Tag "kutatás"

This is how Generation X prepares for retirement: impoverishment and disease are most feared

Barely half of the hungarian population in their 40s and 50s have savings for old age, while nearly 80% are almost certain that their pension will not be enough to...

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Companies are already preparing to avoid climate risks

Egyre több vállalat foglalkozik az éghajlatváltozás hatásaival, azonban az erről szóló beszámolók még mindig nem elég részletesek – állapítja meg az EY legfrissebb klímakockázati barométere, ami 42 országból több mint...

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Losers also hit by retail special tax

There are several retail sectors where companies have suffered, on average, a significant drop in both their revenues and profits as a result of the pandemic situation, yet they are...

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Nine out of 10 of our Hungarians are seriously concerned about climate change

The anxiety of climate change is strongly present in the lives of Hungarians, and they are also striving to reduce their climate footprint on an individual level, according to a...

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Nébih completes study on the double standards in food quality

By analysing more than 300 products, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) compared 117 product pairs and trios between 2018 and 2021. The goal of the EU-funded project was to...

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K&H: Companies’ financial expectations are about to reach pre-virus levels

Companies expect their financial position to improve in the second quarter, according to research by the K&H Enterprise Growth Index. The survey shows that the respondents calculate not only the...

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Corporate expectations back to pre-epidemic highs

According to the latest K&H Enterprise Growth Index research, company optimism continued to grow in the second quarter and the value of the index rose to six points. The last...

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K&H: new innovations are missing from smEs – few have started to innovate

Companies that have recently launched a new product are in the minority in Hungary, according to K&H’s innovation index, this was true for 43 out of 100 companies. Large companies...

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Offerista Group Hungary: How much do consumers spend on new school stuff?

From 12 to 27 July 2021, offerista group conducted an online survey Hungary involving 534 visitors to the Prospecto.hu digital brochure platform. The aim of the survey was to find out whether...

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(HU) Egyre vonzóbbak a magyar cégek – növekszik a felvásárlások száma

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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One in five Mastercard countries is approaching the pre-pandemic domestic flight number

The recovery in travel remains uneven globally, with domestic airline bookings already reaching 90 percent of pre-pandemic levels in one-fifth of countries surveyed, according to a recent study sent to...

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Many people might even give up their job without flexible working hours

The majority of employees could even leave their jobs if it did not provide them with flexible working conditions in the long term, EY’s international research of more than 16,000...

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Summer travel season implodses again: Hungarians are much more conscious than before

Due to the easing of the european union, vaccination and bilateral agreements concluded by the Hungarian Foreign Affairs Leadership, the mood for travel that had been flickering in the past...

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Drinking coffee reduces the risk of developing chronic liver disease

Drinking coffee reduces the risk of developing chronic liver disease, said British researchers who published their study in the medical journal BMC Public Health....

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Online commerce is over during the pandemic

In the survey, conducted in January 2021, European consumers were asked about the proportion of shopping done online versus in-store, prior to the first lockdowns in early 2020. This same...

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Research: we tend to purchase several Hungarian products during the epidemic

Recent research has revealed that more than a third of shoppers are willing to pay 10 per cent more for a product if it is made in Hungary. During the...

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Lidl online’s launch is the most anticipated

According to Reacty Digital’s annual e-commerce survey, 39 percent of Hungarian consumers bought fashion items online last year and 38 percent purchased small and large household appliances. One third of...

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Hungarians are not conscious water-consumers

Five out of 10 Hungarians are not worried that water shortages could develop in Hungary in the next 50-100 years, according to finish’s representative research on water consumption. The survey...

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According to a new study, watermelons come from Northeast Africa

Examining the DNA of watermelon species and hundreds of varieties of greenhouse-grown plants, researchers have discovered that watermelons are most likely derived from ancient plants that lived in the wild...

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That’s the way we tend to choose a car these days

Sustainability and car reliability are important, as we age, we prefer brighter colours, swear a lot while driving and like to give our car a name, according to a survey...

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It is not the trends that define you, but the customers

The future belongs to those businesses that are always one step ahead of customer needs SAP has organised a regional conference, titled SAP Customer Experience Summit, where participants discussed corporate...

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Reacty Digital: the proportion of online shoppers who purchase at least once weekly has doubled in two years

In two years, the proportion of Hungarians who shop online at least once a week has increased from six to twelve percent, Reacty Digital told MTI. According to a representative...

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Research by Reacty: A year in the life of e-commerce

We ordered online more often in the past year, we paid cashlessly, we had it delivered by courier and the most popular category was clothing, but there was also a...

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Research shows how confident and happy we feel

Nearly 40,000 respondents were surveyed on women’s self-confidence.  The results show that Hungarian women far underestimate their self-esteem in terms of confidence and happiness....

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Nielsen IQ: Sales of weight control products increase by 1.5 times in May

In May, sales of products for weight control have been on fire for years: from April to May last year, sales increased by almost 1.5 times in value, while 40...

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GKI: the role of telework may reduce after the pandemic

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, teleworking has inevitably become part of everyday life, but after the pandemic, domestic companies plan to reduce teleworking, according to GKI Economic Research’s...

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Majority of company heads say things won’t be back to normal before 2022

According to the 2021 KPMG CEO Outlook Pulse survey – which also provides information on the third wave of the pandemic – 45 percent of executives think that business operations...

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We sped around 3000 HUF on coffee

We are almost used to the fact that coronavirus rewrote all our habits, even when it comes to coffee. We spend more on coffee at home, take our usual brand...

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Electrolux research: we wash clothes as if there was no climate change

Nearly two thirds of Europeans (63%) continue to wash at 40°C or higher, despite over a decade of being encouraged to wash clothes at 30°C or lower, according to a...

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