Tag "okostelefon"

This is how remotely monitored stores will work

It was recently announced that the first so-called “hybrid” stores will soon be launched in Hungary as well, which will be waiting for customers during the day in the form...

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More than three quarters of Hungarians are open to buying used products online

77 percent of Hungarians are open to buying used products online, 64 percent have already bought them on the Internet, and 8 percent are sure that they will make such...

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IDC: smartphone shipments may fall this year

Global smartphone shipments could drop 3.5 percent to 1.31 billion this year, according to the U.S. International Data Corporation (IDC) IT and telecommunications market research firm....

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eNet: 6.2 million people already use smartphones in Hungary

In Hungary, 6.2 million people already use smartphones and roughly 6 million people use the Internet on their mobile phones between the ages of 18 and 69, according to the...

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Smartphone shipments fell 8.9 percent in the first quarter globally

Globally, global shipments of smartphones fell 8.9 percent to 314.1 million in the first quarter of this year. The indicator is already declining for the third quarter. Nabilah Popal, director...

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Tablets make you fat!

Teens glued to their tablet, smartphone or computer for hours on end may be more likely to become obese, a new study suggests. Those who used screen devices for five...

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Global smartphone sales grew 6 percent last year

After a sharp decline of two years ago, smartphone sales rose worldwide last year, according to market research firm Gartner. The five market leaders further increased their market share to...

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In the first six months of 2021, the technical consumer goods market reached new peaks

The value of the global market for technical electronics (TCG) – excluding North America – rose a record 26 percent to $433 billion in the first half of 2021 compared...

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First Product Packaging for People with Visual Impairments

New technology aims to make shopping easier for people with visual impairments: a code on the packaging allows smartphones to recognize ingredients and nutritional information and play it back to...

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Global smartphone sales grew in the first quarter

After last year’s big downturn, smartphone sales rose more than a quarter in the first quarter of this year, according to a report released on Monday by market research firm...

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Me@Walmart workplace app and smartphones

Walmart announced on 3rd June that it’s launching Me@Walmart, a new workplace app that allows associates to schedule shifts, clock in, troubleshoot daily tasks and, eventually, replenish products more efficiently. In a blog...

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Without a terminal, Hungarian merchants can also accept card payments by smartphone

Hungarian merchants can also use their smartphones to accept cards when paying, so they can comply with the regulation, which will come into force within a month and a half,...

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Global smartphone sales declined

Smartphone sales declined significantly less than expected globally in the third quarter, partly due to the increased demand as the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic eased, according to a...

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Global sales of smartphones declined in the first quarter of this year

In the first quarter of this year, 299 million 138,000 smartphones were sold worldwide, 20.2 percent less than a year earlier, according to the U.S. market research website Gartner Strategy....

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Mobile monitoring apps are coming soon

Several European countries are working to develop an application to monitor the spread of the coronavirus epidemic – hvg.hu wrote. First, China began monitoring citizens – and the spread of...

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Apple sold the most smartphones in the fourth quarter

South Korea’s Samsung Electronics Co. retained its leading position in the global smartphone market last year, but Apple Inc. topped the list in the fourth quarter – according to the...

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Record growth in European smartphone sales in the tirrd quarter

The European smartphone market achieved the highest 8 percent third-quarter sales growth in its history – according to a survey by market research firm Canalys. With its eight percent growth,...

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Global sales of smartphones continue to decline this year

Global sales of smartphones have fallen for the third consecutive year – according to the International Data Corporation (IDC) IT and telecommunications market research firm. According to IDC, 0.4 percent...

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Parents shop in two waves during school start

The end of August and the beginning of September is the start of school, which usually provokes mixed feelings in the children. Some are excited about preparing for the new...

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A smartphone app helps the apple growers

Small farmers cannot afford agricultural advice in Serbia yet, so they rely on ancient observations in apple growing – origo wrote. Five young people decided to help them with the...

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We can use the smartphone to check the food in the store

British researchers have developed low-cost, smartphone-friendly, environmentally friendly sensors for checking the freshness of packaged meats and fish – origo wrote. Researchers say that the new sensors can help detect...

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Nearly 5.4 million online shoppers in Hungary

An eNET online survey conducted in April 2019 found that 91 percent of Hungarian internet users, 5.4 million people, already bought something online minimum once in the last 12 months....

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The Hungarians are having breakfast by scrolling on their mobile phones alone

Although almost everyone thinks it is important for the family to have breakfast together, and the common breakfast is a good time for a quality time together, in everyday life...

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Magazine: ‘The world has turned upside down’

Ákos Kozák (GfK) about the digitalisation process. Ákos Kozák, managing director of GfK told at a press meeting in March that the shopping habits of Hungarians had started to change...

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Webshop first, app shop next

Mobile First as a web development and design principle can’t be ignored any more, when 30-50 percent of the turnover of online shops come from mobile devices.  Our magazine interviewed...

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Two thirds of Hungarians would pay with smartphone instead of bank card

At the end of May Mastercard published the results of a survey, which reveal that two thirds of Hungarians would prefer smartphone payment instead of bank cards. One quarter of respondents...

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The lowest number of smartphones was sold in this year’s first quarter in China of the past six years

In China, sales of smartphones dropped by three percent in the first quarter – according to Canalys market research firm. In the first quarter of this year, 88 million smartphones...

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Smartphone sales fell in the last quarter of last year in China

In China, the sales of smartphones decreased by 9.7 percent in the last quarter of last year. According to the US International Data Corporation (IDC) IT and telecom market research...

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eNet: Hungarians are spending more on video games

In Hungary, 60 percent of the adult population plays video games, and the amount spent on it is constantly increasing. Video games are generating approximately 41 billion forints turnover per...

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Half of the Hungarians carry out Christmas shopping via mobile phones

Shopping via mobile phones is at least as casual as the traditional way to shop in a store. In Europe, about 80 percent of the population are ordering products from...

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