Tag "Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat"

A period of permanent water shortage has been announced

Following the initiative of the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations and Farmers’ Cooperatives, the Minister of the Interior announced a permanent water shortage period...

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Agrometeorology: in large areas, especially in the Alföld and the Kisalföld, the water stands on the land

In large areas of the country, especially in the Alföld and the Kisalföld, there is standing water in the fields, which makes it difficult to sow in the mild weather,...

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Agrometeorology: the size of inland water areas has barely decreased and rainy weather is expected again

In the rain-free weather of the past few days, the size of the inland areas has barely decreased, and rain and snow may arrive again in several waves by Sunday,...

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Agrometeorology: the size of inland water areas is increasing

In most parts of the country, the upper one-meter layer of the soil is already saturated, and the size of the areas flooded with inland water is increasing, the National...

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Elindult a K&H agrár CO2-kalkulátor

Habár a klímaváltozás, a Közös Agrárpolitika elvárásai és a szigorúbb fogyasztói elvárások is a környezetet kímélő megoldások irányába tolják az agráriumot, csupán minden tizedik agrárcégnek van erre irányuló írott stratégiája,...

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Agrometeorology: the size of inland water areas in the Great Plain is increasing

In recent days, precipitation has arrived in several waves, significant snow cover has formed in many places, but the size of inland water areas is increasing in the Great Plain,...

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Agrometeorology: the area flooded by inland water is increasing in the Great Plains

In the rainy weather, in the southern and eastern regions of the Great Plain, the size of the areas flooded by inland water is increasing, which is not good for...

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Agrometeorology: due to the abundant rainfall, the fields are already waterlogged in some places

The long autumn was favorable for autumn sowing, but due to the abundant rainfall, the soil is too muddy for autumn soil work in many places, and in some places...

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Agrometeorology: the Great Plain has inland areas and water shortages at the same time

For a while, the mild, rainy weather that lasted for weeks was favorable for autumn sowing, but in the Great Plains, the seepage cannot keep up with the rainfall on...

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Agrometeorology: soil replenishment with moisture in autumn and winter is progressing well

The autumn-winter recharge of the soils is progressing well, in addition to the soil layers close to the surface, moisture also reached the lower layers in the rainy weather of...

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Agrometeorology: the rainy weather favored the development of autumn-sown grain

The mild but often rainy weather of the past two weeks created favorable conditions for the early development of autumn-sown grains, the National Meteorological Service wrote in its agrometeorological analysis...

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Agrometeorology: the autumn-winter recharge of the soils has begun

In the past week, the weather turned wetter, and in the next few days, a significant amount of rain may fall across the country, the National Meteorological Service wrote in...

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A joint initiative of K&H and AKI: the agricultural CO2 calculator

On October 10, 2023, the K&H Group presented its gap-filling initiative created with the Institute of Agricultural Economics, the K&H agricultural CO2 calculator, which is available free of charge and...

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Agrometeorology: autumn sowing needs more and more precipitation

Autumn sowing would need more and more precipitation, and even though moist air will flow into the Carpathian basin in the coming days, the distribution of precipitation will not be...

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Agrometeorology: the developing canola would need rain a lot

The developing rapeseed needs a lot of rain, but the cold front arriving on Sunday will bring only little precipitation, and morning frosts are expected again in the first half...

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Agrometeorology: at the beginning of next week, the first autumn frosts may appear in frost-prone areas

Favorable, mostly dry weather for harvesting continues, but the first autumn frost may appear on Monday, the National Meteorological Service wrote in its agrometeorological analysis on Thursday. Although several weather...

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OMSZ: you can make good progress with the harvest, the rainfall helped a lot for the optimal development of rapeseed

In the current dry weather, the autumn harvest is progressing well, and the heavy rainfall over the weekend sufficiently moistened the soil for the early development of canola and the...

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OMSZ: the grain corn crop of the EU may be better than last year

At the European Union level, compared to the average of the past 5 years, the expected average yield of grain corn this year has decreased by 3 percent, mainly due...

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Agrometeorology: canola would need a lot of rain

Rapeseed would need a lot of rainfall, because the sown seeds do not germinate in the dry soil in many places, or only with difficulty, the National Meteorological Service wrote...

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Agrometeorology: canola needs precipitation

The dry, warm weather of the past few days was ideal for the maturing rapeseed plants, but at the same time it significantly dried out the soil layer near the...

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Agrometeorology: the soil in the Great Plain is too dry in many places

Sunflowers and corn no longer require additional rain, but the soil in the Great Plain is too dry to sow rapeseed, the National Meteorological Service announced in its agrometeorological analysis...

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Agrometeorology: a good crop of corn is promised in many places

There is still moisture in the soil, and corn likes heat, so it promises a good harvest in many places, the National Meteorological Service wrote in its agrometeorological analysis on...

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Agrometeorology: sunny, warm, dry weather helps the ripening of summer plants

There may still be sporadic showers and thunderstorms this week, and mostly sunny, warm, dry weather for most of next week will help the ripening processes of summer plants, the...

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Agrometeorology: soil moisture content is favorable for summer plants

 Compared to the season, the soil moisture content is favorable: the part of the soil near the surface is still close to saturation, and critically dry soil is not typical...

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Agrometeorology: both drought and saturated soil occur in Hungary at the beginning of August

While the western part of Transdanubia has received abundant precipitation in recent weeks, there is a drought in the central part of Hungary and the rain is needed, the National...

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Agrometeorology: in the central and southeastern parts of the country, summer crops would benefit from rainfall

There is already a drought in the central and southeastern parts of the country, the summer field crops in these areas can only get moisture from the deeper soil layers,...

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Agrometeorology: corn would benefit from rain

There is a drought in many places in the Great Plain and in the north and south-east of Transdanubia, corn would need abundant rainfall for the formation and growth of...

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Agrometeorology: the nocturnal thunderstorm system is good for plants

Wednesday night’s intense thunderstorm system arrived in time for the increasingly thirsty summer plants, the National Meteorological Service announced in Thursday’s agrometeorological analysis. They wrote that the upper half-meter layer...

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The weather is favorable for harvesting corn, but sunflowers and corn need more rainfall

The current dry weather is ideal for harvesting corn, but sunflowers and corn would benefit from additional rainfall, the National Meteorological Service wrote in its agrometeorological analysis on Thursday. The...

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Agrometeorology: there was no shortage of precipitation in the spring, but the frosty mornings threatened the orchards this year as well

Changeable, capricious spring weather characterized this year’s spring: unlike in previous years, there was no shortage of precipitation, but the frosty dawns threatened the orchards until the end of April...

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