Tag "fogyasztói magatartás"
Store chains are expecting more thoughtful customers and a more restrained holiday season
Date: 2022-11-23 17:44:42
Buyers are noticeably more thoughtful, they are looking for sales and cheaper products, so the department store chains expect a more restrained end-of-year holiday season than before, according to the...
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Oracle Retail: Many people are planning to spend Christmas on credit this year
Date: 2022-11-23 14:02:33
Nearly 55% of shoppers said they would spend less overall due to current economic factors, and 68% said they would consider in-store credit to cover the cost of gifts. 42%...
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Újszászi Bogár László: a smiling face makes people eat and buy more
Date: 2022-11-01 12:22:47
The experiment of Piotr Winkielman, a researcher at the University of California, San Diego, and Kent C. Berridge, who works at the University of Michigan, shows that the sight of...
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Intrum survey: the majority of households are affected by the utility increase, a quarter of them are at risk
Date: 2022-10-20 10:18:58
On average, the respondents expect an increase in costs of HUF 26,000 per month due to the amendment of the utility reduction rules, the expenses of households with the lowest...
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Conscious shopping does not exist, says the expert
Date: 2022-10-17 15:22:52
Telex talked to an expert about the functioning of shopping behaviors who has studied these processes through research in recent years. Psychologist Ákos Csertán talked about the impossibility of conscious...
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The impact of covid on consumer habits continues to this day
Date: 2022-09-13 11:29:28
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected consumer behavior in an unprecedented way. The purpose of the research presented by Portfolio was to assess the impact of the lockdown...
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How Is Britain’s Cost-Of-Living Crisis Affecting Consumer Behaviour?
Date: 2022-08-10 08:20:37
As a cost-of-living squeeze on household incomes looks set to worsen in the United Kingdom, here are how consumers are adapting to the rising prices of everything from food to...
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The coronavirus will also have a lasting effect on consumer behavior globally
Date: 2021-03-23 11:28:47
The coronavirus will have a lasting effect on consumer behavior. Following the pandemic, the recovery in demand is expected to be strong, but there will be significant disparities between consumer...
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The European Commission’s consumer survey shows the effects of the pandemic and the increase in environmental awareness
Date: 2021-03-18 11:12:13
The European Commission surveyed consumer experiences in 23 economic sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic. European consumers are ordering more online and trying to shop locally as often as possible. In...
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(HU) Covid-19: a változás katalizátora
Date: 2020-06-30 19:00:05
Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....
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Fundamental changes in consumer behaviour due to the crisis
Date: 2020-05-15 21:05:20
There were approximately 5,000 participants in the international EY Future Consumer Index survey, which revealed: 42 percent of shoppers think that the current economic and social situation radically changes consumer...
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Experience is the new measurement unit
Date: 2019-10-30 09:02:05
How can the shopper experience be taken to a new level? The time has come for companies to introduce a new measurement unit: With the help of the return on...
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Magazin: A fenntarthatósági törekvésekben mindenkinek részt kell vennie
Date: 2019-09-24 07:49:31
Ma már a csapból is a fenntarthatóság folyik, ám nagyon fontos, hogy időnként benézzünk a hangzatos, zöld mondatok mögé. Vajon létezik-e valódi fenntarthatóság, vagy egyelőre csak a felszínt kapargatjuk? A...
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Nielsen chart of Month
Date: 2018-05-25 11:00:28
If they have money left after covering the monthly costs of living, 28 percent of Hungarians save money, 25 percent refurbish their homes and about 20 percent pay back debts...
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