Tag "digitalizáció"

Magazine: Strong Brands, Strong Immune Systems

In this piece Henkel CEO and BGA Hungary President Ágnes Fábián gives us again her account of the previous business year along with some personal insights into the Covid issue....

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Digital and sustainability investments have the potential to create millions of jobs in Europe by 2030

Rapid investment in digital technology and sustainability could create up to 5.7 million new jobs in Europe by 2030, according to a joint research by Accenture, a global service provider,...

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Digital Payment Index – a new industry metric for Mastercard helps Hungarian market participants

The aim of the index announced today is to serve as a compass in the electronic payment market and to provide a holistic picture of the scale and development of...

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Digital integration in Australia

The POPAI and Shop! chapters are watching each other on all five continents. This time we got a summary of digital integration in instore marketing tools from Australia. The Shop!...

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Corporate digitalisation: an addiction that strengthens the organisation

Oxford Economics and SAP surveyed 2,000 executives from small and midsize organisations about their priorities, challenges, and digital maturity. Small and midsize organisations have certain advantages over their larger rivals....

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According to a study, precision agriculture can bring 269 million euros to Hungary

In countries that rely heavily on agriculture, the spread of 5G networks and the agricultural solutions based on them can represent an outstandingly high added value in terms of investment....

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AM: strategic collaboration to promote the digitization of food chain security

Another milestone has been reached between the Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the food chain inspectorate and the University of Veterinary Medicine, which aims at the success of Hungarian animal health,...

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Digitalisation doesn’t reduce demand for workforce, instead it increases it

A survey by ManpowerGroup – they interviewed 26,000 workers in 40 countries – has revealed that the coronavirus pandemic speeded up the digitalisation process at 38 percent of companies, and...

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Magazine: Report from the boardroom (Part 2) – An interview with Christopher Mattheisen, managing director of Microsoft Hungary

In our new series Judit Szalóky Tóth, a Boyden Executive Search partner makes interviews with executives. This time she asks questions from Christopher Mattheisen, managing director of Microsoft Hungary. He...

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Digitization is one of the priorities of the new EU budget period

In February 2021, the Digital Business Unit of the Századvég Gazdaságkutató Zrt. updated its comprehensive analysis of the EU funds expected to be available for the development of the Hungarian...

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New director for MKVM

Last November Dr Róbert Török replaced Imre Kiss in the director’s seat of the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism (MKVM). How long have you been working in MKVM and...

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Report from the boardroom (Part 1) – An interview with Rezső Rózsai, CEO of KPMG Hungary

In our new series Judit Szalóky Tóth, a Boyden Executive Search partner makes interviews with executives. This time she asks questions from Rezső Rózsai, CEO of KPMG Hungary. Mr Rózsai...

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Hungarian brands are an asset – this is the message of the MagyarBrands programme

In 2020 the pandemic situation proved that the relationship between brands and their customers can be strengthened further by the conscious responsibility taking of brands. Entries in the MagyarBrands programme...

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Digitalisation: Hesitant companies

According to a global survey conducted by EY with the participation of 1,001decision-makers, 62 percent of executives think they should completely transform the way their company works within 2 years,...

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Hungarian workers calculate with lasting changes

As the global job market is transforming because of the pandemic, job safety has become more important than ever before. According to the Randstad Workmonitor – a report prepared in...

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Digitization and reorganization can solve market uncertainties in many cases

More than 2,300 entrepreneurs and business leaders around the world have spoken about how to deal with the crisis in the wake of the pandemic. Those who remained stable or...

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In addition to reducing costs, companies can help reduce the panemic by digitizing their HR processes

During this time of year, over the course of a few weeks, more than 160 hours of HR work by domestic companies will be devoted to administrative tasks, according to...

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We have found the answers to the challenges of the last 25 years

On the 23 October national holiday two executives of the Coop Group Géza Tóth, CEO of Co-op Hungary Zrt. and Dr István Rédei, president-CEO of Co-op Star Zrt. received high...

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A new digital online professional association will be launched in 2021

Led by Nagy Sándor, several high-turnover companies interested in online commerce set the goal of creating a new digital / online professional association. The aim of the founders is to...

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Magazine: Merely labelling precisely and fine…

The pandemic has profoundly affected the commercial processes and highlighted how important exact and up-to-date records are. With the help of its SzabványMenedzser software, GS1 supports its users in creating...

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Hungarian SMEs are growing up for ERP implementation tasks according to SAP and its partners

There are currently 1,200 users of SAP Business One enterprise management software in Hungary, which is a solution specifically recommended for small and medium-sized enterprises. In the “Digital Transformation of...

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According to the company managers, the Hungarian economy may be cash-free in the foreseeable future

The financial digitization was significantly accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic in Hungary, and according to the company executives interviewed by Intrum, the cash-free economy is also within reach. However, the...

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Agriculture: on the road to the digital revolution

The present and future of agriculture can be shaped by two factors. On the one hand, the use of data-driven digital technologies and, on the other hand, the widespread use...

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Digital preparedness can be a real vaccine for companies against a pandemic

The importance of automation was appreciated by the pandemic among economic operators, according to a recent Digital COVID Panorama research conducted by SAP Hungary. Firms whose growth prospects did not...

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Mastercard has launched the world’s largest digital Mexican wave

Through social media, Mastercard has launched a digital Mexican wave called Priceless Wave, joined by football fans, athletes and other celebrities, which has reached 1 billion viewers. The #PricelessWave challenge,...

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Concerns may remain with us – consumer habits are already changing in China

Health emergencies have made shoppers worldwide cautious. The experience of the first opening Chinese market shows that consumer anxiety persists even after the restrictions are lifted, according to EY’s international...

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The majority of Hungarian companies were IT unprepared for the pandemic situation

Nearly two-thirds of the companies were unprepared to set up security requirements when the coronavirus outbreak broke out, according to a recent domestic survey by Panda Security for 30 years....

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Digital tourism development is launched by Monguz Kft. in Szeged.

The Monguz Információechnológiai Kft. in Szeged received 179.85 million HUF support for the implementation of its project aimed at the development of digital cultural tourism. The company’s communication sent to...

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Where crisis is an opportunity: two-thirds of Hungarian decision-makers would continue to navigate through digital transformation

According to their own statements, 50 percent of domestic companies are not affected at all or only slightly by the crisis caused by the coronavirus, and a fifth are explicitly...

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The pandemic has sparked up digital banking

The pandemic situation has accelerated the digitization of banking use and transformed previous habits. At Erste Bank, the number of digitally active customers jumped, the number of transactions in NetBank...

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