Tag "Carrefour"
Retail trade 2023: rationalising consumers, technological development
Date: 2024-05-30 16:32:34
In this article we try to paint a picture of what happened in retail trade last year. 2023 was a challenging year for the food sector in Europe and overseas....
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Carrefour Romania Launches Initiative To Fight Inflation
Date: 2024-05-29 09:51:05
Carrefour Romania is introducing a nationwide price reduction programme, to help customers cope with inflation and rising prices. The programme, titled Minus la Sută, will see Carrefour Romania offering discounts of...
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Accessible products can be a real help for people with disabilities
Date: 2024-05-13 11:33:33
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 30 million adults face visual challenges in Europe alone and 200 million people suffer from hearing loss. This article is available for reading...
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French supermarkets have to inform shoppers about shrinkflation
Date: 2024-04-25 09:05:55
From 1 July, supermarkets in France will have to alert customers to instances of so-called “shrinkflation”, when retailers or manufacturers make their products smaller without reducing the price. When a...
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Carrefour Returns To Bulgaria After A Decade
Date: 2024-04-16 09:55:17
French supermarket chain Carrefour is back in Bulgaria after a nearly ten-year hiatus, according to local media reports. News portal Capital reported that last month, the retailer opened two stores in...
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Retail consolidation in Central & South-Eastern Europe accelerates: Discounters and local heroes can increase the lead against other competitors
Date: 2024-04-10 09:08:26
Over the past two years the emerging markets of Europe have gained in importance in the balance sheets of international retailers. However, in contrast to the past, market share growth...
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Walmart leads annual ranking of top 50 global retailers
Date: 2024-04-08 09:26:14
Két amerikai székhelyű kiskereskedelmi óriás áll az 50 legjobb globális kiskereskedő éves rangsorának élén, amely 2023 eleji működési teljesítményük alapján készült. Megőrizte első helyét a Walmart a National Retail Federation...
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Carrefour, Glovo Launch 30-Minute Grocery Delivery Service In Italy
Date: 2024-03-04 09:20:32
Carrefour Italia and Glovo have joined forces to launch a quick-commerce service, Carrefour Sprint, offering 30-minute grocery deliveries in Italy. Operated by Glovo, the first Carrefour Sprint urban dark store...
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Carrefour on track with ‘Digital Retail 2026’ strategy
Date: 2024-02-23 09:43:48
Investment focus in CEE on Romania, while high competition in Poland lets franchise network dwindle Carrefour improves its financial soundness and moves ahead on its way to becoming Europe’s largest...
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Auchan, Carrefour, Intermarché team up to buy 288 Casino stores
Date: 2024-01-30 09:14:29
The deal is finally done: three French retail groups team up to acquire 288 Casino stores for 1.35 billion euros. New in the endeavour is Carrefour, which takes over 26 stores. French map...
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Netflix works with a retail chain
Date: 2024-01-17 11:34:34
French supermarket chain Carrefour and streaming platform Netflix are testing a new subscription program together called Carrefour Plus. The pilot program is currently available in two cities, Rouen and Bordeaux,...
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PepsiCo products are also disappearing from the shelves of four European countries
Date: 2024-01-05 09:48:27
A decision was made in four European countries that PepsiCo’s products will no longer be distributed. The products will soon disappear from the shelves of Spanish, French, Italian and Belgian...
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Carrefour To Enhance Store Experience For Customers With Disabilities
Date: 2023-12-18 09:01:41
Carrefour has pledged to upgrade disability access services to 50 convenience stores in Paris, along with ten hypermarkets around France, by summer 2024, as it seeks to offer customers a...
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Carrefour Launches Deposit System To Encourage Reuse
Date: 2023-12-12 09:18:23
Carrefour has launched its own deposit system in 150 Carrefour City stores in Paris, in partnership with Coca-Cola, Heineken and Citeo. The move aims to encourage shoppers to reduce the...
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Carrefour has already introduced its own redemption system: here are the experience
Date: 2023-12-11 11:55:21
Carrefour launched its own redemption system in 150 Carrefour City stores in Paris, in collaboration with Coca-Cola, Heineken and Citeo. The purpose of the move is to encourage customers to...
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Minden várakozást felülmúlt idén az Anuga
Date: 2023-11-27 12:06:45
A világ első számú élelmiszer- és italszakmai vására, az Anuga idén október 7. és 11. között adott találkozót az iparág vezető szereplőinek. A 200 országból érkező mintegy 140 000 látogatóval...
