Tag "növényegészségügy"

A criminal group dealing in fake and illegal plant protection products and fertilizers has been busted in Romania and Italy

A criminal group was involved in the illegal trade of fake plant protection products and fertilizers banned in the European Union, which was dismantled by the Romanian and Italian authorities,...

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Be careful when buying plants from abroad!

Did you like a plant during your holiday outside the European Union and would you like to take it home?Do not do it! We can bring not only a beautiful,...

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Inspection of propagating material sales has begun: the authority visited the unloading fair in Lajosmizse

With the arrival of spring, the sale of grape and fruit propagating materials began, therefore Nébih, involving the employees of the county government offices, began inspections at markets and unloading...

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Important changes in relation to phytosanitary notifications

The form for phytosanitary notifications required by April 30 has been changed. Based on the relevant decree, producers have a notification obligation regarding phytosanitary tests. The content of the Notification form...

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The choice is not easy – advice before buying and installing fruit propagating material

The right propagating materials are indispensable in the creation of plots dotted with aesthetic ornamental plants, as well as home and hobby gardens that provide families with healthy fruit and...

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Hungarian agricultural professional organizations are asking the EU to limit grain imports from Ukraine again

At the farmers’ demonstration in Záhony organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (Magosz) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), it was announced that Magosz...

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Elindult a #PlantHealth4Life kampány

Az Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság (EFSA), az Európai Bizottság (EB) és partnereik az Európai Unió (EU) tagállamaiban elindítják a #PlantHealth4Life kampányt, melynek célja, hogy a növényegészségügyre és annak mindennapi életünkkel való...

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Hungary was also represented at the Italian MACFRUT event

MACFRUT is an important international event of the fruit-vegetable-spice sector, which took place for the 40th time this year in Rimini, Italy, between May 3rd and 5th. At the event,...

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The knowledge of young people will always have a place and value in agriculture

The young people know exactly that there are huge opportunities in agriculture, that agriculture is one of the key sectors of our future – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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The European Food Safety Authority renews the membership of its scientific bodies and Scientific Committee

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) will renew the membership of its scientific bodies (panels) and Scientific Committee in 2024. The relevant information was recently published on the EFSA website....

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The presence of the plant pathogenic bacterium Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum was confirmed in our country

Three counties in Hungary are currently affected: Hajdú-Bihar, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and Zala, in relation to the plant-dangerous pathogen identified for the first time in Europe in 2015. Clarifying the origin of...

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When buying plants online, you need your passport!

Distance selling of plants intended for planting is only permitted with a plant passport, which proves that cultivation and production took place in compliance with plant health requirements. In addition...

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A working group examines the effects of Ukrainian grain

A chamber working group is being formed to investigate the crop market crisis caused by Ukrainian grain, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) told MTI on Monday. In the...

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Sándor Farkas: the recognition of Hungarian agriculture has never been as good as it is now

The recognition of Hungarian agriculture has perhaps never been as good as it is now – the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture stated on Thursday in Nagymágocs....

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Low-quality Ukrainian grain of dubious origin floods the market

The faulty decisions in Brussels have released a huge amount of poor quality Ukrainian grain of dubious origin to Ukraine’s neighbors, which makes it impossible for Hungarian farmers as well....

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The new common agricultural policy helps farmers with significant resources

In the new EU support period between 2023-2027, the common agricultural policy offers Hungarian farmers a variety of choices. Acquaintance with the new rules is now one of the most...

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Plant health regulations will be tightened from December

The plant health regulations, which affect every traveler from abroad, will be tightened from 14 December – the National Food Chain Safety Authority’s (Nebih) draws attention on its website. The...

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Registration for ISF conference started

All about what you should know before you start registering to the ISF World Seed Congress: eligibility to register, registration fees for delegates and accompanying persons, registration periods, registration inclusions....

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Support for the fight against phytoplasma infection

The Ministry of Agriculture supports the fight against phytoplasma infection with 8000 HUF per hectare. The Ministry of Agriculture provides direct fundings for the defense against plant quarantine pests for...

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Unverified Polish potatoes were found again

An entrepreneur in Újfehértó was caught once again, after unverified, Polish potatoes were found at the fruit and vegetable wholesaler again. The National Food safety Office and the National Tax...

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