Tag "gkid"

Domestic slowdown vs. soaring Temu

NorbertAccording to GKID and Mastercard’s Digital Commerce Survey 2024 report, the Hungarian e-commerce market still showed growth in 2023 (8.5%), but this was a significant decline from the double-digit growth...

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GLS Hungary introduced a new convenience service

Parcel logistics service providers in Hungary are responding to the transformation of package handling preferences across Europe. With an expanding network of parcel vending machines across the country and the...

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GKID eTOPLISTA 2023: Unchanged leading position, changing balance of power

Since 2015, GKID has been creating public rankings of online merchants in the Hungarian market, focusing on those with the highest revenues. In collaboration with Mastercard, this year they compiled...

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Rapid digitalisation in pharmacies

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5 This is what impatient customers dream about Dr István Vámossy, general manager of Gollmann Magyarország/Pharmamatrix Kft. believes that digitalisation and...

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GKID-Mastercard: the momentum of domestic e-commerce seems to be running out, while Chinese webshops are also conquering Hungary

The GKID-Mastercard Digital Commerce Survey reveals a challenging landscape for domestic e-commerce in Hungary as global competition intensifies. The 2024 edition of the report underscores the slowing momentum in the...

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Temu has withdrawn from its aggressive marketing strategy

In recent months, significant changes have taken place in the marketing strategy of the Chinese online store Temu, the impact of which can be felt both on the company’s advertising...

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Medicines, yes, but we don’t look for healing on the Internet

In the case of a health complaint they have not experienced before, according to their own admission, patients mostly find out about treatment options in person or over the phone,...

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Artificial intelligence is already revolutionising retail

In this article we would like to show – by using practical examples – that artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just a promising future technology, but an increasingly dominant...

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GKID: e-retailers operating from abroad pose a great challenge to Hungarian online stores

Customers spent more wisely last year and, due to the cheaper prices, noticeably more people order from foreign online stores, which poses a great challenge for domestic retailers – said...

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Will Temu displace domestic online stores?

Although the Chinese e-retailer Temu appeared on the domestic market only a few months ago, it has already become one of the dominant players in the domestic e-commerce market thanks...

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GLS Hungary further expanded it to “GLS XXL” service

GLS Hungary introduced its “GLS XXL” service in April 2023, with which the company not only provides a solution for its clients in the delivery of postal packages, but also...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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GKID-Mastercard: e-commerce will continue to polarize in 2023

A half-yearly increase in turnover below inflation, an unceasing increase in order frequency, a stagnant domestic market and an invigorating import turnover characterize the first six months of this year’s...

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Reálértéken csökkent az e-kereskedelmi forgalom – GKID-Mastercard: 2023-ban is tovább polarizálódik az e-kereskedelem

Infláció alatti féléves forgalombővülés, töretlenül emelkedő rendelési frekvencia, stagnáló belföldi piac, élénkülő importforgalom és csökkenő online FMCG-vásárlószám jellemzi az online kiskereskedelem idei első hat hónapját, ahol a forgalom koncentrálódása miatt egyre inkább felértékelődik az...

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Nyári kedvenc a jegeskávé

A kávékedvelők több mint fele rendszeresen vagy alkalmanként fogyaszt jegeskávét a nyári hónapokban – derült ki a Costa Coffee és a gkid 2023 nyarán készült reprezentatív kutatásából. A fogyasztók körében a...

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The GKID-Mastercard eRANKING 2022 is already out

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. Stable market share for the top players In 2023 GKID – in collaboration with Mastercard – published the ranking of...

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In 2022, Euronics became the largest 100% Hungarian-owned online retailer

GKID has published the latest ranking list of online retailers with the largest turnover in Hungary. In 2022, a separate ranking of companies with 100% Hungarian background was prepared for...

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The Digital Trade Association is launching a mentoring program for Hungarian e-retailers who want to conquer international markets

The Digital Trade Association helps mature Hungarian e-commerce companies planning international expansion with a unique professional program tailored to companies worth more than one hundred thousand euros. The goal of...

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The GKID-Mastercard eTOPLIST 2022 has been published!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Domestic online retail turnover grew by 9.9 percent last year

Domestic online retail reached a gross annual turnover of HUF 1,323 billion in 2022, which exceeded the previous year’s level by 9.9 percent; Last year, the Hungarian online market also...

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GKID and Mastercard enter into cooperation – the most comprehensive research on the online trade market is being prepared so far

From 2023, GKID, which has been researching e-commerce for 10 years, will jointly examine the entire digital commerce ecosystem with Mastercard, as part of which they will prepare one of...

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kifli.hu has grown a lot

The income of the online food retailer kifli.hu increased strongly in one year, in January 2023 it exceeded the figure for the same period last year by 31 percent –...

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A recent survey by Costa Coffee and GKID investigated the sources of stress associated with the holidays

What makes most people happy during the holidays? Are we able to enjoy the little things or do we stress over the cracked bagels and crooked Christmas tree? This Christmas,...

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This year we started shopping earlier for Christmas and are thinking more about options

We are in the Advent season, but in previous years this did not mean that people started buying Christmas presents – yet it seems that this year there are more...

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Shoppers are loyal in the premium coffee category – This is how Costa Coffee sees the market

Annual coffee consumption will be more than 19,000 tonnes in Hungary in 2022, and this represents a value of HUF 67 billion. Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország’s experience is that the category...

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Online shopping: growing parcel locker use

According to the results of this year’s second Foxpost Box Index (FBI) survey, the 14% popularity rating of parcel lockers of 2020 climbed to 27% by now. In cities with...

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Slower growth rate in e-commerce in the first half of 2022

Domestic online sales were worth HUF 570bn in the first six months of 2022, having grown by 14.5%. In the last two years the pandemic gave a boost to digitalisation,...

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Future Trade conference 2022: Which way to go, e-commerce?

In May the second Future Trade conference was organised in Budapest. Participants discussed the latest trends, solutions and technologies that online retailers can use to stay in the game. The...

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Kifli.hu also achieved outstanding results in the slowing market

Based on the first half-year report of GKID, the entire online daily consumer goods market increased by 13.3 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, and Kifli.hu...

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That’s the way Hungarian are planning to save a lot

Hungarian internet users are not too optimistic about the rest of the year, more than three-quarters of them expect their financial situation to deteriorate – mfor.hu points out based on...

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