Tag "agrárképzés"

Cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and the FAO continues to expand

Dr. Oszkár Ökrös, Deputy State Secretary, received Anping Ye, Director of South-South and Trilateral Cooperation (SSTC) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), at the Ministry...

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Nébih spends almost 1 billion forints on development and training at its experimental and breeding stations

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is modernizing the infrastructure of its variety testing and breeding stations in Monorierdő, Pölöské, Székkutas and Tordas with a non-refundable grant of HUF...

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The Professional Star Festival welcomes its guests again

The Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) in cooperation with the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) is organizing the Professional Star Festival for the third time, between April 24-26,...

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Important challenges await herbalists

The safety of the food chain must be guaranteed from its roots, i.e. from plant protection, therefore the professional up-to-dateness of plant doctors and plant protection engineers is not only...

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MATE’s training portfolio is expanding with the Master’s degree in Agricultural Technical Systems Engineering

The Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences will launch a new master’s degree in agricultural technical systems engineering in February 2024, to which you can enroll with a bachelor’s...

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Digital agriculture specialists are trained in Csongrád

The technological changes affecting agriculture are taking place at an exponential rate, and our task is to adapt agricultural vocational training to this and make it attractive for young people. All...

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It is justified to expand the joint scholarship program of the government and FAO

Oszkár Ökrös, Deputy Secretary of State for International Relations at the Ministry of Agriculture, and Beth Bechdolt, Deputy Director General of FAO, discussed the expansion of the joint scholarship program...

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NAK launched a series of autumn career orientation programs

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) is promoting agricultural vocational training throughout the country as part of its autumn career orientation program series, which has just started.  With the help...

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The “Professional Taster” career orientation program weeks were a great success

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) considers the promotion of agricultural professions, informing young people choosing careers and their parents, and promoting enrollment in agricultural vocational training institutions to...

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Agricultural training is the way to the future

It is gratifying that agricultural education is becoming more and more popular, the confidence of students is constantly increasing, the admission and enrollment data clearly show this trend, and the...

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Agricultural higher education is the key to our future

Agriculture and the food industry provide indispensable services from the point of view of the national economy and the survival of Hungarian society, and produce irreplaceable products. Thus, it has become...

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More and more people choose agricultural higher education

Agricultural higher education is becoming more and more popular, which is confirmed by this year’s admission results, the Minister of Agriculture announced. István Nagy pointed out that based on the...

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Dual education is the future of agricultural education

The creation of the Branch Training Center of the Kisaföldi Agricultural Vocational Training Center is a milestone both in the life of the schools and in terms of the development...

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Nine students won K&H’s 2022 scholarship competition for sustainable agriculture

For the eighth time, K&H awarded young agricultural professionals who are researching new, innovative opportunities for environmental protection, circular economy, chemical reduction, and biodiversity conservation; this year, nine students won...

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AM: Training of agricultural professionals with competitive knowledge is essential

The goal is for Hungary to have an internationally efficient, resource-efficient and high value-added agricultural and food industry, Minister of Agriculture Nagy István said at the closing ceremony of the...

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AM: constantly growing interest in agricultural vocational training

About 10 percent more people enrolled in the vocational training institutions of agricultural centers, compared to the previous school year, Nagy István, head of the ministry, said in a statement...

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(HU) Negyedével több elsőévessel kezdődik az új tanév a MATE-n

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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AGRO UNI – Focus on current issues of Hungarian agricultural higher education – online conference

Organized by the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the National Association of Doctoral Students, the Hungarian Science and Innovation Management Foundation and the Digital Welfare Program, AGRO UNI will be...

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Cooperation for the development of agricultural training was established in Baranya

The Baranya County Local Government, the University of Pécs (PTE) and the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics (NAK) have concluded a cooperation agreement for the development of agricultural training. In...

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K & H: in comparison to the challenges little money is spent on R & D activities in agriculture

Hungary only spends 1 percent of its GDP on agricultural research and development (R & D) activities. The number of participants in the agri-vocational trainings are low as well as...

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