Tag "kötelező visszaváltási rendszer"

Countdown before the mandatory redemption system is fully activated

Manufacturers have less than a month, until June 30, 2024, to ignore the rules for products with a mandatory redemption fee and to market products that are otherwise subject to...

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There are places where they have already started to cheat the new automatic glass replacement machines

In Romania, when buying plastic bottles, aluminum cans and glass bottles, customers must pay a surcharge of 50 banis, if the RetuRo logo, which authorizes recycling, is displayed on the...

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Szentkirályi Magyarország’s deposit-fee PET bottles are already on store shelves

Szentkirályi Hungary was one of the first to start the production and sale of drink packaging according to the DRS (Deposit Return System), i.e. the mandatory redemption system. How did...

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Small shops voluntarily joining the deposit return system may get a competitive advantage

In accordance with European Union regulations, the mandatory deposit refund scheme (DRS) launched in Hungary on 1 January 2024. With the exception of dairy product packaging, almost all 0.1-3 litre glass,...

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This can cause a serious problem with the mandatory redemption system

The new redemption system came into effect in Hungary in January, which is expected to make drinks available in stores more expensive. The aim of the system is to reduce...

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Returnable bottles will be available from Easter, which can cost more money abroad

From April, you can expect significant changes in Hungarian retail, as bottles with a deposit fee appear on the shelves. According to the legislation, from the first of July, it...

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The mandatory deposit system does not solve all problems

Every year, humanity creates more and more plastic, but only 9 percent of it is recycled. This low rate is a serious problem, and many people do not realize that...

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Facts and myths about the mandatory deposit system

Within a few days of its introduction, many questions arose among consumers about the new deposit fee system, while the return of packaging materials already works effectively in several countries...

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The mandatory deposit system will bring such changes from January

From January 1, 2024, the legal provisions will come into force, which from then on will regulate the mandatory return of the packaging of various types of soft drinks and...

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Versenyelőnybe kerülhetnek a kötelező visszaváltási rendszerbe önként belépő kisboltok

Az európai uniós előírásoknak megfelelően 2024. január 1-jén Magyarország-szerte elindul a kötelező visszaváltási rendszer. A tejtermékes csomagolások kivételével csaknem minden, e dátum után itthon forgalomba hozott 0,1–3 literes üveg, fém és műanyag italospalack...

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Beverage manufacturers are asking for government help to reduce their burden

The Hungarian beverage producers’ associations welcome the start of the redemption system for beverage packaging next year, which will enable the circular economic model to be realized in the sector....

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The mandatory deposit return system will be introduced in Hungarian stores from January

We are barely past the first data provision of the EPR system, but the following regulation is already here: the mandatory redemption system, otherwise known as the DRS system. The...

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A carton of beer will cost HUF 1,200 more from January

The new glass redemption system will come into effect on the first of January, and the Sunday broadcast of ATV’s Weekly Diary thoroughly covered the importance of this initiative. The...

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Januártól jönnek a kötelező visszaváltási díjas termékek

From January 1, 2024, the mandatory redemption system will start, which affects beverage products with a capacity of 0.1-3.0 liters in plastic, metal or glass packaging. The redemption fee –...

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The list of shops where PET bottles can be returned has been published

Starting from January 1, 2024, Hungary will implement a mandatory Deposit Return System (DRS), which includes the following key points: Non-recyclable beverage containers (e.g., single-use plastic bottles) will have a...

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The decree on the deposit return system has been published

The deposit return system will start in Hungary as of January 1st, the communication department of the Ministry of Energy (ME) announced to MTI on Wednesday. They wrote that the government’s...

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HNT: the new waste management regulations cannot increase the burden on grape and wine producers

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), the economic and bureaucratic burdens of grape and wine production should not be increased, the organization therefore welcomes the fact that,...

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