Tag "sör"
Brewing and beer consumption have also increased again in the Czech Republic
Date: 2023-04-19 10:10:40
Czech breweries brewed 20.55 million hectoliters of beer last year, 950,000 hectoliters more than in 2021, the association of Czech breweries announced on Wednesday in Prague. The amount of beer...
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The consumption of German beers in the European Union has decreased
Date: 2023-04-18 09:21:12
The consumption of German beers has decreased in the European Union and Germany in the last ten years, and there was an increase only outside the European Union, according to...
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Dreher 24 is updating its non-alcoholic portfolio with a lime-mint flavor
Date: 2023-04-13 10:06:33
In April, Dreher 24 launches a new product with a lime-mint flavor and 0.0% alcohol content. Flavored and non-flavored non-alcoholic beers have been increasingly popular among domestic consumers for years,...
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BrewDog to give away up to 100,000 pints in new Tough Mudder and Spartan partnership
Date: 2023-04-13 09:19:18
BrewDog has partnered with world leading obstacle course brands Tough Mudder and Spartan to be onboarded as the Official Finisher Drink for the 2023 and 2024 race seasons. The partnership...
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The Czechs would raise the VAT rate on beer, there is great indignation
Date: 2023-04-11 10:04:42
For the time being, there is a lively discussion in the five-party coalition about the plan of Czech Finance Minister Zbynek Stanjur, which would transform the entire tax system. Among...
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Hold my beer! – the beer market accepts the challenge
Date: 2023-03-30 22:43:08
Domestic sales of the five biggest breweries in Hungary were 3% higher in 2022 than in the previous year. More than 6 million hectolitres of beer were sold. Production costs...
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Completely alcohol-free and with a unique taste: here is the new Stella Artois 0.0%
Date: 2023-03-24 10:00:48
Az idén 50 éves Borsodi Sörgyár új, 0,0%-os alkoholmentes termékkel bővíti portfólióját. A márciustól elérhető Stella Artois 0,0% nemcsak a már jól ismert ízvilágot biztosítja, hanem alacsony kalóriatartalommal is bír....
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Dreher is starting the season with new packaging and a peach flavor
Date: 2023-03-23 11:48:21
One of the important symbols of Dreher Breweries, the circled triangle, appears more prominently on the new, more uniform packaging of the brand’s entire alcoholic and non-alcoholic portfolio. The ancient...
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Pécsi Sörfózde Zrt starts developing a new alcohol-free product linw
Date: 2023-03-17 11:09:49
As part of a research and development program of more than 800 million forints, Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt. is starting complex technological development in order to create a new product line,...
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The island of Capri inspired Peroni’s new super premium lager
Date: 2023-03-16 10:25:52
Peroni is introducing an easy-to-drink lager with a Mediterranean feel to it, in line with trends. The characteristic taste of Peroni Nastro Azzurro Stile Capri is made even more unique...
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Are the big breweries abusing their dominance over the small breweries?
Date: 2023-03-10 11:30:14
The Association of Csíki Sör and Small Breweries responded to the authority’s draft report in a harsh open letter to the Economic Competition Authority, at the same time objecting that,...
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Carlsberg Group Plans To Expand Regenerative Barley Usage Across Brands
Date: 2023-03-10 09:28:21
Carlsberg Group has announced that it is making progress on its goals to transition towards regenerative farming across its global supply chain. The Danish multinational brewer said it is ‘taking...
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The price of beer doubled
Date: 2023-03-09 13:51:04
In the case of lager-type beers, the prices of lager-type beers in Hungary rose the most in the entire European Union. The rate of beer price increase was twice as...
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The 7th Indoor Beer Festival is coming
Date: 2023-02-23 09:37:59
What do a five-star hotel on the Danube and a beer festival have to do with each other? Basically nothing, but February 24-25, 2023. between a very exciting gastronomic program,...
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Sörszövetség: the turnover of Hungarian beer producers increased last year, but did not reach the pre-pandemic level
Date: 2023-02-03 11:50:31
The sales of Hungarian beer industry companies increased last year compared to the previous year, but still fell short of 2019, domestic production in 2022 was close to the 2021...
