Tag "mezőgazdaság"

The slaughterhouse in Mohács can be launched during the autumn

The Bonafarm Group, owned by Csányi Sándor Chairman-CEO of OTP plans to slaughter 1 million pigs a year, from next year. It is a very ambitious vision in a country...

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KSH: Agricultural prices barely rose in April

Agricultural producer prices were only 0.4 percent higher in April, compared to a year before as the result of the 4.2 percent price increase of plants and 6.2 percent price...

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Farm on the factory roof

A disused office in The Hague has been renewed as a sprawling rooftop greenhouse, with a fish farm operating on the floor below. Urban Farmers’ rooftop greenhouse is a hoping...

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The FAO and ILO against child labor in agriculture

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) offered help to agricultural experts to help with the problem of child labor. Young girl is transporting...

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The V4 Chambers of Agriculture urging new measures in milk and pork case

The chambers of agriculture of the V4 countries – Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary – call for new measures to help the dairy and pig sectors – at their...

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The national agricultural chamber member registration is complete

Virtually the national agricultural chamber member registration is complete, thanks to the IT development at the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) – the General Director of the Chamber told on Friday...

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FM: this year's harvest prospects are favorable

Czerván György, Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) called this year's crop prospects favorable at a professional event in Cegléd – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) informed...

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Syngenta: now farmers need to pay attention to the arable crops

Wheat, corn and sunflowers are all in promising developmental stages. It is projected that colza will also be promising this year. But the farmers really need to pay attention now,...

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Another forty billion HUF for agri-environmental program

The framework of the agri-environmental program will be expanded with forty billion HUF. Viticulturists and fruit growers can apply for 15 billion HUF, while animal breeders can apply for 25...

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Another tender was announced for farmers

About 19.68 billion HUF applications were announced by the Prime Minister's Office within a tender invitation on Monday. According to the notice, the supports can be used to establish crop...

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Robot farmers in Japan

Human-like robots and self-driving tractors are the future to replace the agricultural labor force in Japan – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The reason is that the Japanese farmers are getting too old...

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Another program will start to support horticulture

The Ministry of Agriculture launches a new five-year agri-environment program for the horticultural industry from 2016, which provides 15 billion HUF additional support capabilities to the farmers – Kis Miklós...

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The OTP Bank would increase its market share in agricultural fundings to 20 percent by 2020

The OTP Bank would increase its market share from the current 16-17 percent to 20 percent in agricultural fundings until 2020 – Szabó István OTP’s Deputy Managing Director of the...

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The KITE Zrt. reached 240 billion HUF turnover last year

The Nádudvar-based KITE Zrt. increased its turnover by five percent to 240 billion HUF in 2015 – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The company thus continues to lead the domestic agricultural integrator market....

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The current level of EU's agricultural subsidies must be maintained even after 2020

The current level of the European Union agricultural subsidies must be maintained in the agricultural sector even after 2020, any new tasks can be financed only from new sources –...

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The 20th Agri Expo in Pápa opened its doors

At the three-day event about 130 exhibitors, including food producers, viticulturist will introduce their products. Csepreghy Nándor, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Prime Minister's Office in his opening speech...

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Experimental grape varieties perform well

The experimental grape varieties of the Vine and Wine Sciences (BRC) of the University of Pécs are performing well: Three out of the four plants are resistant to major fungal...

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Rural Development Office: more than 175 thousand single applications have arrived

Until the May 23 deadline, the producers submitted 175 355 applications for about 5 million hectares to the Agriculture and Rural Development Office (MVH); about the same amount as in...

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Do not expect lower strawberry prices

The price of strawberries will not be cheaper in June. Currently it is around 1000-1400 HUF per kilo. Due to the severe frost damages, about 30 percent of the yield...

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Triticale: healthy feed to achieve healthy meat

Due to its high nutritional value and cultivation attributions, the utilization of triticale as feed is becoming increasingly important – the director of the Szeged-based Gabonakutató Nonprofit Kft. (Cereal Research...

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The Bayer would pay 62 billion USD for Monsanto

Bayer AG offered 62 billion USD to buy Monsanto Co., deepening investor concern that it’s stretching its finances to become the world’s biggest seller of seeds and farm chemicals. The...

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FM: Hungary still wants GMO-free practices in crop production

Hungary continues to consider that the principle of precautionary should be applied in connection with any technology of which there is no sufficient data about effects. Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister...

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The agricultural insurance framework increases by one-third this year

The agricultural insurance framework increases by one-third this year to 4 billion HUF, but because the money comes from EU funds again, the amount will be paid to farmers at...

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Arable yields in Hungary should be stabilized

Arable yields in Hungary should be stabilized because the considerable yield fluctuations due to natural conditions impair competitiveness – Feldman Zsolt Deputy Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The agricultural use of the domestic mineral resources is untapped

The agricultural use of the domestic mineral resources is untapped – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) drew attention at a press conference on...

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To preserve the Hungarian foie gras products is a cultural and national economic interest

To preserve the Hungarian foie gras products is a cultural and national economic interest – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) responsible for food chain...

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144 thousand single agricultural support applications have arrived yet

Only 144 thousand EU single agricultural support applications have arrived until Saturday, after last year's 180 thousand, though this year, the deadline was extended to May 23 – Süle Katalin,...

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There will be enough Hungarian tomatoes and peppers on the market this year

Hungarian tomatoes and peppers are available for weeks. As it was said at the professional day of Syngenta and the Árpád Agrár Zrt. in Szentes: according to forecasts a sufficient...

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The Rural Development Programme supports the development of irrigation

The call for proposals to support irrigation development was published by the Rural Development Programme (VP) – the Prime Minister's Office told MTI on Wednesday. According to the information thanks...

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Regional Conference is held once every two years

Regional Conferences are an official forum where Ministers of Agriculture and other high officials from all Member States in the region meet to debate challenges related to food and agriculture,...

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