Tag "magyar gazdaság"

Consumption increased by 3.4%

KSH confirmed that in the first quarter of this year, the performance of the economy increased by 0.8% compared to the previous quarter, according to adjusted data.Compared to the same...

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Mihály Varga: the sovereignty of the Hungarian economy and the domestic food industry must be strengthened

The future of Europe can be secured with equal, sovereign member states, which is why the government continues to work to strengthen the sovereignty of the Hungarian economy. One of...

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The domestic economy grew by 1.1% in the first quarter

In the first quarter of this year, the performance of the economy increased by 0.8% compared to the previous quarter, according to adjusted data, which is more favorable than our...

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KSH: The number of employed people was 4 million 739 thousand in June

In June, the average number of employed persons aged 15-74 was 4,739,000, 53,000 more than in the previous month. In the three-month period from April to June, the average number...

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Analysts: the start of summer jobs in June also helped employment

The Hungarian labor market is close to full employment, and there is hardly any further opportunity to increase employment. With the start of summer work, seasonal effects also appear strongly...

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Work Force: third-country workforce is key to Hungarian economic growth

Third-country labor is key to economic growth, according to Work Force HR provider. According to the company’s announcement on Monday, dealing with the increasing labor shortage in the physical field...

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Analysts: mid-year wage increases may maintain the further rise of real wages

Thanks to the mid-year wage increases that try to keep up with inflation, even taking into account the expected strong inflation, real wages may continue to grow in the second...

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KSH: Budapest had the highest employment rate in the first quarter

In the first quarter, Budapest had the highest employment rate of 79.9 percent, and Somogy County the lowest with 66.3 percent – according to the publication of the Central Statistical...

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Századvég: the war continues to leave its mark on the economy

Based on the July survey of the Századvég Konjunktúrakutató, the population’s and businesses’ sense of the economic situation both worsened: the population index, interpreted on a scale between minus 100...

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KSH: GDP last year also exceeded the pre-pandemic level

Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) was higher last year than the year before the coronavirus pandemic, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday, in connection with its publication “Hungary,...

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KSH: the acceleration of agricultural producer price increases came to a halt in May

In May, the average purchase price of agricultural products increased by 45.4 percent compared to a year earlier. The increase is 0.3 percentage points. More moderate than in April, after...

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Provident: the individual financial situation of Hungarians improved in 2021

The individual financial situation of Hungarians improved in 2021 – Provident Financial Zrt. announced on Tuesday based on research commissioned by its parent company, International Personal Finance (IPF). The research...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 11.7 percent in June

In June, consumer prices exceeded a year earlier by an average of 11.7 percent. In the past year, the prices of food and durable consumer goods have risen the most,...

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KSH: the turnover of retail stores increased by 11.1 percent in May

According to the raw data, the volume of retail trade in May was 12.0 percent, and adjusted for the calendar effect, it exceeded the year before by 11.1 percent, the...

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MNB director: inflation peaks in the autumn months

Inflation peaks in the autumn months and then slowly declines, returning to the central bank’s tolerance band at the end of 2023 and reaching the 3 percent target in the...

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KSH: Industrial producer prices rose by 32.3 percent on an annual basis

In May, industrial producer prices rose by 32.3 percent year-on-year and by 2.6 percent month-on-month. Domestic sales prices were 43.3 percent higher, and forint-denominated export prices rose 26.7 percent, the...

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The new subsidized loan program starting in July will be popular

The Széchényi MAX program, which will be launched in July, will be a great help to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, as it will provide financing at a better interest...

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Analysts: the dynamic rise in earnings continued

Wage growth continued to be dynamic in April, and a shortage of labor could force employers to raise further wages for the rest of the year. On the demand side,...

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KSH: earnings increased by 15.9 percent

In April, the average gross earnings of full-time employees were 507,500 HUF, excluding public employees 518,500 HUF. The net average salary calculated taking into account the discounts reached 349,700 HUF,...

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KSH: the number of employees was 4,686,000 in May

In May, the number of employed people aged 15-74 was 4,686,000. For the March-May period, the average number of employees increased by 99,000 to 4,693,000 in one year, the Central...

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Analysts: employment is almost complete in Hungary

In a situation close to full employment, more and more vacancies are forcing companies to compete for wages, which will further fuel inflation, analysts who told MTI commented the latest...

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Survey: the majority of Hungarians spend less in an inflationary environment

In the current inflationary environment, 80 percent of Hungarians indicated that they spend less to preserve their current financial situation, and consumers will refrain from buying mainly food and hygiene...

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Mazars: Based on employer wage contributions, Hungary is in the regional middle

Based on employer wage contributions, Hungary is in the regional middle; In order to improve economic performance, the government has reduced taxes on labor income and further reduced the social...

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The Széchenyi card program is renewed

At its meeting on 16 June 2022, the government reviewed the situation of the SME credit market in the light of the economic situation of the war, examined the achievements...

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MNB: the digitalisation of the financial sector has improved further

After the pandemic, the digital transformation of the financial sector gained new momentum: an increasingly wide range of banking products is available digitally, and more than 80 percent of customers...

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Green Duel – Vegan vs. carnivore: To eat or not to eat?

On June 14, 2022, representatives of the Hungarian Vegan Association and the Association of Hungarian Meat Producers faced each other in a series of environmental policy discussions between the Institute...

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ManpowerGroup: 30 percent of employers are looking for new labor

In the next quarter, 30 percent of Hungarian employers indicated that they were looking to increase their workforce, while 17 percent planned to cut it, according to ManpowerGroup’s labor market...

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KSH: industrial production has increased

In April, the volume of industrial production was 3.1 percent higher than a year earlier, and working day adjusted output increased by 4.7 percent. Seasonally and working-day adjusted industrial output...

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The rise in agricultural prices accelerated further

In April, agricultural producer prices were on average 45.7 percent higher than a year earlier, with the pace of price increases accelerating by 8.3 percentage points compared to March, according...

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Hungary will increase funding for research and development and innovation from 1.6 percent to 3 percent by 2030

Hungary will increase funding for research and development and innovation from the current 1.6 percent of GDP to 3 percent by 2030, Csák János, Minister of Culture and Innovation said...

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