Tag "baromfi"

Poultry and sow farmers may require extraordinary support

Poultry and pig farms can submit their support requests electronically between July 16-25 to the Hungarian Treasury, which will pay legitimate claims no later than September 30, 2022 – the...

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Modern turkey farm in Tarnales

The establishment of efficient farms equipped with the latest technology, automated to the highest possible degree and meeting the strictest animal health conditions is the most important development condition for...

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The food price stop may continue partly

On January 12, 2022, the government announced that it would introduce a price stop for certain basic foods. The emergency measure, like the fuel price cap, was introduced for three...

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AM: Poultry farmers will receive nearly 3 billion HUF in support within a few days

2021/2022 will begin soon. The State Treasury will pay nearly 3 billion HUF to 1,245 poultry keepers in April 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture informed MTI on Friday. The payment...

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AM: No intermediary is required for access to animal welfare subsidies

There is no need for an intermediary or third party to apply for poultry animal welfare subsidies, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) said in a statement sent to MTI on...

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Hungarian poultry can gain a new market

As the number of Muslim communities in Europe grows, new markets may open up for players in the Hungarian agri-food industry. In recent years, it has already been felt on...

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Nébih: bird flu reappeared in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county

Highly pathogenic avian influenza has reappeared in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, this time in Csengerújfalu, in a roast duck holding a population of 37,000, according to the laboratory of the National Food...

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Nébih: Poultry can be restocked in Bács-Kiskun county and in the Csongrád district

div class = lead_custom Waterfowl poultry can be re-established in the entire areas of Bács-Kiskun county and in areas not restricted by the Csongrád district of Csongrád-Csanád county, the National...

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Magazine: Beyond meat sticks

From 5 kilograms of processed meat products sold one kilogram is wiener or frankfurter. This category has the biggest share in the processed meat category. Sales are declining a little...

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New steps against bird flu

The national chief veterinarian has extended the ban on the introduction and movement of waterfowl poultry to the entire area of Bács-Kiskun county and to the entire area of several...

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Growing proportion of poultry liver patés

With annual sales nearing 10,000 tonnes, meat spreads constitute a rather small segment in the processed meat category, with a 4-percent value share and a 5.7-percent volume share of the...

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Favorable trends in poultry farming

In a world hungry for animal protein, there are huge opportunities in the poultry sector – agrarszektor.hu wrote. This meat is the most efficient to produce, but its environmental impact...

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A Hungarian company develops special poultry feed

The Dr. Bata Zrt. is working on the development of a unique feed additive, which would reduce or eliminate the use of antibiotics in poultry farming, thus making your herd...

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Humans have been breeding poultry for 18,000 years

By examining about a thousand fossilized eggshells, U.S. researchers have found that poultry has been bred for 18,000 years by humans in the Pleistocene period. Findings found on the island...

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The performance of Hungarian slaughterhouses jumped a lot

The amount of goods sent to slaughter increased in almost all major product lines in the first half of 2021 – agrarszektor.hu wrote, based on the latest report of the...

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Farkas Sándor: poultry farming is one of the most competitive sectors of Hungarian agriculture

Poultry farming is one of the most competitive and most concentrated sectors of Hungarian agriculture, the parliamentary secretary of state of the Ministry of Agriculture said in Kiskunfélegyháza on Friday....

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Nébih: to regain the bird flu-free status favors exports

It is favorable for the export of poultry and poultry products that Hungary has regained the classification free of avian influenza according to the regulations of the World Organization for...

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(HU) Bárhol, bármikor, baromfi – főszerepben a grillszezon

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Domestic chicken processing has increased this year, according to the Institute of Agricultural Economics

Domestic chicken processing has increased this year, but producer prices for chicken meat have also risen, according to a market report published by the Institute of Agricultural Economics on Thursday....

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Avian influenza: the requirement to keep poultry closed has been withdrawn

Due to the favorable epidemiological situation, the national chief veterinarian withdrew the requirement to keep poultry closed, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announcexcd on its website. The mitigation...

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World Poultry Day is May 10, a celebration of the poultry profession

On the initiative of Hungary, the poultry profession celebrates World Poultry Day on 10 May. The event aims to draw attention to the players in the poultry sector, who are...

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A pound of chicken breast may cost up to 2,000 HUF

Feed prices have increased so much that market prices need to be increased, and the increase could reach 20-25 percent, meaning that chicken breast fillets can cost nearly HUF 2,000...

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More pigs, fewer cattle and chickens were slaughtered in slaughterhouses in Hungary last year

According to the analysis of the Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI), 6 percent less cattle, 2 percent more pigs and 2 percent less poultry were slaughtered in slaughterhouses in Hungary...

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Bird flu has appeared in Bács-Kiskun county

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has also confirmed the presence of the bird flu virus in another area, in Bács-Kiskun county, the eradication of the...

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Twenty billion HUF development at the poultry processor Tranzit group

The Tranzit Group, which deals with the breeding and processing of geese, ducks and chickens, has embarked on a 20 billion HUF investment program, an organic continuation of the recently...

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Nébih: the national chief veterinarian, ordered the poultry to be kept closed

Bognár Lajos, the national chief veterinarian, ordered the mandatory confinement of poultry with immediate effect, as the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus has been identified in several European...

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A campaign is launched to encourage the consumption of poultry and eggs

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) and the Poultry Product Council (BTT) are launching a campaign to encourage the consumption of poultry and eggs. Minister of...

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Nébih: Hungary can again transport poultry products to Thailand and Japan

From October 7, the Thai and from October 8, the Japanese authorities also lifted the restrictions on entire Hungary due to the latest bird flu – the National Food Chain...

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Poultry: A drop in export and a rise in import

According to NAIK AKI PÁIR data, the price of Red-Scarlett potatoes was HUF 100/kg on the 39th week of the year at the Budapest Wholesale Market, which was 23 percent...

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Master Good Kft. Is building workers’ accommodation at its two sites

The Kisvárda-based Master Good Kft., which deals with poultry processing and builds workers’ hostels, handed over the certificate of support for the 584 million HUF investment to the company’s representatives...

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