Tag "Auchan"

For two more weeks, Auchan customers can help the Hungarian Red Cross and the Together for Cancer Children Foundation

Auchan customers can donate Trust Points for two more weeks, with which they can support the Symbiosis Foundation, the Hungarian Red Cross and the Together for Cancer Children Foundation. Auchan...

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The companies using the Hungarian Product trademark system had a big break

The total revenue of companies using the Magyar Termék trademark system exceeded HUF 2,650 billion last year – said the managing director of Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. on Thursday in...

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We can also support three organizations by donating to the Auchan Trust Point

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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In Auchan’s Green Weeks campaign, sustainable products were featured in stores for two weeks

In Auchan’s Green Weeks campaign, sustainable products were featured in stores for two weeks. Many terms and trademarks are used to classify products on the label or packaging, and it...

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Sustainable products will come to the fore at Auchan in the next two weeks

Thanks to its comprehensive sustainability strategy, Auchan Hungary is taking more and more powerful and effective steps for environmentally conscious operation. The company has set serious commitments for the coming...

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Navigation and shopping

Research results by Retail Dive for Waze from early this year reveal: in the first quarter of 2022 there were 4.7% more navigations to retail outlets. The study also found...

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Auchan gives everyone a fixed basic salary increase and a significant increase in benefits

Starting in January, Auchan will raise the basic salary of all its employees by HUF 32,000 gross. A gross income of up to HUF 476,000 is available in store jobs...

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Auchan also champions Hungarian products

For Auchan selling and promoting Hungarian products is a priority. The retailer is very proud of its “From the farm to the table” programme, which works with more than 60...

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OTC products is a booming category

ültek még inkább előtérbe. A szegmens szárnyalása folyamatos, annak ellenére, hogy a szinte minden kategóriát érintő alapanyaghiány ezt a területet sem kímélte, ami főként a termékek csomagolásában hozott kisebb-nagyobb változásokat....

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BELLOZZO® opened its first Drive restaurant in Budaörs

You no longer have to drive to the city center if you want original Italian flavors, since BELLOZZO® Drive opened on January 10 in Budaörs, in the Auchan parking lot....

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How many times and how was each store chain mentioned on the Internet last year?

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, our lives have changed enormously, which has not left our shopping habits untouched either. A lot has changed since 2020, and the supply...

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Auchan customers collected 18 tons of donations for the Hungarian Red Cross

The Hungarian Red Cross and Auchan organized this year’s fundraiser on the first two weekends of December. During the charity campaign, non-perishable food and cleaning and hygiene products were the...

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Auchan makes its customers’ lives easier with a chatbot

Introducing Polly, who always has a good day helping customers. No wonder, since it is a virtual assistant, from the Auchan team! Nowadays, customer service work is not limited to...

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The 2022 plastic and garbage ranking of domestic grocery stores has been published

A comprehensive report was prepared on how much single-use plastic and packaging materials burden the environment with the largest food retail chains present in our country. The research was carried...

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Auchan is preparing for the holidays with a quality offer and favorable prices

This Christmas, perhaps even more emphasis is placed on the price-value ratio than usual, which is why it is important to know where we can buy quality ingredients at an...

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We had both feet on the (play)ground (Part 2)

Between 19 and 23 September, the Trade Playground was full: Trade magazine organised its Business Days conference for the 15th time. Almost 900 decision-makers gathered from the HoReCa and FMCG sectors in Hotel...

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Wolt arrives in ten new locations this autumn

This autumn Wolt expands its services to ten new locations: from mid-September consumers living in Szigetszentmiklós, Szigethalom, Halásztelek, Tököl, Dunaharaszti and Taksony can try the rapid food delivery by Wolt....

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Rationalising in wine trade

Károly Gerendai, METRO’s wine and sparkling wine sales and category specialist: “Because of the strong tourist season, this year our wine sales have been very good so far. Still, we...

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Auchan announced the end of the gas price freeze

Although the government abolished the official price for fuel on Thursday, Auchan allowed refueling at the old prices until Sunday. As the company stated in response to Pénzcentrum’s question, all...

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This weekend, the Hungarian Red Cross continues to collect donations in Auchan stores

This weekend, the Hungarian Red Cross will once again collect donations in all Auchan stores in the country. Last weekend, more than 9 tons of donations were collected in the...

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Auchan gas stations still have fuel

Due to the difficult fuel situation, many motorists were unable to refuel on the first day of the week. It seems the situation is even better at Auchan gas stations....

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This is how much a bejgli costs this year at the big food chains

The spectrum is wide: it starts at HUF 1,999, although the fast-food version costs between HUF 3,000 and 3,500, and the really special artisan varieties can cost up to HUF...

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Nébih: Auchan recalled a cherry beer

Due to a possible risk of injury, Auchan Magyarország Kft. has recalled and withdrawn from circulation the 0.33-liter pack of its own brand of cherry beer called Nívó Szűrt, the...

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The Hungarian Red Cross is again waiting for donations in Auchan stores

During the first two weekends of December, the Hungarian Red Cross is waiting for donations intended for the needy in all Auchan stores in the country, mainly non-perishable food, as...

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Thousands of products cost the same in SPAR, Auchan and Tesco as they did a year ago

Most of the time, we are only talking about brutal inflation, even though there are quite a few products whose prices have not changed in the last 12 months. In...

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Auchan offers four Christmas styles for the holiday season

Winter has not officially arrived yet, but we will soon enter the Advent season, when many people are already decorating their homes with festive decorations. For this, Auchan offers four...

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The country’s largest food collection campaign is here

From Friday to Sunday, the biggest food collection campaign of the year will take place organized by the Magyar Élélmiszerbank Egyesület. The stakes are high, without joint assistance, tens of...

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The Hungarian Food Bank Association is launching a food collection campaign on Friday

The food collection campaign of the Magyar Élélmiszerbank Egyesület will take place from Friday to Sunday in the stores of four retail chains across the country. The Food Bank asks...

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(HU) Ott voltunk a (játék)szeren (1. rész)

Between 19 and 23 September, the Trade Playground was full: Trade magazine organised its Business Days conference for the 15th time. Almost 900 decision-makers gathered from the HoReCa and FMCG...

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Auchan Retail Portugal Rolls Out New Customer Loyalty Programme

Auchan Retail Portugal has rolled out Clube Auchan, a new loyalty programme designed to strengthen the relationship between the brand and its customers, the retailer said. According to the group,...

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