Tag "MVI"

Magazine: This is the situation

The Hungarian Tourism Agency has surveyed the general situation in the hospitality sector by asking various organisations about their experiences. They learned from the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) that...

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(HU) A kifejezetten a turizmushoz köthető vendéglátás adatai 2020-ban

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Hospitality’s present and perspectives

László Kovács, president of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) gave a presentation at BKIK’s conference about the present and the near future of the hospitality sector. He told that...

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(HU) Vállalkozások és álláskeresők a vendéglátásban 2020-ban

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(HU) Vendéglátóhelyi forgalmi és HR-adatok 2020-ban

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(HU) A magyar vendéglátás hálózatának jellemzői 2020-ban

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(HU) Vendéglátóhelyek kötelező adatszolgáltatása

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Simpler tip management rules

The representatives of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) and the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) have already sat down many times to simplify the rules of tip management....

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The catering industry will not decrease the turnover of food delivery due to the VAT change

According to the president of the Hungarian Catering Industry Association (MVI), the discounted 5 percent VAT rate on food delivery and removal will most likely not cause a decrease in...

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(HU) A vendéglátást érintő rendeleti módosításokkal kapcsolatos legfontosabb tudnivalók

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Harmonisation talks with Artisjus

In May the representatives of Artisjus and the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) continued the negotiations about rates. Dr Mária Filák, head of department with Artisjus told MVI president László...

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Atypical forms of employment

On 1 March work started in the consortium of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI), the National Association of Tourism and Hospitality Employers (VIMOSZ) and Edutus University on realising the...

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Jakabffy book now available with a discount

It was one and a half years ago that the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) published a book commemorating László Jakabffy, tilted Az Ízvezető (The Taste Leader). Those who would...

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Preparing for the arrival of guests

László Kovács, president of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) told in a television interview: before the terraces of bars, restaurants and cafés reopen, owners’ main tasks are restocking their...

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MVI website revamped

Bernadett Bíró talked to our magazine about the new website of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI), mvi.hu. She told: it was her task to come up with the new...

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Recommendations for the reopening

Seven Hungarian interest representing bodies from the hospitality sector spent weeks discussing their ideas about the restart of the tourism and hospitality sector, sending their recommendations to Dr László György,...

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They recruited me to deliver ideas

Norbert Polyák, the new managing director of Gundel has been helping the presidency’s work since last year.   With what work experiences did you end up in the director’s seat...

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(HU) AZ MVI javaslata a társasági adóelőleg ügyében

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Preliminary statistical results

Károly Zerényi, member of the body of representatives of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) shared the preliminary statistical results on the changes in the trade with our magazine. According...

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(HU) Idén szűk körben zajlott a Gundel-emléktábla megkoszorúzása

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(HU) Kinek érdemes a HIPA összegének mérséklésére pályáznia?

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(HU) A turizmus újranyitása

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(HU) Szakmai szervezetek levele a miniszterelnöknek

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(HU) Érthető, ám nem követendő tiltakozás a bezárás ellen

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(HU) Ünnepi üdvözlet a Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestületétől

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(HU) Pro Gastronomia díj – 2020

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(HU) TV interjú a vendéglátás helyzetéről Kovács Lászlóval, az MVI elnökével

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