Tag "logisztika"

The logistics center of Pacapime was handed over in Mórahalom

The new logistics center of the Pacapime Logistics Kft. was handed over in Mórahalom on Wednesday in the industrial park. The investment cost almost one billion HUF of which 321.61...

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Blackstone will buy the logistics real estate portfolio of Immofinanz

The Austrian Immofinanz has signed a contract with Blackstone for the sale of its entire logistics portfolio. The transaction covers all 36 logistics standing investments with approx. one million square...

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The companies can reduce their logistics carbon footprint in Hungary as well

In accordance with the GoGreen environmental stewardship program, the DHL provides a portfolio to its customers, consists of accurate measurement and reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Hungary, which...

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MLSZKSZ: the migratory crisis made the transportation of goods more expensive

The intense migratory wave and the related actions of the EU member states have posed serious challenges to the logistics and supply chain companies: due to the unplanned, temporary closures...

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Dutch-Hungarian logistics seminar in Budapest

The joint logistics professional seminar of the Dutch-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of Netherlands in Hungary was held for the second time on 1 October 2015, with the...

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GW Magyarország Kft.plans to open a new warehouse

The Gebrüder Weiss (GW) Magyarország Kft. plans to open a new warehouse in southern Hungary Thomas Schauer, Managing Director of the company told at a press conference in Budapest on...

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The high-tech firms place the production close to the consumers

The European high technology (hi-tech) companies place the manufacturing base closer to their users from the growth in demand is increasingly put into – according to a global survey conducted...

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The SPAR has earned the highest level of IFS Logistics certificate

SPAR Hungary renewed its quality certification: after last year's successful IFS Logistic certification, the company has fulfilled the requirements of the system on the highest level in May. The quality...

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The Masped Group is the official logistics provider of the Hungarian Olympic Team

The cooperation agreement betwen the MASPED Csoport (MASPED Group) and the Magyar Olimpiai Bizottság (Hungarian Olympic Committee) was signed on 4 August 2015, within a press conference. According to the...

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MLSZKSZ: Russian embargo, conserved Hungarian market loss

Business exporting to Russia and logistics companies are the biggest losers of the sanctions. The question now is not whether how much the EU is losing with the Russian embargo,...

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The Euroventures invested into an online logistics service provider

The Euroventures Zrt. independent venture capital and private equity investor invested two hundred million HUF into the Fürgefutar.hu online courier service – the Euroventures Zrt. told MTI on Tuesday. According...

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New cold storage from the co-operation of the Waberer's-Szemerey Kft. and the Mecom Group

A significant part of the activities of the Waberer’s-Szemerey Logisztika Kft. can be found in the BILK (Budapest Intermodal Logistics Centre). It is the largest logistics base in the Central...

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Almost 6 billion HUF EU support to develop domestic logistics

Fifteen companies won almost 6 billion HUF EU support within the Economic Development Operational Programme (GOP) – Rákossy Balázs Minister of State responsible for the use of EU funds told...

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HRL becomes Raben Group member

In Germany Raben Group plans to take over Bremen-seated logistics service provider, HRL Eurocargo. HRL Eurocargo was founded in 1996 and employs 95 people. Its annual sales amount to EUR...

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Forklift race at Raben Hungary

The safety of the logistics processes has a key importance. The awareness of the forklift operators is essential for the safety of the warehouses. Therefore the Raben Group organized a...

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According to the research of UPS, the European e-shoppers want flexibility

Today, comScore Inc., a leader in measuring the digital world, and UPS, a global leader in logistics and transportation services, released the second UPS Pulse of the Online Shopper™ Global...

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The DHL Freight brings food to five thousand families in need

The DHL Freight Magyarország joined to the initative of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, delivering 72 tons of food to the needy throughout the country. The significant amount of donation...

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The EKÁER causes difficulties again

The businesses and the tax authority will only have a few working dasy to prepare for the changes of the Electronic road freight Control System (EKÁER) if the parliament accept...

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The ekáer’s trial run was extended until the first of March

The government extended the trial run of the electronic control system for road freight (ekáer) until the first of March take the proposal of the operators into consideration – the...

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