Tag "állattartás"

The Ministry of Agriculture is extending the extraordinary interest subsidy program

A decision was made to extend the advanced interest subsidy of up to 14 percent of the Agrár Széchenyi Kártya Overdraft for agricultural producers affected by the drought until March...

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The Nébih examined the provision of data on the use of antibiotics by the colonies

During the autumn, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) examined the fulfillment of the reporting obligation of the animal farms regarding the use of antibiotics. During the investigation, which...

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The level of mechanization is a question of competitiveness in agriculture

While we are happy with the past successes of the agrarian farm, we are interested in the agricultural and food industry enterprises and producers being able to carry out efficient...

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Brussels’ proposals will result in a reduction in European agricultural production

The new rules planned to be imposed on the operation of medium-sized animal farms are a difficulty for the livestock sector, and the reduction of pesticide use by half, similar...

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Sorghum can be an important fodder crop of the future

Grain sorghum may be suitable as a forage crop to partially replace corn, as it is capable of good yields even in poorer production areas and in years of drought,...

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Dry pet food has increased by 30-50 percent and reward snacks by 100 percent since January

If you have a pet, you know well that the monthly costs can be very high, depending on what kind of pet you own. Dogs and cats are the most...

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The USDA believes in a growing organic sector, new, uniform standards are coming

On Friday, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) previewed the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards (OLPS) proposed rule in the Federal Register. With this publication, USDA proposes requirements for organic poultry and...

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Organic milk is no longer considered a premium product

The increase in the producer price reduced the gap between organic farming and the rest of the market. You can buy organic, organically grown milk 40% cheaper than before, which...

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(HU) A felelős kisállattartás mellett kampányol a Mars

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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New study unveils how the CAP is contributing to animal welfare and antimicrobial use reduction

The European Commission published a study examining how the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2014-20 contributed to improving animal welfare and reducing antimicrobial use. The study provides a snapshot of the...

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AM: Hungarian animal husbandry has a future

The establishment of efficient farms equipped with the latest technology, automated to the highest possible degree and meeting the strictest animal health conditions is the most important development condition for...

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KSH: fewer pigs and cattle, but more hens were kept at the end of last year

On December 1 last year, the number of pigs was 4.4 percent lower, the number of cattle was 3.3 percent lower and the number of sheep 6.0 percent waslower than...

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Interest- and no-cost credit facility opens up for pig farmers

Due to the drastic increase in feed prices and the difficulties of the pig market, a new element of the package of measures for the pig sector is becoming available....

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Hungarian researchers received a grant of 2.5 million euros to study ecological grazing methods

Hungarian researchers have received 2.5 million euros in EU funding for studies to reduce the environmental impact of ivermectin use in agriculture, ELKH told MTI. Modern animal husbandry today is...

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Farkas Sándor: investing sentiment in animal husbandry is growing

Thanks to the targeted subsidies, the willingness to invest in animal husbandry will increase, the parliamentary secretary of state of the Ministry of Agriculture said in Kistelek on Tuesday, at...

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Nagy István: animal keepers receive additional resources

In view of the extraordinary economic situation caused by high feed prices, at the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, the government will provide additional resources of 4.4 billion HUF...

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Nagy István: high-quality livestock farms are important for maintaining the competitiveness of animal husbandry

The construction and operation of high-tech livestock farms in line with EU requirements is particularly important for maintaining and increasing the competitiveness of animal husbandry, the Minister of Agriculture said...

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Small farmers will have more space

Hungarian small producers, family farmers, micro, small and medium food enterprises are the basis of Hungarian agriculture. The Ministry has set a vision for giving these small entrepreneurs even more...

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Applications for the renewal of smaller livestock holdings may be submitted

István Nagy, who also handed over the supporting documents of the tender for the modernisation of livestock holdings in Békés County, explained that applications could be made for the construction...

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Nagy István: farmers will receive more than 950 billion forints this year

This year, the Ministry of Agriculture will enable farmers to use more than 950 billion HUF, which exceeds the total amount of support for the previous seven years, the Minister...

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The amount of tenders for the development of livestock farms has more than quintupled

The government has increased the budget for tenders for the modernization of livestock farms fivefold, so those concerned can receive 260 billion HUF instead of 50 billion HUF, Minister of...

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The leading food companies called on the union

One of the important issues of today is that the agricultural and animal husbandry methods to be both environmentally and ethically sustainable. To this end, leading food companies have recently...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices rose by 6.6 per cent by September

In September, the rate of increase in fruit prices moderated, but the prices of cereals, vegetables and animal products picked up, while the decline in the purchase price of live...

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The breeding sow animal welfare support program can continue after 2021 with unchanged conditions

Hungary is one of the few countries that provides subsidies to encourage livestock farmers to ensure animal welfare conditions on their farms that go beyond the strict animal welfare conditions...

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AM: the overwhelming majority of Hungarian poultry is kept well

The vast majority of Hungarian poultry is kept well, because most farmers keep animals in better condition than required by the regulations – the Minister of State of the Ministry...

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European Court of Auditors: there are still have weaknesses in the treatment of farm animals

EU action on animal welfare has been successful in several respects, but there are still some shortcomings in the treatment of farm animals, the European Court of Auditors said in...

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Animal breeders can prepare for huge changes after 2020

The Council of Agrarian Ministers met in Brussels on Monday and adopted a resolution on the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The farmers can prepare for huge changes...

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Free training to be launched for poultry breeders

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), in co-operation with the Poultry Product Council, will start training for poultry holders who do not have a special degree, and want to make...

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Nébih: animal breeders can receive state aid to prevent bluetongue disease

Animal breeders can receive state aid to vaccinate their stock to prevent from bluetongue disease. Where the disease has already appeared, vaccination is mandatory, to prevent the other animals from...

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