Tag "CBA"

Hungarian Product launches loyalty website

With prize games for Spar and CBA, the loyalty website of Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. was launched on 10 March. Managing director Eszter Benedek explained that www.magyaranyero.hu serves as an...

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Out now!

…I mean the 2021 ranking of FMCG retailers has already been published, and you can read about it in detail in the present issue of our magazine. There was no...

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Aluminium cans are valuable

Aluminium is one of the most valued recyclable materials, and by recycling it 95% of the energy used in manufacturing new aluminium can be saved. In Hungary more than 1...

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AKI monitors prices in ever more places

The market price information system (PÁIR) of the Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI) also monitors the consumer prices of food products. Recently this data collection has been expanded to 10...

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Instant payment in CBA Príma store

Laurel has developed a QR code based instant payment solution. The new payment form debuted in a CBA Príma store in Budapest at the end of May. This payment system...

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(HU) Két csomag Detki keksz vásárlásával Apple csomagot nyert egy budapesti kétgyermekes anyuka

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Get the aluminium box in the right place!

Vending machines help us to get rid of our emptied aluminum cans in an environmentally conscious way, and we also benefit from this....

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Try to find MUCI!

Trade Marketing Club (TMK) has been organising its annual ‘I Love Trade Marketing’ conference around Valentine’s Day for almost 20 years. In 2022 the event’s title was ‘Try to find...

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Hungarian pork is offered by hungarian chains

Three Hungarian retail chains, CBA, COOP and REÁL, are also standing up for the domestic pig sector, therefore they will continue to offer fresh pork from Hungarian production in their...

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Hungarian Product: Two hundred trademark users!

2021 was a record year for Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft., as the number of trademark using companies went above 200, the company cooperated with retailers 35 times, organised the Hungarian...

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Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 2)

Nearly 800 participants turned up to discuss the 8th wonder of the world – the restart of the sector – during the 5 five days of the Business Days conference,...

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Award winning company story

On Europe’s Day in Commerce Géza Pahola, owner and managing director of Pahola és Pahola Kft. was rewarded with the Klauzál Gábor Certificate of Honour. He introduced the company to...

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Magazine: Food below zero

2020 was a tough year for frozen food manufacturers. The outbreak of the pandemic upset the balance in the ingredient, product use, retail channel and other fields, so market players...

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(HU) A CBA és a SPAR Magyarország nyerte a Magyar Termékekért Kereskedelmi Nívódíjat

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‘From village stores even a loaf of bread was delivered to old people’s doors’

Just like other retailers, CBA had a difficult last year. Trade magazin interviewed chief commercial officer Zoltán Noszlopy. What happened to CBA in the pandemic year of 2020? – The...

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Magazine: Online retail leaped forward 3 years

Norbert Madar, GKI Digital’s lead consultant has defined what e-commerce is: every order placed online, irrespective of the place of payment and collection, qualifies as online sales in the surveys...

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We speeded up the sales of Hungarian products with top prizes

CBA: Many played for Apple devices from their smartphones Several thousand shoppers played the prize game of Hungarian Product and CBA between 18 March and 14 April 2021. Besides daily...

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In seven years 750 billion forints will go to food industry development

On 22 April Norbert Erdős, state secretary for food chain supervision at the Ministry of Agriculture, visited the CBA Logistics Centre in Alsónémedi. At the event he told that the...

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AM: we support the economy by buying domestic products

“By purchasing Hungarian products, we support the well-being of many thousands of Hungarian families, contribute to the protection of jobs in Hungary, stimulate and develop the Hungarian economy, and strengthen...

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Ministry of Agriculture: by purchasing Hungarian products, we support local economy

By purchasing Hungarian products, we support the prosperity of thousands of Hungarian families and contribute to the protection of jobs in Hungary, to the recovery and development of the Hungarian...

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Red means CBA!

When we hear the word ‘red’ in Hungarian retail trade, we instantly think of the private label products of CBA and Príma: these are called Piros (meaning ‘red’ in Hungarian)....

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Hungarian Product is planning a busy next year

Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft.’s top activity was the #buyhungarian campaign this year, which will continue in 2021. Managing director Eszter Benedek told our magazine: the campaign that started in March...

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CBA, Coop, Real which is the most popular

CBA the competition of Hungarian-owned store chains operating franchise networks of more than a thousands stores – according to a recent poll. After the competition of discount stores, in which...

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CBA, Metro and Auchan joined the #buyhungarian campaign

During the coronavirus pandemic the Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. launched its ‘Buy Hungarian! Protect domestic products!’ campaign, and several retailers decided to back the initiative. CBA was the first to...

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Magazine: #buyhungarian grows into a movement

More and more companies join the ‘Buy Hungarian! Support Hungarian food companies!’ campaign – informed Eszter Benedek, managing director of Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. She told that any company can...

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Magazine: Fifty-three years in retail trade

Upon my request the Budapest Wholesale Market Zrt. accepted my resignation as CEO as of 30 April 2020. But how did I end up in retail trade? I was 10...

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Auchan, CBA, Real and Tesco have also joined the Egg Association

According to the Association of Hungarian Egg Hybrid Breeders and Egg Producers there is an even greater need for food producers operating within the borders of the country, ie safe...

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Lidl’s big leap to the 2nd place

Every year Trade magazin publishes its FMCG retailer ranking in early June. 2019 was an even better year for grocery retailers than the previous 12 months, and the ranking reveals...

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Most people are looking for self-service checkouts

Three out of four purchases are already made through self-service cash registers in some CBA stores, where, as part of an investment that has just been completed – as the...

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The coronavirus is boosting demand for durable foods

Coronavirus disease is on the rise in Europe, prompting people to accumulate durable foods in Hungary as well – privatbankar.hu wrote. The National Trade Association, which includes members of Tesco,...

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