Tag "Laurel"

Conventional by day, automatic by night

The first remotely controlled shops are scheduled to open in Hungary this summer. This technology will allow traditional shops to be converted and kept open without staff – 24/7 if...

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Another successful trade fair presence by the Future Store

Trade magazin, the official journal of SIRHA Budapest 2024 was present at the trade fair with its traditional Future Store Innovations stand, showcasing the latest product innovations, technological solutions and...

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This is how remotely monitored stores will work

It was recently announced that the first so-called “hybrid” stores will soon be launched in Hungary as well, which will be waiting for customers during the day in the form...

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Why does the 9th Laurel Retail Conference seem unmissable?

If there’s one event where you can never say “it’s back to the old thing again,” it’s the Laurel Retail Conference! The event, which is an important meeting place for...

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Shell Mobility, which made its debut in Slovenia, entrusted the support of its IT system to a Hungarian company

Shell Mobility recently appeared in Slovenia, and the background support of their fuel stations in the destination country was entrusted to one of the leading Hungarian companies in the retail...

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A Hungarian innovation made its debut at the world’s leading tech exhibition

The world’s largest technology and startup exhibition, Gitex Global, is being held these days. The HEPA Hungarian Export Development Agency, which promotes the successful entry of domestic companies into foreign...

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Az MI újrakeveri a kereskedelem pakliját

Az idén 30 éves Laurel szervezésében immár tizedik alkalommal gyűltek össze a hazai kiskereskedelmi szektor jeles képviselői, hogy közösen megtalálják a legjobb válaszokat napjaink kihívásaira. Ebben a házigazda retail-IT vállalat...

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Ezért megfizetünk! – de legalább gyorsan és kényelmesen

A retailtechnológia területén több olyan fejlesztési irány is körvonalazódik, amelyek külön-külön is forradalmasíthatják a szektort. Ezek jelentős része a kasszazónát érinti. A legtöbb szó mostanság ezen a téren is a...

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(HU) Egy helyen láthatja a kiskereskedelem jövőjét meghatározó fejlesztéseket, trendeket

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EuroShop – international trends in the retail and POP trades

EuroShop in Düsseldorf is the biggest retail and POP themed trade show in the world, which is organised every third year. Writers: Kátai Ildikó és Kolonics Attila This article is...

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Laurel has been around for 30 years and half a thousand self-service checkouts

Exactly 30 years ago, at the beginning of April 1993, the leading Hungarian retail IT company, Laurel Számítástechnikai Kft., was founded. Over the years, the company, which has come up...

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The trade system with the largest number of stores in Hungary has turned 20 years old

In 2002, CO-OP Hungary Zrt. signed a contract with the KFKI-Laurel consortium on the creation and introduction of its unified, integrated trading system. The project, with its estimated cost of...

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Only robot cash registers will soon be available at one of the domestic supermarket chains

The first units appeared last year, and by next year all Decathlon stores will have exclusively self-service cash registers – and all this thanks to a Hungarian IT company, Laurel....

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Changing POS tools and new technologies

The biggest companies are putting new innovative products on the market every month, which they say are the “future of retail” – these can be software products, payment methods, and...

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(HU) Eltűntek a hagyományos kasszák az egyik hazai Decathlonból

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Immediate payment has started at one of the domestic food chains

Since the introduction of the instant payment system in 2020, everything has been done to ensure that the modern method, which benefits the economy as a whole, spreads to the...

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(HU) A lehető legjobbkor jön a 9. Laurel Retail Konferencia!

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Magazine: Best Booth Design award for the Future Store at the Sirha trade show

At the Sirha Budapest trade show Trade magazin’s Future Store booth was waiting for visitors with an abundance of innovations. The Hungarian Marketing Association rewarded the booth with the Best...

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New challanges require new answers

To overcome the current challenges of the retail sector – like growing shortage of labor force, increasing salaries, expectations towards digitalization, uncertainties due to COVID and hectic changes of prices...

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(HU) Önkiszolgáló kasszák: a kis üzleteknek is „kijön a matek”

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(HU) Önkiszolgáló kasszák: elfogytak az ellenérvek!

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Most people are looking for self-service checkouts

Three out of four purchases are already made through self-service cash registers in some CBA stores, where, as part of an investment that has just been completed – as the...

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Half of your work tasks can be automated

The further dynamic development of the Hungarian economy and the retail sector in particular has to be sought through a high degree of automation, which, in addition to improving efficiency...

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Machines are behind the growth of the commercial sector

The turnover of domestic stores is constantly breaking records: according to the latest data of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), the volume of retail trade is 6.4 percent higher...

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First Hungarian self-checkout system gets the green light

Laurel has been given the authorisation to market LAURA-SSC, the first self-checkout system developed by a Hungarian company. The new system runs the Laurel cash register software – which is...

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The first, fully Hungarian developed, self-service cash register has received the official licenses

The development of Laurel is not just a a solution for labor shortages but also an option for small businesses interested in development and seamless service. August 27, 1955 –...

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The University of Debrecen will be a center for food safety competence

A scientific-business cooperation agreement was signed between the University of Debrecen (DE) and the representatives of the domestic enterprises on the development of in the system of food safety. Szilvássy...

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New Hungarian innovation to ease the problem of workforce shortage in retail

Laurel Számítástechnikai Kft. developed the first Hungarian self-service checkout system for grocery stores, which can help to ease the problem of workforce shortage in retail. Stores can set up 3-4 self-service checkouts...

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The new Hungarian system is cheaper and more labor-intensive

The opening hours of many stores are limited by the shortage of labor, which is why more and more places are being closed by the local retailers. A new Hungarian...

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