Tag "agrárminisztérium"

Innovation research in the food industry

The food industry and the entire food chain need innovative and effective interventions, raw materials and products – said Dr. Olga Beát Felkai, Deputy Secretary of State responsible for food...

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Minister of Agriculture István Nagy also discussed precision farming with the managers of a giant American company

On Wednesday, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy held talks in the dominant agricultural region of the United States, the state of Indiana. In the interview given to MTI about his...

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AM State Secretary: technological modernization is taking place in domestic agriculture

Technological modernization is taking place in domestic agriculture, which is shown by the fact that in 2022, farmers spent HUF 686.2 billion on improvements, 6.6 percent more than in 2021,...

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This year, the “Forest of Newborns” will grow to 450 hectares

With the cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture, the “Forest of Newborns” Program was launched in 2020, within the framework of which, according to the commitment made in the Climate...

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Information on the submission of payment requests for winemaking investments

The coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war have caused a significant shortage of spare parts and raw materials in the machinery industry. Due to these problems, producers involved in...

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Zsendülés conference in Szeged – Organisation, efficiency and cooperation are the future of horticulture

On 2 March about 250 representatives of the horticulture sector gathered for the 8th Zsendülés conference in Szeged. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/5 The first speaker...

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Secretary of State for Agriculture: the government views agriculture as a strategic sector

The foundations of Hungarian agriculture are stable, the measures of the past 13 years have made it clear that the government views Hungarian agriculture as a strategic sector – the...

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Hungarian agriculture can develop from HUF 5,300 billion until 2027

With the adoption of the new Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan, the Hungarian agriculture and food industry can develop by using more than HUF 5,300 billion until 2027 – emphasized...

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NAK has published the prices that form the basis of land purchase contracts

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) has published on its website the usual local sales prices, which the local land commissions must take as a basis when evaluating land...

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Hungarian winemakers can always count on the cooperation of the government

The Ministry of Agriculture treats the preservation of biological diversity as a priority issue, and in this context the support of organic farming – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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The Ministry of Agriculture is committed to supporting small producers

The Ministry of Agriculture has recently decided on another HUF 8 billion subsidy for small agricultural enterprises – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the 24th Gyomaendrőd International Cheese...

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A call for tenders supporting the joining of agricultural producers to the quality system has been published

Between March 1, 2023 and August 31, 2023, agricultural producers can again apply for non-refundable support in connection with joining the European Union and national quality systems. Such a notified,...

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The new logistics center of the Southern Gardeners’ Cooperative was handed over in Szentes

The new, 10,000-square-meter complex logistics center of the Délalföldi Gardeners’ Cooperative (DélKerTÉSZ) was handed over in Szentes on Thursday, which was built with HUF 2.7 billion. Sándor Farkas, the parliamentary...

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Zsolt Feldman: vocational training offers young people a life path

Vocational training offers young people a life path, a constant sense of success and the possibility of continuous renewal – said Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible for agriculture and...

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The number of subsidized producer groups continued to increase

The priority goal of the Ministry of Agriculture is to facilitate the adaptation of the production and performance of recognized producer groups to market requirements, as well as the joint...

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There is a huge potential in local products

The government considers the work of domestic producers to be important, so we will do everything we can to ensure that as much domestic food as possible is used in...

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New winners in the tender for the support of small agricultural enterprises

The Ministry of Agriculture has recently decided on another HUF 8 billion subsidy for small agricultural enterprises. With the current decision, we have already awarded more than HUF 80 billion...

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This year’s border checks have started

The government offices have started the implementation of the 2023 border inspections. Pursuant to the law, the land must be utilized with production appropriate to the branch of cultivation, or...

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Possibilities of remote sensing developments in agriculture

The key to successful domestic agriculture is the modernization of the state and the farmer’s side – said Anikó Juhász at the meeting held in the Ministry of Agriculture, at...

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The new pig farms of FirstFarms Hungary Kft. were handed over

The new pig farms of FirstFarms Hungary Kft. were handed over on Friday. The eight billion HUF investment was implemented by the Danish-owned company in Telekgerendás and Pusztaföldvár in Békés...

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The Government is introducing mandatory promotions

The war and the failed sanctions policy led to unprecedented inflation across Europe. The Government’s goal is to protect families, pensioners, and full employment even in an economic situation affected...

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Brussels must act to ensure the onward delivery of Ukrainian grain

Our country is calling for the introduction of progressive EU transit support so that Ukrainian grain, which is stuck in Central and Eastern Europe and causes significant market difficulties, reaches...

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Our country banned the import of 25 agricultural products from Ukraine

In order to protect Hungarian farmers and consumers, the government ordered a temporary ban with effect from Wednesday on the import of the most important cereals from Ukraine, as well...

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A priority goal is to strengthen the food chain

The food industry is a very complex area, but it is only part of the whole, the food chain, the regulation and examination of which can only be understood in...

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Hungarian agriculture achieved the 5th highest efficiency improvement in the EU

Despite all the difficulties, since 2010 Hungarian agriculture has shown the fifth largest improvement in efficiency in the European Union – said the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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All Ukrainian grain shipments arriving in Hungary are checked

All grain shipments coming from Ukraine to Hungary by road and rail are checked and only transit traffic vehicles are allowed to pass through the country, said the state secretary...

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Hungary bans the import of agricultural products from Ukraine

The government is committed to representing the interests of the Hungarian farming community, which is why, in the absence of meaningful EU measures, it will temporarily ban the importation of...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports organic farming

The Ministry of Agriculture treats the preservation of biological diversity and, in this connection, the support of organic farming as a matter of utmost importance. Our future depends on whether...

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The agriculture ministers of Central European countries are once again taking joint action against Ukrainian imports

The agriculture ministers of the Central European member states suffering from Ukrainian imports discussed the need to limit the duty-free status of Ukrainian agricultural products. There is complete agreement that...

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The AM extended the tenders for irrigation development

The Ministry of Agriculture has once again extended the extremely successful calls for tenders called “Development of the agricultural water management sector” and “Support for the cooperation of irrigation communities”...

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