Tag "agrárminiszter"

Payments related to rural development tenders are dynamic

In the current wartime economic environment, developments are taking place in agriculture, despite all the difficulties, 88 billion forints have been paid to investors for the implementation of the projects...

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Instead of pulling apart, we need to create strength and unity

This year will test the strength and steadfastness of Hungarian farmers more than ever before, but unity is needed in Hungarian agriculture, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the...

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Half the country is dry

The century-long drought provides plenty of topics for the exhibitors and visitors of the 31st Farmer Expo. August 17-20 The University of Debrecen’s Böszörményi út Campus will host the 31st...

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The Minister of Agriculture confirmed the increased protection of forests

The rules made due to the energy crisis, facilitating logging, are valid until the end of next March, and in nature conservation areas it is still prohibited to clear cut...

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The fauna of lawns is in danger due to bad legislation

The Association of Hungarian Animal Breeders considers it important that the Hungarian population encounters realistic and professionally based news in all kinds of media content. It is particularly important for...

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Minister for Agriculture: wines around Sümeg may be awarded a protected designation of origin

Wines and sparkling wines produced in Csabrendek, Sümeg and Sümegprága can be given a protected designation of origin from this year’s harvest, which will open up new opportunities for the...

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Hungary is one of the largest truffle exporters on the continent

Hungary is one of the largest truffle exporters on the continent due to the constant demand – said the Minister of Agriculture in Jászszentandrás at the opening of the Hungarian...

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AM: the plantation tender has been published

The Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) is announcing a tender with fifteen billion forints in the framework of the Rural Development Program to support plantation and medicinal plant production, Minister of...

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Continuous improvements can make food supplies even more secure

Livestock farms can develop in the coming years from hundreds of billions of forints – Minister of Agriculture Nagy István announced in a video uploaded to his community page. The...

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Continuous and secure domestic food supply

Even during the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, the domestic food supply is continuous and secured – Nagy István Minister of Agriculture said. The Minister emphasized that the new...

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Minister of Agriculture: 7,537 billion HUF to strengthen the Hungarian countryside

7,537 billion HUF will come to strengthen and develop the Hungarian countryside through the EU and domestic resources of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) by 2027, said Nagy István at...

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Minister of Agriculture: Hungarian farmers have successfully coped with the difficulties

Hungarian farmers were able to cope with the extraordinary natural and environmental conditions – the Minister of Agriculture said at his annual hearing before the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture on...

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The Minister of Agriculture announced a drought situation

The Minister of Agriculture has announced a drought situation for the 2020 year for the entire territory of the country – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI on Monday....

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People living from agriculture can tax more easily

By renewing the regulations on family farms and primary producers, the government would simplify the tax environment for farmers and increase the tax exemption thresholds, the agriculture minister said at...

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Minister of Agriculture: commercial chains should continue to procure Hungarian pork!

The Minister of Agriculture calls on the commercial chains to maintain the procurement of Hungarian pork after the outbreak of swine fever in Germany, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told...

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Conscious consumer choices are needed to strengthen the economy

In addition to the purchase of domestic products Conscious consumer decisions are needed to strengthen and protect the economy which ensure the livelihood of many thousands of families – Nagy...

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The fate of Hungarian farmers depends on their customers

Dr. Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture and Farkas Sándor, Deputy Minister of the region, visited the areas of Árpád-Agrár Zrt. in Szentes. During the visit, the Minister of Agriculture described...

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Minister of Agriculture: open the closed markets!

The mayor of the affected municipalities in Kaposvár called on the mayors of the affected municipalities to reopen the markets that were closed due to the coronavirus epidemic. During his...

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There is enough food for the country

Sufficient domestic food is available in Hungary, so Hungarian supply is safe even during the coronavirus epidemic” – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture told MTI. The leader of the ministry...

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Nagy István: Hungarian farmers continue to expect predictability and stability

Hungarian farmers can expect a predictable and stable support policy this year as well – Nagy István Minister of Agriculture said at the Portfolio Group Agriculture 2020 conference in Kecskemét....

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Minister of Agriculture: supports serve the competitiveness of beekeeping production

The approximately 6 billion HUF subsidy serves the sustainability and competitiveness of production of beekeeping that will be provided to the apiary profession in the next three years – Nagy...

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Nagy István: the new Animal Husbandry Act establishes a successful era in the sector

The new Animal Husbandry Act establishes a successful livestock breeding era. The draft is already before the Parliament – the Minister of Agriculture said on Wednesday in Domony. In his...

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Minister of Agriculture: cooperation is needed in domestic apple production

In order to solve the problems of the domestic apple farming, a common proposal, agreement and the cooperation of farmers are needed – the Minister of Agriculture said on Thursday...

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Changes in the Ministry of Agriculture

Dr István Nagy has been appointed the new Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. Mr Nagy will replace Sándor Fazekas in the ministerial seat. The new minister has been a member of...

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The Russian agricultural minister was replaced

The Russian market should be supplied with Russian agricultural products more intensely to ease the food market tension and to reduce the prices – Alexander Tkacsov, new Russian Agriculture Minister...

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