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One in five opting for non-alcoholic beers as drink of choice, Budweiser research finds
Date: 2023-01-16 09:43:11
One in five (21%) of people would opt for non-alcoholic beer as their drink of choice at a social event, new research has found. According to a report from the...
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France’s InVivo To Buy One Of The World’s Oldest Malthouses
Date: 2023-01-11 09:28:53
Malteries Soufflet, a branch of French agribusiness group InVivo, has signed an agreement to take over Belgian malthouse Castle Malting, one of the oldest producers of the beer ingredient in...
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Nielsen: We bought half as much beer at the world championship as we did during the two weeks of the European Championship
Date: 2022-12-16 12:33:48
Two-thirds of Hungarians watch the World Cup in Qatar in company, but many also sit down alone for the sake of a World Cup match, NielsenIQ’s consumer research shows. Fans...
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Wernesgrüner repositions itself
Date: 2022-12-14 09:28:42
Following the launch of the “More connects us” campaign, Wernesgrüner Brewery is taking the next step in positioning the brand: it is now presenting itself in a completely new, modern...
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Beer may become very expensive from December
Date: 2022-11-29 10:51:24
The price of beer may increase by HUF 40-50 – at least that’s how Metropol was informed. After the outbreak of the war in our neighbor, the prices of alcoholic...
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More people brewing beer at home as the cost of a pint rises
Date: 2022-11-28 09:41:14
Online searches for “home brew” and “home brew shop” have risen by 77% over the year, new research has revealed, with pubs at risk of closure amid rising costs and...
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A Hungarian small-scale brewery has achieved success in London
Date: 2022-11-24 11:40:17
The Etyeki Sörmanufaktúra won silver and bronze medals among nearly 700 entries from more than 40 countries at the International Beer Challenge, considered the most important beer competition in the...
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5,500 HUF – that’s how much a beer costs at the World Cup in Qatar
Date: 2022-11-18 10:51:37
After the Qatari royal family bypassed FIFA and unexpectedly banned alcohol a few days before the soccer World Cup, the fans, in addition to the main sponsor Budweiser, became very...
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There may be a beer shortage affecting the whole of Europe
Date: 2022-11-17 12:54:51
Due to the energy crisis and climate change, Europe’s largest malt exporter is facing serious problems, which are further deepened by the Russian-Ukrainian war. “The increasingly protracted Russian-Ukrainian conflict presented...
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Italy’s Gruppo VéGé Introduces Video Sommelier Service
Date: 2022-11-08 09:45:02
Italian modern retail distribution group Gruppo VéGé has rolled out a video streaming sommelier service in its stores. The service is the result of a partnership with Smart Sommelier, an in-store...
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The number of German breweries is decreasing
Date: 2022-10-28 08:03:22
The president of the Brewers’ Association gave a dramatic speech at the Berlin Congress of the German Beer Sommelier Association – we read in the latest VIMOSZ newsletter – in...
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Carlsberg Rolls Out Limited-Edition Brews To Mark 175th Anniversary
Date: 2022-10-14 09:00:40
atóriumában fejlesztett limitált kiadású italok csak bizonyos piacokon lesznek kaphatók. Danish brewer Carlsberg has launched a range of exclusive experimental brews to celebrate its 175th anniversary. The limited-edition drinks will...
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Csíki Sör is closing three of its centers in Hungary
Date: 2022-10-10 10:00:26
Csíki Sör Manufaktúra will close its locations in Debrecen, Győr and Hódmezővásárhely from the first of November, the company announced on its Facebook page. “From the first of November, we...
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Planned Rise in Alcohol Duty Rates to be Cancelled Due to Industry Concerns
Date: 2022-09-26 09:59:17
Planned increases in alcohol duty rates for beer, cider, wine and spirits have been axed, following an announcement by Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng in the Commons today, 23 September. The move...
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Ekonoke launches first beer made from fully hydroponic hops
Date: 2022-09-23 11:25:21
Spanish hops manufacturer Ekonoke is growing fully-indoor hops in Madrid in a controlled environment that measures carbon dioxide levels, temperature, lighting, humidity and photosynthesis, allowing up to 52 harvests per...
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