Tag "AM"

Autumn harvest work has begun

Autumn harvest work has begun. Yield is uncertain due to the July-August drought, but domestic supplies will be assured, said the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Rural Development of...

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AM: the second phase of the Renewable Countryside, Renewable Agriculture Program starts

In 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) will announce new applications in the amount of 527 billion HUF within the framework of the Rural Development Program, Minister of Agriculture Nagy...

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AM: Hungary can be self-sufficient from eggs

Thanks to agricultural development subsidies, Hungary can become self-sufficient from eggs, said the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) responsible for agriculture and rural development at a press...

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AM: huge interest in the resources of the Farm Development Programme

This year there was unprecedented interest in the Farm Development Program, the resources of which were therefore increased to almost TWO BILLION FORINTs by the Ministry of Agriculture, Minister of...

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A new era MAY begin in Hungarian-Russian agricultural relations

“Our priority is to promote the export of high value-added food products and expertise,” said Dávid Bencsik, Deputy State Secretary for International Relations at the International Business Forum at the...

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(HU) AM: Sikeresen zajlott a nyári szezonális ellenőrzés

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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AM: the largest eco-tourism programme will be National Parks Week

The largest eco-tourism program of the year is supposed to be National Parks Week, which will hold its opening event in Gödöllő this year together with the International Festival of...

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AM: seed is the best in Hungary

The adaptability of plant varieties bred in Hungary under Hungarian climatic conditions is outstanding, which is a valuable property, and it is worth basing agricultural production on them, said Zsolt...

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AM: This year’s harvest ended with yield records

Good yields of arable crops offset the decline in acreage, with winter wheat and barley harvesting at an average record, the State Secretary for Agriculture and Rural Development at the...

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This year’s LIFE calls for proposals have been published

This year’s LIFE calls for proposals have been published by the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and the Environment, and the new LIFE program will bring some changes,...

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AM: melon season started earlier this year

Let’s eat as many Hungarian melons as possible in the summer, because in this way we support the livelihood of Hungarian families and the Hungarian economy, Minister of Agriculture Nagy...

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AM: Making food systems sustainable is a central theme of the Pre-Summit

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy represented Hungary at the Pre-Summit of UN Food Systems in Rome. The first stop in a series of events initiated by UN Secretary-General António Guterres...

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Hungarian agricultural diplomacy has turned in a new direction

The strategy of Hungarian agricultural diplomacy has been fundamentally renewed this year: the focus has been on the strong development of the agricultural economy, said Dávid Bencsik, the ministry’s deputy...

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AM: digitalisation is the key to the green transition of agriculture

One of the most serious challenges for agriculture is generational change. As farming requires a serious and long-term commitment, the agricultural profession must be made more attractive by presenting the...

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AM: digitalisation is the key to the green transition of agriculture

One of the most serious challenges of agriculture is generational change. Since farming requires a serious and long-term commitment, young people should be attracted to the agricultural profession by presenting...

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AM: payment applications for wine investments may be submitted at a later date

Due to the strict measures introduced in connection with the coronavirus outbreak, the transport of oenological machinery and technological equipment has slipped in several cases, and the Ministry of Agriculture...

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AM: The Hegykő parsley root also received EU protection

The name Hegykő parsley root (Hegykői petrezselyemgyökér) has been granted EU protection by the European Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Thursday. As a result of the Ministry...

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AM: a new era in agricultural waste processing

The new waste processing technologies will contribute to the long-term protection of the environment, said Minister of Agriculture Nagy István at the handover of the Jager Group’s irrigation pipe plant...

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AM: field crop production closed a challenging but successful year

Despite this year’s challenges, the results of field crop production have been particularly positive, with a historic record breaking corn yield in 2020 – FeldmanZsolt, Secretary of State for Agriculture...

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AM has launched a campaign to promote the High Quality Food brand scheme

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM), together with the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) and the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC), promotes quality with a state guarantee. The campaign to promote...

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Minister of Agriculture: despite this year’s weaker production there will be enough honey for domestic consumption

There will be enough honey in Hungary this year. The honey production of about 10 thousand tons and reserves will cover the internal consumption despite the weaker results – Minister...

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Winemakers can apply for aid to compensate from Monday

Tenders will be opened for Hungarian viticulturists and wineries to alleviate the economic damage caused by the coronavirus – the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) told MTI. According to the announcement,...

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Another major decision to support agriculture

Until the end of June, employers, like other economic sectors, will be exempted from paying public charges on their employees in the sectors most affected by forced downtime due to...

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AM: the adoption of the Irrigation Act opens a new era in agriculture

Parliament is expected to adopt a law on irrigation next Tuesday that will enter into force on 1 January , opening a new era in agriculture – Farkas Sándor, parliamentary...

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AM: The government is committed to safeguarding agricultural subsidies

The Hungarian government is committed to maintaining EU subsidies for agriculture and transitional national subsidies after 2020 – the Deputy Minister of State said at the Jubilee Conference of the...

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Nagy István: honey production should be encouraged

Around 20,000 bee-keeping families, 1.2 million bee colonies are living in Hungary. About 20-25,000 tonnes of honey are produced a year in the country. Honey production needs to be stimulated...

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AM: 435.7 billion forints have already been paid in the rural development program

In the rural development program (vp) 435.7 billion HUF was paid already to the applicants, 34.2 percent of the 1274.6 billion HUF commitment – the Minister of Agriculture informed on...

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