Tag "Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft."

Magazine: Joint promotion by trademark using manufacturers

HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. implemented the biggest marketing campaign of the last eight years, and last year brought a new record: 15 companies took part in the company’s 7th prize game. Nearly...

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Lakossági piacra fejleszt a DOMI Fokhagyma

Áttörésre készül a DOMI Fokhagyma Kft. A fokhagyma-feldolgozással több mint 22 éve foglalkozó társaság az FMCG-­piacra koncentrálva nemcsak a natúr zúzott, a húsokhoz, sültekhez vagy éppen fasírthoz kínált, fűszerezett –...

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Hungarian Product Packages for the families of 75,000 newborns

From March the families of 75,000 newborn babies will receive so-called Hungarian Product Packages for a 10-month period. The package will contain marketing material and products from the trademark-using SMEs. HUNGARIAN PRODUCT...

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(HU) A MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. új védjegyhasználó partnerei

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Breed your own pig! – Virtual breeding, real-life pig slaughter

In Cégénydányád anyone can breed their own pig virtually: those who take part in Szatmár Farm Cooperative’s program can follow the breeding process of the pig they have bought online,...

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Hungarian Product teams up with consumer protection organisation

HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. has signed a cooperation agreement with the Hungarian Association of Consumer Protection Organisations (FOME), with the purpose of providing consumers with more information about products. FOME will help...

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Ministry of Agriculture also helps to popularise the Hungarian Product trademark

The cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. continues. A survey conducted by BGE’s Marketing Institute has found that 94 percent of consumers who are interested in the...

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Szofi paper napkin buyer wins Suzuki Vitara

A shopper from Ózd won the main prize, a Suzuki Grand Vitara, in the promotion campaign called ‘Colour Hungary with HEARTS’. Nearly 19,000 consumers registered for the prize game and almost...

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Factory extension by Tamási Hús Kft.

Tamási Hús Kft. – owned by Austrian company Gierlinger Holding GmbH – built their factory in 2007. The company specialises in making bacon products. Tamási Hús Kft. realises 60 percent of its sales revenue...

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Magazine: The Hungarian Product trademark doesn’t only attest place of origin

The Hungarian Product trademark certifies both product origin and quality, following a multi-stage, independent evaluation by experts. What is more, it also serves as an extra check whether the given products...

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Gyermelyi to double its pasta capacity

In 2017 Gyermelyi Zrt. invests HUF 10 billion in development. One of the biggest projects is the building of a new pasta factory, as a result of which Gyermelyi is going to...

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The Hungarian Treasures programme is building a community

In 2017 HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. has launched a new series of programmes: Hungarian Treasures offers one-day tours for partners, introducing some of the country’s cultural, natural and historical values. These tours...

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Trademark users are already making plans for 2018

In 2018 HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. will organise a nationwide prize game for consumers, implement a continuous in-store communication campaign and actively participate in the government programme that popularises Hungarian food...

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Hungarian Product: more than just a trademark

HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. was established in 2006 and since then its programme has become Hungary’s biggest and best-known certification scheme for product origin. In 2017 they will implement a major marketing...

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HAMM programme starts in public sector catering kitchens

The HAMM – Hungarian Ingredients in Public Sector Catering Kitchens – programme started with the three top players in the market, Hungast Group, Univer and Gyermelyi (the latter two are...

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Eggs with a trademark offer safety

Hungary’s egg market was also affected by the Fipronil scandal, because then country produces only 75 percent of the eggs it consumes. Contaminated eggs were pulled from the market, which led...

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Nádudvari invests billions in development and launches new products

Hungarian-owned Nádudvari Food Kft.’s history started in 2007. The company’s sales were up HUF 1 billion in each of the last four years; this year’s sales revenue is expected to be...

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The majority of shoppers check whether the groceries they wish to buy are Hungarian

According to Gedeon Totth, director of the Institute of Commerce and Marketing of the Budapest Business School (BGE), every nation is patriotic when it comes to buying food products, but...

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Six-star Gallicoop builds packaging plant

Szarvas-based turkey processing company Gallicoop Zrt. invests HUF 1.6 billion (from which 50-percent is state funding) in building a packaging centre. The company, which processes 40,000 tons of poultry meat...

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Magazine: Celebrating Hungarian quality

The Hungarian Product Grand Prize diplomas were distributed for the 20th time in the building of the Hungarian Parliament on 5 September. At the gala ceremony no less than 54 companies...

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The majority check whether the food is Hungarian

The vast majority of the respondents prefer Hungarian food rather than foreign products – the survey of the Research and Marketing Institute of the Budapest University of Economics (BGE) reveals....

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Brandbank has integrated into Nielsen

Brandbank has fully integrated into Nielsen, thanks to which partners can use the services of the two companies in an integrated fashion – informed Richárd Járai, national account manager of...

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Let’s show shoppers that world-class products are made in Hungary!

Eszter Benedek, managing director of HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. is of the opinion that Hungarian product manufacturers need to join forces and show consumers that the Hungarian food industry makes...

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Hungarian Treasures programme series starts

HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. has launched a new series of programmes: Hungarian Treasures offers one-day tours introducing some of the country’s cultural, natural and historical values. With the new initiative the company’s...

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‘The most successful promotion of 2016’ – gold medal and special award winners

The competition was held for the ninth time and the winners were presented on the trade day that took place in Budavári Fortuna Restaurant on 6 April 2017. This year there...

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New prize winning game with the MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft.

The MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. is launching a prize winning game with the collaboration of companies using trademarks. The participants of the “SZÍVezd ki Magyarországot!” campaign can not only be...

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ZIMBO quality sells well

It is very important for us to tell shoppers that 96 percent of ZIMBO meat products sold in Hungary are made here, and one of the ways to do this...

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The MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. launches a Hungarian Treasures series of events

The MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. is launching a new series of events. The company that is operating the Hungarian Product Certification System is organizing trips under the Hungarian Treasures (Magyar...

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Those who get the trademark keep it as well

3,800 products and services of more than 1,500 companies are already using one of the ‘Hungarian Product’ trademarks – informed Eszter Benedek, managing director of HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. She revealed...

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You always win with domestic products

The successful joint promotion of the MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. and the METRO Kereskedelmi Kft. ended a few days ago with the drawing of the grand prize. The primary task...

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