Tag "Auchan"

Five hundred youngsters will spend their professional practice at Auchan this year

Five hundred young people will have the opportunity to spend their professional practice at the Auchan supermarket chain with learning contract in confectionery, seller, butcher and baker professions – the...

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The Auchan Magyarország Kft. won the Disability-Friendly Workplace recognition for an additional two years

The Auchan Magyarország Kft. won the Disability-Friendly Workplace award of the Salva Vita Foundation for the first time in 2010, then in 2012, and this year for an additional two...

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Auchan is ready for the Easter rush

During Eater, the Auchan stores await the customers with fresh eggs, with more than 300 kinds of sweets, with 80 different types of ham and 18 types of scones. This...

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Auchan’s special shopping trolleys

Upon the recommendation of a mother whose daughter suffers from Angelman syndrome, on 3 December Auchan announced that they start to use special shopping trolleys in Hungarian stores. With the...

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Good results at the Auchan Magyarország Kft.

The Auchan Magyarország Kft. achieved an annual gross turnover of 326 billion HUF in 2014 in its 19 stores and the belonging 16 gas stations. The EBITDA of the company...

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