Tag "őszi árpa"

The summer harvest is over

With the exception of a few small areas, the summer harvest ended by July 24, which was not significantly affected by the unfavorable circumstances this year. The warehouse capacity is...

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The harvest of the ear crops in Békés county has been completed

The harvest of the ear crops in the Békés county has been completed, the yield averages of winter wheat and barley were better than last year, although the farmers sowed...

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Agrometeorology: autumn sowing needs more and more precipitation

Autumn sowing would need more and more precipitation, and even though moist air will flow into the Carpathian basin in the coming days, the distribution of precipitation will not be...

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The average yield of wheat increased by 36 percent compared to last year

The harvest of grain cereals was almost completed by August 13, 2023, and the harvest was completed on 1 million 602 thousand hectares of the planned 1 million 619 thousand...

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Wheat becomes life

Without the establishment of the sovereign, Christian Hungarian state founded by Saint István, today we would not be able to provide help to farmers in the organized way they expect...

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The autumn corn sowing season is about to begin

The fungal diseases that appeared after the cool, rainy spring caused significant problems for the fall corn seeds as well. According to the Interprofessional Organization and Product Council of the Seed...

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This summer’s harvest is coming to an end

This year’s summer harvest work is coming to an end. Compared to last year’s extremely droughty year, the harvest is more favorable and more than covers the domestic supply needs, but...

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The fall barley harvest is over

Due to the rainy weather of the past day, the harvesting work has slowed down, therefore the summer plowing continues without interruption in the fields, said Minister of Agriculture István...

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The harvest has started in Békés County

The harvest has started in Békés County, the farmers have almost finished harvesting the autumn barley, the harvest falls short of expectations – the Békés County Directorate of the National...

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Meteorological service: soil recharge is gaining momentum

The recharge of the soils in autumn and winter is gaining momentum, and rainfall can be expected several times by the end of next week, the National Meteorological Service wrote...

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The autumn sowing works in the fields are slowly being completed, such a result is expected

The domestic sowing work, which lays the foundation for the 2023 crops, is progressing at an appropriate pace and will essentially be completed by the middle of November, Minister of...

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Report on the 2022 corn seed situation

The 2022 corn cultivation and seed propagation were basically determined by the lack of rainfall and the heat. In some regions, after July 2021, there was no significant rainfall during...

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AM: This year’s harvest ended with yield records

Good yields of arable crops offset the decline in acreage, with winter wheat and barley harvesting at an average record, the State Secretary for Agriculture and Rural Development at the...

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Harvesting has begun, a weaker-than-average yield is expected

Harvesting work has begun with the harvest of autumn barley. According to the preliminary estimates the weather is expected to result in a lower-than-average yield, with about 7 million tonnes...

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Chamber of Agriculture: harvest may begin in two weeks

The summer harvest can begin with the harvest of winter barley in two weeks, if there is no significant cooling in the coming period, said the president of the field...

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The barley harvest to be finished soon

90 percent of the 218,000 hectares of arable land of autumn barley has been harvested, and although the yield of 5.5 tonnes per hectare is slightly below last year’s level,...

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AM: good harvest is expected

Harvest has begun with harvesting autumn barley. The preliminary estimates suggest that, despite weather conditions, over-than-average yields of 7.7 million tons of field crops are expected from 1.6 million hectares...

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The harvest of autumn barley and rapeseed has ended in Békés County

Outstanding autumn barley yield occured this year in Békés County – Barabás Béla, secretary of the Békés County Farmers' Federation told MTI on Monday. The average yield per hectare in...

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The harvest begins

This year's harvest season has started with the winter barley harvest at the end of the week – hvg.hu wrote after Napi Gazdaság. Vancsura József, president of the National Association...

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