Tag "járvány"

How coronavirus vaccines work?

The Semmelweis University’s Communications Directorate has produced an animated educational film series to help maintain conscious health. The first part of the series called KliniKaland deals with vaccinations, in which...

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We are less compliant with disease control restrictions

The third wave of austerity measures does not have as much deterrent as it did in the first wave – Nepszava Online wrote. Neither in Hungary nor in other European...

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This year’s winter tourist season in Austria has almost been destroyed

This year’s tourist season in Austria was almost completely eliminated, according to a report by the Austrian national statistical office, Statistik Austria. The number of Hungarian tourists also decreased to...

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Croatia would start vaccinating tourist workers in May

In Croatia, vaccination of tourism workers against the coronavirus may begin in May, announced Tourism Minister Nikolina Brnjac. First, waiters, chefs and receptionists are vaccinated, a total of 70,000 people...

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The MKIK’s proposals were accepted

The MKIK’s proposals were accepted Parragh László, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK), said on ATV’s Straight Talk that Gerendai Károly’s statement that 30-40 percent of...

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After two and a half million vaccinations, a gradual reopening may come

On Saturday afternoon, a decree was published in the Hungarian Gazette on the extension of protection measures, the first stage of the phasing out of protection measures, and the opening...

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The curfew is changing, staffing is coming in stores

There is no question in me that there will be a free summer in Hungary – said the Prime Minister, but he also added: as long as the number of...

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Instead of the infected store vendors, the mayor stood behind the counter

The mayor of Drávaszerdahely, Baranya County, was forced to stand behind the counter in the shop operated by his local government, after the employees working there became infected – sokszinuvidek.24.hu...

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The eMAG helps with free shipping during the pandemic

EMAG will help internet shoppers in the severe phase of the third wave of the pandemic by free delivery to home and luggage points. Until April 4, 2021, ie by...

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The companies are in a difficult position for the third wave

The companies are in a difficult position for the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the results of the R&D confidence index of SMEs. The second wave affected...

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73 percent of workers would still work from home after the pandemic, according to a survey

Globally, 73 percent of employees want to work on flexible terms, mostly from home, even after the pandemic, but 40 percent of the employees plan to change jobs later this...

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New management for the Budapest Wholesale Market

Budapest Wholesale Market Zrt. has a new management: István Zsolt Nagy is the CEO, András Boros is the technical director and Dr László Kovács is the facility management director. Dr...

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The first six days of the store lock also pulled down the statistics

Will the government measure instead of watering? The statistics show that there are already six days of shop closures, which is only the beginning of the fall, but the end,...

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Magazine: Report from the boardroom (Part 2) – An interview with Christopher Mattheisen, managing director of Microsoft Hungary

In our new series Judit Szalóky Tóth, a Boyden Executive Search partner makes interviews with executives. This time she asks questions from Christopher Mattheisen, managing director of Microsoft Hungary. He...

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Consumer confidence in the euro area has returned to pre-pandemic levels

Consumer confidence in the euro area has returned to pre-coronavirus levels and close to the long-term average, according to preliminary data from the European Commission’s March survey. In a preliminary...

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The chamber proposed a restart of the commercial and service sector as soon as possible

On Tuesday, the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) consulted with the Prime Minister in order to restart the trade and service sector as soon as possible. The chamber...

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Nearly 60 percent of those receiving sectoral wage subsidies are from hospitality

After nearly 60 percent of the affected employees, the enterprises operating in the hospitality industry demanded sectoral wage subsidies – Bodó Sándor said. The Secretary of State for Employment Policy...

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The coronavirus will also have a lasting effect on consumer behavior globally

The coronavirus will have a lasting effect on consumer behavior. Following the pandemic, the recovery in demand is expected to be strong, but there will be significant disparities between consumer...

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Free donuts for the vaccinated

An American company is offering free donuts to people who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus – Origo wrote after Fox Business. However, this is not all, as it is...

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The coronavirus pandemic has caused more than 250 billion pounds in losses to the UK economy in one year

The coronavirus pandemic has caused more than 250 billion pounds in losses to the UK economy over the past year, according to a study presented at a prestigious London economic-financial...

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Morgan Stanley: tourist season may be cancelled this year

Due to the slow spread of vaccines and the increase in the number of infections, this summer’s tourist season may also be missed in Europe, Morgan Stanley said in an...

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The turnover of MediaMarkt’s web store tripled in the first week of the store closure

The turnover of MediaMarkt Hungary’s web store tripled in the first week of the temporary store closure, compared to the previous weeks – the store chain told MTI. The announcement...

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Turnover in the German catering industry fell by almost half due to the pandemic

Turnover in the German hospitality industry has nearly halved since the start of the coronavirus pandemic – according to a report released by the German federal statistical office, Destatis on...

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Restaurants in Serbia remain closed

Restaurants and shopping malls remain closed in Serbia, with other stores can open again from Monday. On the advice of the crisis team in charge of dealing with the coronavirus...

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Since the outbreak, 17 million disinfectants have been produced by the largest domestic manufacturer

During the year of the pandemic, 4 million liters of disinfectant were produced in Florin Zrt.’s factory in Szeged, and 17 million products were delivered to hospitals, public institutions, schools...

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HR before a new future – it’s time to level up!

COVID-19 has created an unprecedented opportunity for human resource management to break out of its previous role as an “administrator” and take the initiative. The pandemic situation has increased the...

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Starting over

1. Are you still standing? How are you fighting for survival? 2. Do you have financial reserves left? If yes, for how many more months is the money enough? 3....

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A slight increase in disinfectant orders at retail chains

As a result of the epidemiological tightening announced two weeks ago, the order of disinfectants in retail chains increased slightly, but this amount is much lower than a year ago...

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Intrum the youngest and oldest have been hit hardest by the crisis

Young people and the finances of retirees were hit hardest by the coronavirus crisis in the fourth quarter of last year, while nearly a tenth of young people were able...

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