Tag "agrárium"

Current and frequent questions are answered in eGN’s new, modified filling guide

Taking farmers’ needs into account, Nébih has updated the instructions for filling out the electronic farming diary based on the most common questions, and also expanded the collection of frequently...

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It is justified to expand the joint scholarship program of the government and FAO

Oszkár Ökrös, Deputy Secretary of State for International Relations at the Ministry of Agriculture, and Beth Bechdolt, Deputy Director General of FAO, discussed the expansion of the joint scholarship program...

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The commitment period for the 2018 ECO grant has been extended

The Ministry of Agriculture has created the possibility for organic farmers to extend by one year from October 16, 2023 to November 15, 2023 the “Transition to organic farming, organic within...

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Hungarian farmers demand decisive action from Brussels! Extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain by the EU!

Organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (MAGOSZ) and the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK), a farmers’ demonstration was held at the Záhony border crossing...

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Our country extends and extends the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain

We protect the interests of farmers, so after Brussels decided not to maintain the ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products, our country will do so under its national...

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The “Professional Taster” career orientation program weeks were a great success

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) considers the promotion of agricultural professions, informing young people choosing careers and their parents, and promoting enrollment in agricultural vocational training institutions to...

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The government protects the interests of farmers by all means

If Brussels does not act, our country will extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain after September 15th, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced in Sofia, where he...

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The international regulation of GMOs is 20 years old

Today, the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety of the Convention on Biological Diversity celebrates the 20th anniversary of its entry into force. The Cartagena Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity...

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Agricultural training is the way to the future

It is gratifying that agricultural education is becoming more and more popular, the confidence of students is constantly increasing, the admission and enrollment data clearly show this trend, and the...

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NAK: amending proposals to improve the operation of the territorial monitoring system

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) has put together a package of proposals regarding the operation of the territorial monitoring system (TMR) affected by satellite monitoring of uniform support...

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Delivering domestic agricultural products abroad is a joint task

Sándor Farkas, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, gave information on the situation of Hungarian agriculture, the results of agricultural foreign trade and international cooperation, future ideas, and set...

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Hungarian-Uzbek agricultural cooperation is dynamic

Agricultural relations between Hungary and Uzbekistan are constantly strengthening, said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, who met with Uzbek Agriculture Minister Aziz Voitov in Samarkand on Wednesday. The head of...

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Soybean production must be increased further, the goal of which is also self-sufficiency

Agricultural subsidies for Hungarian farmers are also provided for the period until 2027, so the complete and comprehensive renewal of our agriculture and food industry can continue – stated Sándor...

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Agricultural higher education is the key to our future

Agriculture and the food industry provide indispensable services from the point of view of the national economy and the survival of Hungarian society, and produce irreplaceable products. Thus, it has become...

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Skilled labor is one of the foundations of the strength of the countryside

Skilled labor is one of the foundations of the strength of the countryside, as modern education ensures a good livelihood and helps the rural population stay in place and mitigates...

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Hungarian agriculture must respond to changing external conditions

Farmers must respond to rapid and drastic changes in the economic environment, weather conditions and consumer habits, and the Hungarian government will help this process in the future – promised...

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István Nagy: if necessary, the government will ban the import of Ukrainian grain products under national authority

The government will protect Hungarian farmers and, if necessary, from September 16, it will close the border to certain grain products coming from Ukraine under national authority – the Minister...

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The war is a market risk for Hungarian agriculture

The Russian-Ukrainian war and its consequences interrupted the market and production security of agricultural production, which had strengthened in the last decade, moreover, it led to sales uncertainties and an...

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Farmers will receive further financial assistance

In order to deal with the grain crisis in Ukraine caused by the war, the government has decided on a new interest subsidy program, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced...

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Máté Lóga: another help for agricultural enterprises

In the difficult economic situation affected by war and sanctions, agriculture is a particularly important sector both from the point of view of the national economy and food security, and...

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Choosing a Hungarian product guarantees quality and safety

Hungarian producers benefit from customer awareness, but this needs to be reinforced with attitude-shaping campaigns and trademarks. It is important to know that if you “choose a Hungarian product, you are...

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Agrometeorology: a good crop of corn is promised in many places

There is still moisture in the soil, and corn likes heat, so it promises a good harvest in many places, the National Meteorological Service wrote in its agrometeorological analysis on...

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Wheat becomes life

Without the establishment of the sovereign, Christian Hungarian state founded by Saint István, today we would not be able to provide help to farmers in the organized way they expect...

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Donations are ongoing for the Bread of Hungarians – 15 million wheat grains program on the occasion of the Carpathian Basin Wheat Merger

Hungarians have an unbroken sense of belonging – the Minister of Agriculture emphasized on Saturday in Szolnok, at the bread of the Hungarians – 15 million grains of wheat program...

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In addition to NAK, the Czech, Polish and Slovak Chambers of Agriculture also support the citizens’ initiative

In addition to the NAK, the other three agricultural chambers of the Visegrad Four also support the European citizens’ initiative launched to preserve the values of the countryside. Nowadays, the...

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The country’s bread is guaranteed

The country’s bread is secured, the bread grain is already in the granaries, and this is the most important and reassuring sentence for an agriculture minister – declared István Nagy...

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MBH AgrárTrend Index: the evaluation of the situation of the food economy has strengthened back to the level of the beginning of 2022

After the strengthening experienced in the first three months of 2023, the prospects for Hungarian agriculture improved further in the second quarter, the actors of the sector overall believe that...

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More and more people choose agricultural higher education

Agricultural higher education is becoming more and more popular, which is confirmed by this year’s admission results, the Minister of Agriculture announced. István Nagy pointed out that based on the...

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According to a survey, the global market for agricultural technology is growing at an accelerating rate

Due to the drastic increase in global food demand and the scarcity of water resources, the market for agricultural technologies is constantly growing and may exceed 43 billion dollars by...

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This year’s melon season is going well

There is an abundant supply on the domestic melon market, and in addition to the quantity, there is no complaint about the quality either. High-quality Hungarian watermelons are produced in all...

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