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(HU) Hét év után visszatér a Carrefour Bulgáriába
Date: 2023-11-15 09:20:08
Médiajelentések szerint a francia kiskereskedelmi óriás Carrefour egy a Retail & More görög franchise-partnerrel kötött megállapodáson keresztül újra belép a bolgár piacra. French retail giant Carrefour is re-entering the Bulgarian...
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Carrefour Completes Acquisition Of Cora In Romania
Date: 2023-11-06 09:43:04
Carrefour has completed the acquisition of all activities of the Cora brand in Romania. The deal will see Carrefour taking over 10 hypermarkets and nine convenience stores and integrating more...
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Carrefour France To Lease 37 Stores To Third-Party Operators
Date: 2023-11-03 09:23:49
Carrefour France has announced plans to lease 37 of its stores, including 16 hypermarkets, to third-party operators next year, with the retailer remaining the owner thereof. The news was revealed...
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Mid Europa Partners Seeks Buyer For Romania’s Profi
Date: 2023-10-20 09:47:37
Private equity firm Mid Europa Partners is reportedly looking to sell the Romanian retail chain Profi for €1 billion. The firm has hired investment bank Citi to find a buyer,...
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Eladja a Carrefour receptdoboz-vállalkozását
Date: 2023-10-09 11:22:45
A Carrefour abbéli igyekezetében, hogy alaptevékenységére tudjon összpontosítani, úgy döntött, eladja a hazai piacon a Quitoque, Belgiumban pedig Simply You nevet viselő receptdobozokat házhoz szállító leányvállalatát. A Carrefour közlése szerint...
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Nestlé and the Schwarz Group at the top of the international brand equity ranking
Date: 2023-09-27 14:15:21
According to the latest report from brand valuation consultancy Brand Finance, Nestlé is the world’s most valuable food brand. Among retail chains, the Schwarz Group is the leader in Europe,...
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France’s Carrefour to buy 47 stores in Spain
Date: 2023-09-25 09:43:26
Carrefour has reached an agreement with El Corte Inglés to buy 47 stores under the SuperCor banner in Spain, for an enterprise value of 60 million euros ($64.4 million), the...
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French supermarket chains are not willing to sell at unprofitable prices
Date: 2023-09-20 10:34:51
The largest French supermarket chains announced on Wednesday that they are not willing to sell fuel at a loss in order to curb inflation, as proposed by the government. “The...
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Robotizált kiszállítással kísérletezik a Carrefour Belgiumban
Date: 2023-09-04 08:54:23
Önvezető robotokkal végzett kiszállítási szolgáltatás nyújtásába kezdett a Carrefour a belga tengerparti városban, Knokke-Heistben augusztus 15-étől. A szolgáltatás igénybevételéhez a vásárlók először a mintegy 500 cikkelemből álló választékot kínáló Deliveroo...
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Delhaize And Carrefour Lower Prices In Belgium
Date: 2023-08-25 09:21:35
Two leading supermarket chains in Belgium, Delhaize and Carrefour, have announced plans to offer discounts on hundreds of products. In ads published in all major Belgian newspapers, Delhaize announced that...
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Paper Receipts No Longer Issued Automatically In France
Date: 2023-08-07 09:46:35
As of 1 August, paper receipts will no longer be issued automatically in France – a measure implemented with the aim of saving paper, trees and water, the government has...
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Louis Delhaize exits France, sells stores to Carrefour
Date: 2023-07-20 09:09:39
Ailing Belgian supermarket group Louis Delhaize has sold its 175 French shops to Carrefour. Good deal for Carrefour Carrefour has paid 1.05 billion euros for the 60 Cora hypermarkets and 115 supermarkets of the...
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Carrefour Italia Opens Terre d’Italia Flagship Store In Milan
Date: 2023-07-12 09:02:00
The main focus of the 50-square-metre store is on the wine section, with 15 wines available by the glass, alongside a selection of gastronomic specialties. In addition, risottos and other...
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Carrefour enters Israel
Date: 2023-06-22 10:38:13
Carrefour plans to open 50 stores in Israel, within the framework of a franchise partnership. The French retailer will offer the “full package” of its formats, opening 3 hypermarkets, 10...
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