Tag "magyar gazdaság"

KSH: retail sales increased by 5.8 percent in September

In September, retail sales increased by 5.8 percent, according to both raw and calendar-adjusted data, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Friday. The volume of turnover in grocery and...

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ITM: online sales is already soaring high before the end of the year

In the first month of autumn, retail brought back the pre-coronavirus expansion level. According to the Central Statistical Office, the turnover of domestic stores increased by almost 6 percent in...

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Varga Mihály: the Hungarian economy may grow by 6.8 percent this year

Due to soaring energy prices, rising inflation and deteriorating virus situation, the Ministry of Finance (PM) expects 6.8 percent economic growth this year, lowering previous expectations, said Finance Minister Varga...

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Hungary has been upgraded by Coface credit insurance

Coface upgraded the Hungarian economy, so that instead of the previous A4, it now has an A3 rating, which is the same as in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland,...

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MLBKT: purchasing manager index increased

The seasonally adjusted value of the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) in October was 53.1 points. Based on the data, the respondents reported more favorable developments for the seventh month than...

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KSH: foreign trade deficit was 751 million euros in August

Exports amounted to 8.3 billion euros (2,945 billion HUF) and imports to 9.1 billion euros in August, leaving a foreign trade deficit of 751 million euros, well above the previously...

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KSH: average earnings increased by 8.9 percent in August

In August, the average gross earnings of full-time employees were 426,500 HUF, and the average net earnings excluding benefits were 283,600 HUF, 8.9 percent higher than a year before, the...

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Analysts: the labor market has recovered from the crisis

The labor market is once again showing its pre-crisis state. Businesses’ intention to expand is increasingly tight, leading to wage competition and projecting stronger inflation, analysts told MTI commented on...

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KSH: employment continued to grow in September

In September, the average monthly number of employees aged 15-74 was 4,687,000, 9,000 more than in the previous month. The three-month moving average of the number of employees used by...

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Physical hourly wages increased by more than 8 percent in one year, according to a survey

According to an annual comparison, the average gross hourly wage of skilled and trained manual workers increased by more than 8 percent in the third quarter of this year, the...

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The GKI business cycle index rose to a two-year high in October

In October, after a period of four months of near stagnation, the rise in the GKI business cycle index gained new momentum and reached a two-year high. Last time, business...

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The number of corporate insolvency proceedings is increasing

In Hungary, corporate insolvency indicators improved dramatically between 2015 and 2020, with the number of proceedings falling by less than half, from 9,545 to 4,293 in five years, but this...

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Varga Mihály: the fourth wave does not pull down the economy

The 4th wave of the pandemic is expected to be weaker due to the high vaccination rate, so economic growth of around 7 percent and a deficit of around 7.5...

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Profession.hu: significant wave of recruitment in the domestic labor market in the third quarter

There was a significant wave of recruitment in the domestic labor market in the third quarter. Profession.hu measured an 86 percent increase in the number of advertisements in its own...

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Analysts had expected inflation to soar in September and continue to rise

Inflation could have been expected to pick up in September, and analysts interviewed by MTI are wondering whether the central bank’s monetary policy will react to the tightening by the...

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KSH: inflation was 5.5 percent in September

In September, consumer prices were on average 5.5 percent higher than a year earlier, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on Friday. The rise is in line with analysts ’preliminary...

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Kopint-Tárki expects much higher GDP growth, compared to its previous forecast

Kopint-Tárki expects a much higher GDP growth of 6.8 percent this year, instead of the 5-5.5 percent indicated in the summer, CEO Palócz Éva presented the research institute’s latest economic...

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Analysts: pension premium payment could give another boost to retail sales

Retail sales growth accelerated somewhat in August, but the pace is still below pre-pandemic levels. Demand may strengthen further in the coming months, and the payment of the pension premium...

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KSH: Retail sales increased by 4.1 percent

According to the raw data, the volume of retail trade increased by 4.6 percent in August and by 4.1 percent, calendar effect adjusted, compared to the same period of the...

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Takarékbank has raised its GDP growth forecast for this year to 8 percent

Due to better-than-expected second-quarter GDP data, Takarékbank has raised its growth forecast from 7.7 percent to 8.0 percent this year and left it at 7.0 percent next year, the financial...

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KSH: per capita GDP in purchasing power parity was 22 thousand euros in 2020

Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices was 48,000 billion HUF in 2020, short of 11.5 billion HUF, and decreased by 4.7 percent at constant prices, compared to the...

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Pénzügykutató expects 6.5 percent economic growth by 2021

Pénzügykutató Zrt. expects economic growth to be more moderate than 7.6 percent in the first half of the year, only due to the higher base. On average for this year,...

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KSH: Earnings increased by 7.9 percent in July

In July, gross and net average earnings were 7.9 percent higher than a year before. The average gross earnings of full – time employees were 433,700 HUF, the net average...

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KSH: In August, 24,000 more people worked than a year ago

In August, the average monthly number of employees aged 15-74 was 4,678,000, which is 24,000 more than a year before and 26,000 less than in the previous month, according to...

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The rise in the GKI economic index stopped in September

After the big jump in April, the GKI business cycle index slowly picked up in the summer months and then stagnated by September; the months-long improvement in business expectations in...

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Equilor: this year’s economic growth could be 6.5 percent

According to the latest analysis of Equilor Befektetési Zrt., GDP can be expected to grow by 6.5 percent this year as a whole, which may be followed by 4.5 percent...

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Századvég: the sense of economic activity of enterprises and households also improved

The sense of economic activity of households and enterprises has also improved significantly, but it is still in the negative range, improved on a scale of -100 to +100, from...

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The Századvég Economic Research of the End of the Century revised its growth forecast upwards

In its latest forecast, the Századvég Economic Research has revised its expectations for economic growth upwards this year: it forecasts 7.8 percent GDP growth this year and 5.5 percent by...

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MNB: the price of fuels, manufactured goods and unprocessed foods raised inflation

Compared with the previous month, inflation rose by 0.3 percentage points to 4.9 percent in August, while core inflation and core inflation adjusted for indirect taxes rose by 0.1 percentage...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 4.9 percent in August

In August, consumer prices were on average 4.9 percent higher than a year before, and on average, they grew by 0.2 percent on a monthly basis, the Central Statistical Office...

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