Tag "K&H"

Swine fever and Ukraine may also threaten Hungarian agriculture

The Hungarian agriculture is facing a serious challenges, in addition to the uncertainties of the EU budget cycle starting after 2020, the swine fever surrounding Hungary and the dynamically growing...

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Few companies profit from the opportunities created by digitisation

Only half of the Hungarian SME sector is active digitally and only every second enterprise has its own website. What is more, every third business tries to stay alive without any...

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Magazine: How can a family business be successful?

According to Ákos Ékes, family business specialist of K&H Bank, family-owned enterprises contribute nearly 50 percent of the country’s GDP. Thanks to their set of values and attitude, they are also...

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SMEs started the year positively

The K&H SME confidence index is showing a strong growth, reflecting the positive expectations of the sector this year. The indicator is now at 8 points after a 6-point increase,...

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Only half of the Hungarian SMEs are active digitally

Only half of Hungarian SMEs are active digitally. Only every second business has its own website, and nearly every third company tries to survive without marketing – was said at...

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Finances: a preparation guide for next year

According to Balázs Toldi, head of Budapest Bank’s corporate customers business area, the bank provides a full scale of financial services to micro-, small and medium-sized businesses. 90 percent of the...

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K&H: investment mood of SMEs is on a multi-year peak

The willingness of businesses to invest is on a three-and-a-half-year peak. Currently 62 percent of the CEOs are planning some kind of development. This ratio is even better in case...

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The domestic corporate sector has a stable future view

Based on the latest third quarter results of the K & H growth index, the stability of the largest domestic companies is clearly evident. In the following year, 2.3 percent...

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Less profit could be left for SMEs

The domestic companies expect a 8.6 percent higher sales revenue than before and a moderate profit growth of 4.5 percent – according to the K&H SME confidence index research. Regarding...

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More than one third of the young people would work abroad

36 percent of young people aged 19-29 are planning to work abroad. However, there are significant differences between the sexes: half of the working men, while only 16 percent of...

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According to a survey people buy more with a credit card in the summer

The number of foreign bank card purchases grew by more than 30 percent in the summer, with a rise of nearly 32 percent in value.   The value of domestic...

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The domestic market is of key importance for large companies

According to Patrick Van Overloop, the head of K&H’s corporate customer business line, domestic demand has always been important for large Hungarian companies (those with annual sales above HUF 2...

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K&H: it is time to modernize fruit plantations

The changes in the price of agricultural products for cereals and animal products did not surprise, but there is a very serious change in fruit and vegetables, which draws attention...

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K&H: Hungarian SMEs optimistic about revenues climbing

Hungarian SMEs expect their revenues to climb by 8.5% on average over the coming year, according to a survey by K&H Bank, quoted by national news agency MTI....

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SMEs say this is the best in being an entrepreneur

According to Viktor Zoltán Kovács, the head of K&H Bank’s SME marketing division, a survey conducted with the participation of 500 Hungarian SMEs found that entrepreneurs are most motivated by...

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The financial expectations of SMEs is on an eleven-year peak

The financial expectations of domestic SMEs have increased considerably, according to the K & H SME Trust Index research data. Analysts expect an average earnings growth of 8.5 percent and...

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K&H: more than third of young people have savings

More than third of the young people (between age 19-29) have savings, most of them are saving to buy a home – according to K&H’s quarterly survey. According to the...

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K&H: agrarian companies do not exploit the opportunities to increase efficiency

The agrarian companies do not exploit the opportunities to increase efficiency, most of them are cutting costs and increasing production, but at the same time little attention is given to...

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Export can pull the corporate sector up

Over the next year, the domestic large companies expect a 2.2 percent increase in sales and a 1.4 percent profit increase. This is a downturn compared to last year’s forecasts,...

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The domestic fruit and vegetable processing industry can expect a dynamic growth

The fourth largest branch of domestic food production is fruit and vegetable processing and preservation. The dynamic growth of the sector is in the hands of companies like Agrosprint, a...

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K&H: the confidence of Hungarian companies decreased slightly

The confidence of the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has weakened slightly, the K&H SME confidence index reflecting the companies’ expectations for a year now is down by two...

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The future may belong to the special diet trends

According to the Hungarian population, the difficulties caused by the weather may be the biggest challenge for agrarians in the coming years, but the lack of technological modernization and supply...

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K&H: The large companies are confident that growth will continue

75 percent of the Hungarian large companies expect short-term and medium-term growth and that the current favorable growth rate will remain in the performance of the economy. It is noted...

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Food consumption to be transformed drastically: meat will be eaten with meat

Food production is facing a serious challenge as food demand in the next decades may rise by 70 percent, while significant dietary changes occur. In the future, menu will be...

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A new grain strategy has been formulated by professionals

The further expansion of the Russian and Ukrainian production, which already dominates the cereals market, threatens the export markets of domestic farmers. In order to preserve their traditional markets and...

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K&H: the proportion of businesses planning cafeteria dropped to nadir

The proportion of businesses planning cafeteria fell sharply, and in the next year, only a quarter of the SMEs intend to support fringe benefits – according to K&H’s SME Trust...

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More than 4.2 billion HUF amount expires this year is still on the Széchenyi Rest Cards

More than 4.2 billion HUF benefits that expire after 31 May are still on the Széchenyi Rest Cards – the card issuers told MTI. At the OTP Bank 3.2 billion...

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The competitive position of SMEs may improve

The K&H SME confidence index interviewed half thousand domestic SMEs about how their competitive situation may occur this year, compared to their competitors. The market position of SMEs may strengthen....

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The SZÉP-card owners spent more in the first two months

Compared to last year the Széchenyi Rest Card owners spent more in the first two months of the year – the card issuers told MTI. The OTP Széchenyi Rest Card...

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The number of card-accepting terminals may increase with 25-33 percent

This year an explosive growth is expected in the number of card accepting terminals – privatbankar.hu wrote. In Hungary, credit card acceptance points appeared with the development of the dual...

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