Tag "kiskereskedelem"

Support for village small shops can be requested

Two weeks beyond the original deadline, individual applications for support for small shops in the Hungarian Village Program can be submitted until 28 June, the government commissioner responsible for the...

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Retail sales increased in Romania by 12.5 percent in the first four months

In Romania, according to raw data, the volume of retail sales increased by 12.5 percent in the first four months of this year, compared to the same period of last...

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KSH: The turnover of retail stores increased by 10.6 percent

In April, the volume of retail trade – as a result of the phasing out of restrictions from the middle of the month and the low point in April last...

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Retail sales in the Czech Republic increased by five percent in March

Excluding calendar effects, retail sales in the Czech Republic increased by five percent on an annual basis in March, while they decreased by 1.6 percent month-on-month, the Czech Statistical Office...

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KSH: retail sales fell by two percent in March

In March, according to raw data, retail sales decreased by 1.5 percent and calendar effects by 2.0 percent compared to the same period last year. Compared to the previous month,...

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Retail sales in the euro area and the EU increased in March

Retail sales in the euro area grew more than expected in March, according to a quarterly report from Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. Turnover from mail order and internet...

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There was a significant increase in retail sales in Germany in March

In March, retail sales in Germany were much better than expected, both in monthly and in annual terms. The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said on Monday that, on a...

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ITM: stores continues to be rule-abiding

Consumer protection has inspected more than 1,500 stores in the last two weeks and had a good experience: most of them fully comply with protection rules, and where a deficiency...

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Retail sales in the euro area increased in February

In February, retail sales in the euro area increased much more than expected, according to a report by Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. In February, seasonally adjusted retail sales...

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Analysts: retail does not support first-quarter economic growth

Retail is on a downward trend and, taking into account the pandemiological restrictions in March, is expected to make a negative contribution to GDP in the first quarter, analysts reporting...

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Retail sales in the Czech Republic decreased in February

In February, retail sales in the Czech Republic fell by 3 percent year-on-year – the Czech Statistical Office said in Prague on Wednesday. Turnover decreased in all types of stores...

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Romanian retail sales increased by 1.5 percent at the beginning of the year

In the first two months, according to raw data, the volume of Romanian retail sales increased by 1.5 percent compared to the same period of last year. According to the...

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Festive traffic in stores lags behind the traffic of the previous years

Turnover in stores will increase during the Easter period compared to the usual, but the festive upswing this year will not be as great as before the pandemic, the Secretary...

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Stores can open in weeks

The opening order that comes into effect after Easter can bring new problems in the life of shops. Professional organizations support any agreement that will allow them to open stores...

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The curfew is changing, staffing is coming in stores

There is no question in me that there will be a free summer in Hungary – said the Prime Minister, but he also added: as long as the number of...

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The chamber proposed a restart of the commercial and service sector as soon as possible

On Tuesday, the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) consulted with the Prime Minister in order to restart the trade and service sector as soon as possible. The chamber...

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Businesses renting out shops in shopping malls are having serious problem

Fewer and fewer Hungarian fashion and other retail and catering businesses operating in shopping malls are able to pay rents – the Association of Tenants’ Interests (BBÉE) called attention in...

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It matters in which store we buy in

It does matter in which store you shop in Hungary. You can grab 1,000 forints here and there, but if all this happens online, you will have to reckon with...

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Nébih surveyed the proportion of domestic food in stores

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has published the latest data on the supply of Hungarian food on its website. According to the survey, the share of domestic products...

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The real fast begins now

Since the pandemic, food prices have risen: last summer saw record price increases, but since then annual inflation has been steadily slowing down. Why might a customer still feel like...

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Magazine: Cautiousness and innovation

The future is uncertain Most consumers think the pandemic has changed their shopping habits for good. Shopkick asked 14,000 US consumers what 2021 will be like in terms of shopping...

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A good basis for this year’s growth in retail turnover is the increase in household savings, according to an analysis

As retail savings grew in 2020, it could be a good basis for retail growth in 2021, Euler Hermes, a credit insurer, told MTI in its latest forecast on Tuesday....

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60 thousand stores areopen, 80 thousand closed

Would you cheat? It won’t work, the rule is accurate. Why 140 thousand? Because retail trade statistics do not include all retail outlets, such as tobacconists, lotteries, markets, and some...

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The counter belongs to girls and ladies

The number of employees in trade (wholesale, vehicle trade, retail together) is 598 thousand, of which 321 thousand are women, which is 54 percent – blokkk.com wrote. Within this, there...

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Analysts: retail may reach pre-epidemic levels by summer

The pre-pandemic level is expected to be reached in the summer months in retail trade. The increase in turnover in January compared to the previous month can be explained by...

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Retail sales fell 1.8 percent at the beginning of the year on an annual basis

Compared to the previous month, the seasonally and calendar-adjusted volume of retail trade sales increased by 0.5 percent in January. Compared to a year earlier, according to the raw data,...

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Family cashier: Johnny, you spent more

I? – asks Johnny – Just look at my shopping list hon’: it got shorter. Okay, so there was a bit of an increase in prices. In 2020, the total...

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Red means CBA!

When we hear the word ‘red’ in Hungarian retail trade, we instantly think of the private label products of CBA and Príma: these are called Piros (meaning ‘red’ in Hungarian)....

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Magazine: 2021: Change is here to be solidified

In 2020 we stopped flying and most likely the trend will continue until April-June 2021, ‘home office’ became a standard work routine for several sectors, we minimised our driving and...

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According to a study, the coronavirus has changed consumer habits

As a result of the coronavirus, customer habits have changed and the composition of the consumer basket has also changed – stated a research conducted by Garai-Fodor Mónika, Dean of...

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