Tag "GFK"

German consumer sentiment on top

In June, the Consumer Sentiment Index of the GfK Market Research Institute in Germany rose to a nearly sixteen-year high. In June, GfK’s German consumer mood index increased to 10.6...

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The proportion of people using banking applications grew by one and a half fold in Hungary according to a survey

The proportion of users of banking applications grew by one and a half fold in Hungary compared to last year. According to Gfk’s market researcher’s latest research published on Tuesday,...

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New Business Development Manager strengthens GfK’s team

A new member with a long experience strenghtens the Hungarian Shopper team of GfK from July 2017. In July 2017 Turcsán Tünde joined as a Business Development Manager to GfK’s...

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POPAI meeting hosted by Unilever

Unilever Hungary was the host of the POPAI meeting held on 8 June 2017. Customer marketing leader Tibor Veress welcomed club members and the discussion was focusing on the online...

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Higher-income families are more intense private label buyers

According to the Private Labels Analysis report of GfK, the share of private label products in total FMCG sales grew by 1 percentage point to 25 percent last year, primarily...

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Magazine: Retail trends from a market researcher’s perspective

At the April meeting of the Trade Marketing Club the directors of Nielsen and GfK spoke to club members about the FMCG retail trends of 2016, analysing retailers, categories, brands...

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Iced tea: two-digit sales growth in the last two years

Every household buys some kind of cold drink in a one-year period. However, while 8-9 families from 10 purchase carbonated soft drink, bottled water or fruit juice, hardly 5 buy iced...

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GfK: online shoppers expect free delivery

According to GfK’s Digital Connected Consumer survey, today Hungarians are completely aware of the advantages of online shopping: 87 percent of respondents in the survey have already purchased something online,...

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A vártnál jobban bővült a kiskereskedelmi forgalom Németországban

A vártnál nagyobb mértékben bővült a kiskereskedelmi forgalom Németországban májusban, a német szövetségi statisztikai hivatal (Destatis) pénteken közzétett kimutatása szerint a kiskereskedelmi forgalom árhatások kiszűrésével 4,8 százalékkal növekedett tavaly májushoz...

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Csúcson a német fogyasztók hangulata

Júniusban közel tizenhat éves csúcsra emelkedett a GfK piackutató intézet fogyasztói hangulatindexe Németországban. Júniusban 10,6 pontra, 2001 októbere óta a legmagasabb szintre emelkedett a GfK német fogyasztói hangulatindexe az előző...

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K&H: The large companies are confident that growth will continue

75 percent of the Hungarian large companies expect short-term and medium-term growth and that the current favorable growth rate will remain in the performance of the economy. It is noted...

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More than half of the Hungarians plan to go on vacation this year

More than half of the Hungarian population plan to go on vacation this year, 32 percent of them to domestic destinations, while 10 percent are planning a foreign trip and...

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Hungarians eat less bread than Europeans

In Hungary, the per capita annual bread consumption is 37 kilograms, while the European average is 50 kilograms – the Jókenyér Ludwig & Mentesi Kft. told MTI on Tuesday. In...

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We spend one of four forints on own branded products

The market share of the supermarket chains’ own branded products is growing steadily, according to Gfk’s survey. By the end of 2016, their market share reached 25 percent, ie one...

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What are we going to drink this summer?

As the summer approaches, we need to pay more attention to hydration, to ensure the body’s liquid needs. According to a recent surveys, we are choosing drinks more and more...

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Improved performance from discount supermarkets in 2016

GfK’s 2016 Retail Analysis revealed that the FMCG consumption of Hungarian households increased by 2 percent last year (in value). Private label products continued to increase their market share in almost...

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Magazine: MagyarBrands: innovation from brands and in how they are evaluated

The MagyarBrands programme has been rewarding high-quality, Hungary-related brands for 7 years. Since 2016 in three categories: consumer brands, business brands and innovative brands. Brands can apply for participation but...

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GfK: consumer sentiment is on a 16 year peak in Germany

German consumers were in their best mood for almost 16 years heading into June, a survey showed on Wednesday, adding to expectations that private consumption will again drive growth in...

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K&H: annual expectations of the SMEs deteriorated

The confidence of the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has become worse. K&H’s confidence index indicating the expectations for the coming year worsened from the year beginning’s 11 points...

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GfK: the household appliances market is increasing with double-digit for three years now

GfK’s in-store sales figures show that the household appliances market has been developing dynamically in the past three years. The refridgerator and the washing machine exchange programs played a huge...

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GfK: the market power of the discounters is improving year by year

According to GfK’s latest 2016 Trade Analyzes study analyzing annual trends, the commercial channels the discounters increased their market share, while the non-organized trade – street vendors and markets and...

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German consumer sentiment worsened in April

The increase in inflation decreased the consumer sentiment index in April below the expected level – according to the GfK market research institute. In April, the GfK German consumer sentiment...

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Consumer recognitions can bring significant sales growth

The winning of the Product of the Year Award (POY) award may bring an average of 40 percent increase in traffic for the brands, but the scope of consumers may...

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As many consumer habits as store types

In cooperation with GfK, Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. tried to answer the following question: Why do we go shopping and what influences our buying decisions? György Galántai, general sales manager...

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GfK: the proportion of customers loyal to their banks is increasing

The proportion of customers who are loyal to their banks increased steadily last year, while the proportion of those who are open to change bank is stable; it is around...

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NAV: the illegal cigarette market has decreased

The proportion of the cigarette black market significantly decreased the this year, compared with a year before – the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) told on the basis of...

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GfK: health awareness seems to turn into a trend

The latest GfK research study of eating habits examines the affects of health consciousness on eating habits. The analysis appears regularly since 1989. According to the analysis, health consciousness is...

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GfK: purchasing power is increasing in Central and Eastern Europe

This year Budapest and its surroundings, as well as the Austrian border is the wealthiest region in Hungary. This year, the purchasing power per capita increased by only 0.3 percent...

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GfK: the weight of the markets decreased in the procurement of daily consumer goods

The ratio of the markets, including the weight of the farmers' markets decreased in daily consumer goods purchases. The share of visitors from the 72 percent measured in 2010, decreased...

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Farmers calculate with a good year

According to the Agricultural Economic Index, commissioned for the first time by Budapest Bank and prepared by GfK Hungária, farmers forecast a positive turn of events this year. The representative...

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