugurating the series of programs on Friday. The head of the ministry, as the patron of the...

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