Mazars: Based on employer wage contributions, Hungary is in the regional middle

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2022. 06. 22. 11:20
Based on employer wage contributions, Hungary is in the regional middle; In order to improve economic performance, the government has reduced taxes on labor income and further reduced the social contribution tax (soco) to 13 percent from January 1, which will further improve the country’s competitiveness by abolishing the 1.5 percent vocational training contribution, Mazars International Auditor and consulting firm told MTI on Wednesday.

We belong to the regional middle field based on employer’s wage contributions

In its 2022 Central and Eastern European Tax Brochure, published for the tenth time this year, Mazars examined the tax systems of 22 countries, including the states of Southeast Europe, Germany, Austria, Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic states. The tax burden on live labor continues to be relatively wide, ranging from 15 to 51 percent in the region. (MTI)

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